Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Also wanted to mention in last nights episode, its the one were Cath finds Lindsey in a club with a fake ID. This leads to a scene between the two them, in which Lindsey says she knows Cath is going through alot of stuff right now and hugs her. Maybe its my YOBLING brain reading into this to much, but I think shes implying a relationship between Cath and Warrick. This made me very excited.
I was excited too! And the scene before that when Catherine asks Grissom if he's getting any sleep. Then Cath says she hasn't been and asks Grissom about Sara. This makes me think she means that she can't sleep because of Warrick. Yo!Bling happened. I'll believe that until the day CSI ends.

Oh man you guys are good at spotting those things!! I haven't seen this episode yet, I will watch it on youtube soon :thumbsup: Can't wait can't wait :):)
I also believe that Cath and Warrick were having a little somethin' somethin' and I can't wait till the day Catherine admits it!
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Also wanted to mention in last nights episode, its the one were Cath finds Lindsey in a club with a fake ID. This leads to a scene between the two them, in which Lindsey says she knows Cath is going through alot of stuff right now and hugs her. Maybe its my YOBLING brain reading into this to much, but I think shes implying a relationship between Cath and Warrick. This made me very excited.
I was excited too! And the scene before that when Catherine asks Grissom if he's getting any sleep. Then Cath says she hasn't been and asks Grissom about Sara. This makes me think she means that she can't sleep because of Warrick. Yo!Bling happened. I'll believe that until the day CSI ends.

^^ I like to think she can't sleep cause Warrick is not sharing a bed with her. I know its hard to adjust to sleeping by yourself once you have cuddled with someone every night. You get used to their presence. That or she has been crying herself to sleep each night cause she misses him so much. Glad to see some more YOBLING believers posting here.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

New episode tomorrow, hopefully we will get another piece of the puzzle as they say. Another clue about Cath and Warrick being more then just friends. Maybe like a scene at a her house finding a shirt or something he left there. That would really make me happy.

random YOBLING piccy
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Their the only couple I could ever get behind beside GSR, he so understood her and visa versa. they were always on the same page, he brought out the best in her and her in him what a tragedy that we'll never know how far this could have gone:(

Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Their the only couple I could ever get behind beside GSR, he so understood her and visa versa. they were always on the same page, he brought out the best in her and her in him what a tragedy that we'll never know how far this could have gone:(

^^ Yeah they just clicked like Griss and Sara did. I'm still very disappointed in writers teasing us for all these years then not doing anything about it. But on the other hand canon couples on the show seemed to be doomed so idk. Still want Cath to mention it somehow to someone.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Boy you sure hit it on the head, why is it that the perfect couples are doomed to this horrible ending? now they've got GSR as breaking up :wtf:who's next? well, there isn't anyone so far.. it just sucks:(
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I know right you really have to wonder. But I guess now that Warrick is not in the show anymore it is kinda safe for them to admit Cath was with him. Even if they show us that on the show we don't get any scenes of them together or anything which is really a downer. I hate to have to settle for just having Cath mention they were together not actually seeing it. But yet at this point something is better then nothing.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Maybe Marg and Gary will eventually do a movie together, they did do that other TV show many moons ago, and I wonder if they've got plans to hook her up with someone new? And will she bring him up in conservation? so many questions:confused: she seems to have signed up for two more years, and 3 of them haven't:(

Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Maybe Marg and Gary will eventually do a movie together, they did do that other TV show many moons ago, and I wonder if they've got plans to hook her up with someone new? And will she bring him up in conservation? so many questions:confused: she seems to have signed up for two more years, and 3 of them haven't:(

^^ I would love it if they did a movie together. For some reason I have a feeling they have done one together before, but I could be wrong. If the writers are gonna hook her up with someone new they should wait awhile before they do. I really want her to have a scene with the grief consular or Lindsey were she talks about how hard it is for her to get over him being gone. Or maybe a confession to Griss would work as well.

how it should be
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Maybe Marg and Gary will eventually do a movie together, they did do that other TV show many moons ago, and I wonder if they've got plans to hook her up with someone new? And will she bring him up in conservation? so many questions:confused: she seems to have signed up for two more years, and 3 of them haven't:(

^^ I would love it if they did a movie together. For some reason I have a feeling they have done one together before, but I could be wrong. If the writers are gonna hook her up with someone new they should wait awhile before they do. I really want her to have a scene with the grief consular or Lindsey were she talks about how hard it is for her to get over him being gone. Or maybe a confession to Griss would work as well.

Oh my gosh A confession to Grissom would be awesome!!
And yeah Marg and Gary were in something called "Keys" I think, not to sure may have to look up on that one
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I think it was 'KEYS' and could probably be found on the IMDB site, or put in their names and it'll tell everything they've both done, I might go look it up myself:)I think their real life buddies, so that's cool as well!
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Linkage about Keys. May look online later to find it to watch. So no mention of Warrick at all in last nights episode. The whole time I'm sitting there hopeing Cath with mention him. Why did the writers do this to us? Tease us all these years then just end it like that. blah.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Keys is a very good film! The tension between them is as obvious in this movie as it is in CSI. They're absoultely perfect together.

Sorry I've been gone, by the way. I'm working 50 hours a week and going to school for 24 a week so I've got very little free time. What little I do have I spend with the ol' boy toy or my roomie. :( I haven't forgotten about you guys or this thread. I just haven't had any time. I skipped school today for a "personal day" so that's why I'm back!

I was working last Thursday so I didn't get to see any of the episode. I hear that there wasn't any Warrick in it at all. :( I'll be working this week too (and every Thursday night until January) so I'll miss this one too. I'm hoping that with Natalie back it's going to bring back some things for Grissom and Catherine is going to confide in him that she knows how he's feeling better than he realizes. You know some sort of "confession" not that they'll give it to us. But, it's the perfect opportunity.

ETA: I wanted to tell you guys I wrote a new YoBling oneshot! First one in over a year. :) If you're interested in reading it's here.

The Place Between
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Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I'm hoping that with Natalie back it's going to bring back some things for Grissom and Catherine is going to confide in him that she knows how he's feeling better than he realizes. You know some sort of "confession" not that they'll give it to us. But, it's the perfect opportunity.

^^ I like this idea too. Grissom is the first person Cath will most likely confine in. They have known each other way too long for her not to mention something like this at all. Also with him leaving fast a approaching I'm hoping this happens sooner rather then later. I just need one little mention of him in some way by her for me to be happy. Still very frustrated with the writers in this aspect.

good to see you back here. I know how it is school has been running me into the ground as of late too as well. I'm gonna go read your fan fiction right now.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Agreed, they are perfect together, and why he's not mentioned who knows, they seem to just move on, and concentrate of the new eps. like nothing ever happened:( The one last week seemd to show Grissom and coming to some salvation over saving this poor child, and a tiny resloution 'cause he couldn't save Warrick.

KING BABY so bizzare:shifty:
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