Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

I read it but thanks again. I laughed just like at the first time. It's so hilarious! It's just impossible to not love subtext. I remember that when I started to watch CSI the first character who I noticed was Sara and then Cath. They're the best examples of strong women in the TV show (it was middle of fourth season I think). But a long time needed to pass before I started to ship them. I'm a kinda multi-shipper and Cath is so hot that you can easily ship her with almost everyone;) But definitely she and Sara had a very special bound. Sadly we didn't see strong increasing of it (a much stronger than what we had). Well, I will just watch again older eps;)
Yeah, i know what you mean ... I'm a 'multiple' Cath shipper ... she too hot just for one ship :drool:. I know this is NOT a post for this thread but I can't help to ask, do you ship Cath/Lady Heather (Strawberry Tea)?

Anyway, as you said it is impossible not to love subtext. And we all know that it was there ...;) I really like to some YouTube Cath/Sara vids 'cos you can see all their moments at once. I have a few that I really love:) Have you watched them any?
It's nice to see this thread get some life to it.

I was just re-watching 5x10 "No Humans Involved", and it reminded me that I'm always disappointed at the end scene with Sara sitting at the computer, digging up the files of her mom's trial, and Catherine stopping in the hallway and looking around before leaving again. That would have been a great time for a nice Cath/Sara moment if Catherine would have come into the room with Sara and they could have had a quiet comment or two between them, just to show that the two women were real friends. But alas, TPTB couldn't take away from the GSR angst that they were starting to form at that time.
I remember that moment. It was disappointed 'cause TPTB really didn't need to be afraid to show Cath and Sara talk or comfort in some way. Just one thing like GSR shouldn't make any obstacles to show other interactions between characters, especially Cath and Sara. Two strong women in one team - they had so much in common, even when it was only thanked to work. I always wanted to see more friendship between them in show. Now it's impossible:(

77MrsBrooks, here's a thread for Strawberry Tea (how you know, I think). I ship Cath with almost everyone so Lady Heather is on my list too;)
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Sure, I know about Strawberry Tea thread, so see you there lately ...:)
Agree with both of you guys. There were few great f Cath/Sara riendship moments that should have came to more details. As Deirdre mentioned two strong women in one team, they worked together, they went through good and bad and they definitely were close (like when you at work or at school, it's natural that you become close with people you work...) and it would make sense that their relationship (meaning friendship) should have developed. And making obstacles with developing such a friendship just because some people may think of some 'lesbian subcontext' is nonsense from my point of view. I mean CSI is not The L-Word (no offense here, I'm a huge fan of The L-Word) so no one would ever expect more than a quality friendship ... I must admit that I'm still angry that TPTB had killed it ....
I totally agree with you, 77MrsBrooks. TPTB made me angry that they didn't develop their friendship. When I started to watch CSI that was a thing for which I was waiting each week - but well, the effect were their fights. The interactions between characters are always very interesting and all possibilites should be shown there - even when I don't like GSR, ok, they can show it but in the same time writers should show other interactions, not concentrate only on the one point. Deep friendship and trust between Cath and Sara would be one of the best things ever.
Well, I must admit that at the beginning the relationship between Cath/Sara was a little too extreme for me. I got the point that TPTB made it interesting for fans. Sure thing. I mean we were all waiting for next week for another fight but I still think that let Catherine to be unreasonably overreacted in some sitaution which made Sara look like a little poor thing under the attacks of the horrible nasty bitch ... which i didn't like 'cos Catherine shouldn't be like this. Cath was/is a sharp and sassy woman but they let her look too jelaous on Sara. I was glad when they slowed down a bit ... I was watching All For Our Country last night ... really cool Cath/Sara episode ... i love the bathroom scene ... the look in Cath's face is priceless and Sara just smiles ... love it :)
Aww, memories:) I haven't seen this ep for such a long time and I have no chance to check it out in next days:(

All the fights, etc. Sometimes it was awkward. In fifth season Cath was nervous and it was hard for her to work only with guys as the one shift. It was a big surprise for her. And then thought about Nesting Dolls - that was for me the most awful fight between them. I can easily imagine this scene where Sara screamed at Cath. I wasn't sure what to think. Very often we're hurting the most people about who we really care. It was exactly that moment. It's making me sad always when I see it, and definitely Sara overreacted and her words were so painful.
Oh I HATE Nesting Dolls. I can't watch it anymore. I wish Sara didn't say what she said. The hurt look at Cath's face always makes my heart sink ... :( Once I couldn't help and yelled on the sceen "Stop it and tell her what had happened to you, she will understand!!!" I hate those angst/hurt moments. Why on earth they didn't talk about stuff?! And that is also one of the thing I blame TPTB for. I mean I'm sure that in 'normal' they would sit after a while and discuss everything ... women are usully easier with communication and sharing stuff and as was said fair few time in the show before, Cath is the one with people skills ... she would understand. They totally forgot to develop this part of their relationship ...
Exactly! It's not so hard for women to talk about their problems. When woman has a problem with other person, she's talking about it or at least trying. Of course Cath wasn't the reason and she didn't understand why Sara attacked her. Definitely after that Sara should talk with her, not Grissom 'cause that what she did was painful and not in the right place (geez, that Ecklie needed to see it). She made Cath upset so why writers didn't use it? Yes, we can blame TPTB for this big mistake.
I just watched something on YouTube and i run into the Cath/Sara in BTK part 2 ... which is another example of what we've discussed below. I really appreciate that Cath called Sara and she came without any problem, all good. However, I would expect some closer contact, i mean at least a decent hug or some kind of comfort. If i imagine that my friend called and told me that she might have been raped I would try my best to show some support... Especially if it is between two women but evidently TPTB thought that any closer contact might probably suggest impropriate subcontext ...*rolling eyes*
.... oh, i just get the idea, you know what i think they should let Cath/Sara have one big hot make-out which would fire the rating into heaven and cause the audience's jaws drop on the floor ...!!:guffaw::devil: uhm ... thanks God i'm not the writer ...!:thumbsup::devil:
So true. I was waiting in BTK for some comfort moments, talking about this too. I was very disappointed 'cause it's not about the subtext but a normal function with other people. Sara had awful past life and to Cath happened something what should shock and make angry Sara. For years we were convincing that for Sara the hardest cases where female were vicitms of violence and rape. And when her friend who she knew for long years changed into victim... we had nothing! Sara should be angry, should do something, care, talk, whatever. C'mon, she was more caring about victims from the files than the co-worker? That was just silly and TPTB made a big mistake. I don't think it's about being scared of showing the subtext between two women. Nick/Greg has a lot.
Can't wait to see Catherine and Sara in scenes together again. I hope that this time the writers give them lots of scenes together. I really can't wait to see how Catherine reacts to Sara being part of her team and how Sara react to taking orders from Catherine.

Btw what are the best websites to find fanfiction for Catherine and Sara.
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Yeah, I'm sure it will be super cool. On the other hand we should have not expected too much. Still, this is not The L Word *grin*. However we will get some great Cath/Sara moment. Have you already seen the TV Guide, with Marg and Jorja cover and the interview inside? If not read it:)
The best Cath/Sara achive is on