Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Gosh! It's coming up so fast. I can't believe it's already less than a week away. I can't believe that I'm saying "I can't come out, CSI tomorrow." This is amazing and nerve breaking all at the same time. I keep making bets with myself about how much I'll cry... Gosh... eesh. Intense.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Why aren't you guys here to discuss this with me?! I want to know what you all thought? How do you feel? Did you hate it? Love it? Where are you?!?!?! The hugest, albeit suckiest, thing that's ever happened to us as a 'ship and you guy aren't even here.

Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I'm here LLK. Last night was a amazing but very emotional episode for us. I guess I'm still trying to absorb hes really gone. When Cath first got on scene and saw what happened I started crying so hard. You can just see the love she felt for him in her face and how hard she took it. I truly don;t know how she was able to work on the case. I would have been to busy crying the entire time to do anything. I'll have more to say as time goes on.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I'm here. I'm still trying to absorb the episode. I still can't believe that Warrick is gone. It doesn't seem real. I kept waiting for them to roll Warrick into Autopsy and then at the end Grissom walks back in and says everyone bought it. It was a sting or something to catch the mole. Or I was expecting Warrick to be at Desert Palm in a coma then wake up with Catherine by his side. I just didn't think they would really kill him off. I'm still stunned. I was just in tears in the whole episode.

That episode was one the best in ages. It was classic CSI. My husband even sat down and watched it with me. He hasn't watched CSI in three years. Absolutely stunning. He said it was one of the best episodes that he's seen from any of the CSI shows. It was a classic CSI episode that will be hard to top.

William Peterson gave a brilliant performance. One of his best in ages IMO. He just blew me away when Grissom was pleading with Warrick to hold on. It hit me even more when I realized that Warrick and Grissom were like father and son.:(:( The scene when Grissom said that he went with Warrick for Grandma Brown's funeral. He knew those little things about Warrick.

The look on Cath's face when she walked up the alley. She knew from Nicky's face that Warrick was gone. The pure ache and grabbing of her side. The wrenching tears from her. :(:(:( It just broke my heart. I know they were professional after that. I'm still waiting for more from Catherine in the next couple of episodes now that McKeen is finally caught. I think it will hit Catherine that Warrick is gone. I was really hoping for something as well to show that they were more than friends.

Warrick may be gone but the ship lives on with all the wonderful memories with Catherine and Warrick. I don't think I could ever stop loving them as a couple.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I'm still waiting for more from Catherine in the next couple of episodes now that McKeen is finally caught. I think it will hit Catherine that Warrick is gone. I was really hoping for something as well to show that they were more than friends.

Warrick may be gone but the ship lives on with all the wonderful memories with Catherine and Warrick. I don't think I could ever stop loving them as a couple.

^^ Yeah I think after her original reaction she went into work mode to solve the crime. As catwarfan said it will take a while for it to hit her. The way she looked at the funeral brought me to tears looked like it was slowly starting to hit her that he is gone. We still have time for the writers to show us their relationship on screen. Never ever give up on the power of YOBLING.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Being from New Zealand means I have to wait until Feb for season 9 to start but thanks to Youtube (godbless) I watched it on youtube last night.

I loved the episode. It was so good and so sad!! I cried so much!! And I always cried when Catherine cried cos she seemed the most upset out of the whole team and I felt sorry for her that she and Warrick never got a chance :(:(:(

But what was really weird in the episode and I didn't notice it really until I saw another person post on it but this is what the orginal poster said:

Being a total signal geek, I noticed that Sara said, "I'm so sorry," to Catherine, but not to anybody else, and seemed to be checking up on her once or twice later on. And also that Catherine was so quick to explain her reasons for having Warrick's key, but that during the event she mentioned - getting him fresh clothes during his IA investigation - it seemed as though she already had access. ("I'll take care of it," was all she said, draping herself across the interview table and Gary Dourdan, and sashayed out of the room.)

It made me think and I watched it again and I noticed it.
Yeah we maybe over thinking it and hoping that they had a fling, but I really hope they did and we might find out about it later

But I miss Warrick!
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I noticed the same thing with Sara saying "I'm so sorry" to Catherine. Granted they know that they can't deny that she once told him he was her fantasy. That doesn't mean that they're going to confirm that he ever was any more than that to her, but I really think that he was.

And the way she said/handled the key thing was another case that made me wonder about how much hisotry they'd had. She was so defensive when she added that qualifier. It was almost as though they all knew why she had the key but that she wasn't ready to open that can of worms yet.

Did anyone notice how different Tina looked? At first I was like "that's not really her" but it was, obviously. I was glad that she seemed so different. She looked really good, I have to admit that, but very different. She looked more like Mia than Tina. Then again, I'm always a little too judgemental when she's on the screen. But, I do dislike her so very very much. But it was nice she looked so completely different because she was no longer Warrick's Tina, she was someone else's.

I'm still holding out hope that Catherine's going to admit, at some point, that she'd been in love with him. Of course I'd like to hear that she finally knew that he loved her in return, but I won't hold out for too much. Just a simple Catherine talking to Sara, or Lindsey, or Nick, or Greg, or Grissom or Brass (Preferrably Grissom or Sara or Lindsey) and saying that she was in love with him.

Because... she was. Wasn't she? I thought that much had always been very clear on the show. Then again, I've kinda always thought that his feelings for her were just as obvious but the writers never really went with it... did they?
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I'm still holding out hope that Catherine's going to admit, at some point, that she'd been in love with him. Of course I'd like to hear that she finally knew that he loved her in return, but I won't hold out for too much. Just a simple Catherine talking to Sara, or Lindsey, or Nick, or Greg, or Grissom or Brass (Preferrably Grissom or Sara or Lindsey) and saying that she was in love with him.

Because... she was. Wasn't she? I thought that much had always been very clear on the show. Then again, I've kinda always thought that his feelings for her were just as obvious but the writers never really went with it... did they?

^^ Thats what I want to happen as well. I really feel it will. All I want is one little scene with her mentioning how much she loved him and about how they where secretly together or something. I could see her more talking to Sara about it then anyone else. Mainly cause shes the only other female on the team and they have known each other so long. She was defiantly in love with him. Like I have said before and will most likely say again the writers have teased for eight freaking years they better give us something.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I noticed the same thing with Sara saying "I'm so sorry" to Catherine. Granted they know that they can't deny that she once told him he was her fantasy. That doesn't mean that they're going to confirm that he ever was any more than that to her, but I really think that he was.

^^ I was thinking more about this the other day. Maybe Cath did share with Sara about her and Warrick. I mean shes one of the only women she has known for years and became close to. Maybe she kept in contact with Sara while she was in LA informing her of the goings on between Warrick and herself. Perhaps she felt safe confiding in Sara instead of the other on the team cause she was so far away. Idk all I know is I better get at least one little scene where she talks about their relationship.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Where are all my fellow YOBLING believers. Gonna keep this thread alive baby. We can still obsess about all the YOBLING moments that have happened in the past and what we would have had happen in the future. I love watching reruns on SPIKE with Warrick still in them. They have been showing season seven. Which is a pretty good season for YOBLING. Lots of eyesex and flirting.

random piccy
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back


Did you see that?

Nick: "Call from the boyfriend just before midnight."

Catherine: *looks at phone sees a call from Warrick in her history* "Oh God."

If that wasn't implying something I don't know what was!
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back


Did you see that?

Nick: "Call from the boyfriend just before midnight."

Catherine: *looks at phone sees a call from Warrick in her history* "Oh God."

If that wasn't implying something I don't know what was!

I so agree! They were together before he died. There have been too many hints.

-In the finale of last season, they zoomed in on their hands, which were touching.

-She had a key to his place but we don't know how she got it.

-When he died, she had the saddest reaction

...and now the phone call.I was hoping they'd find evidence of their relationship when they looked through his apartment but no such luck *sighs* Oh well. It's gonna come out, one way or another.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I would imagine she's suffering badly the # on her cell Warrick's name wow, Nick and her and Gil are soo sad, I always thought Warrick was the only one who really 'got her" and was so compassionate and understanding always, He brought out the best in her, and she in him> they were so perfect together. I wonder if she'll continue to bring up his name in future episodes?


Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back


Did you see that?

Nick: "Call from the boyfriend just before midnight."

Catherine: *looks at phone sees a call from Warrick in her history* "Oh God."

If that wasn't implying something I don't know what was!

I so agree! They were together before he died. There have been too many hints.

^^ How did I forget about this this. I had the same reaction Cath she saw his name. And from the way Nicky looked at her, you know he knows about them being more then just friends. Cath seems so quiet now to what she used to be, like someone has turned down the volume on her normal mannerisms. Desert-ghoul I think they should have her mention him in future episodes. The phone thing was good. But I need more to show me that they where in a relationship like we know they where.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I believe they were secretly in a relationship too, how familiar she was at his apt. seemed to know here everything was, HMMM> how come? cause' she'd been there before? this so sucks I can't believe they did this:(