Cath/Nicky #3 - Make a muscle Nicky - CatNip

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I only liked my catnip part and the part where Sofia and Catherine go to the house, and work together. Thats it, I believe.
I liked Werewolves. I liked the CatNip scene but I also really liked Catherine in this one, especially the end scene with the sister.

And Lynn we are now on Daddy's Little Girl :D, lots of CatNip in this one. I'm sure I have a few good caps for this one.
CSI_Willows, I think that's why fogi posted what she posted. If people who have a life don't get on at the exact right moment, then they get left behind in the mass of other one-lined posts that they have to sift through later. I think we're supposed to add more depth to the post and wait about five minutes between each one. That'll make it a bit easier, at least. Woah...Talk about back-seat modding...Sorry.

I love Daddy's Little Girl, but for reasons that will not be discussed in the CatNip thread. >.< Now that I think about it though, there were a few CatNip scenes in it...Yeah. But, seeing as I only have a clip of a certain part of the episode on my computer, I can't tell you what and/or where they were. So, yeah. Fun.
Thats why you should become a mod, Al cause ya don't shut up. :p

DLG is when Nicky found out about the ransom, Al. Which is nice that he knows about it, so maybe he can question things about it, and hopefully we'll get some CatNip outta it ;)
He is totally trying to act innocent, but she already knows what he did! Very nice pictures of them. They are SO adoreable together. I just love them.
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