Cath/Nicky #3 - Make a muscle Nicky - CatNip

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I'm a bit late but here goes.

I think on the first cap from Nesting Dolls it's more where Nick's hand is, but what's new there.

Ant Lynn, you know I agree with all those clues, something is definately going on. They now have to show us or i'm going to be really disappointed.

Nick talking dirty to Cath in Spanish is hot.
Kel it's either where is his hand?! Or I swear they're holding hands! Doesn't it look like that? It totally looks like it to me :D

As for showing us what's going on...they totally have to show us! If they don't....things will be thrown at the tv! :mad: :D
And yeah dirty Spanish....totally hot! :devil:
ooh Rashomama. Arm porn!! Heck yes!

I swear, I am so starting to love dirty!Spanish. I think Cath and Nick should speak it to each other, for sure.
Arm porn, arm porn :D Oh wait, why am I getting so excited I don't live in the US, oh well.

I think they should too, that would be so hot. Cath would definately be into that and Kelly now needs to stop talking due to PG-13 board :lol:
Because you know thats gonna be all that I talk about when it comes on?

:lol: Kelly! .. But you know, she really would. That would probably get Nick *searches for the meter*
Yay, I love talking about Rashomama, think I'll be watching the clips again at some point tonight so I don't feel left out. :D

Lynn, you're just as bad. I can't help myself when it comes to Cath/Nick at the best of times :devil:
Nick: ¿No podemos tener nosotros el sexo de brazo y tiene el sexo verdadero?
Cath: Sea bien todos dejaron entonces podemos *gets whacked by the meter*

Hey did you know the meter spoke spanish, and I'd probably get hurt if I translated that^
I think I'll be watching your vid, that you still have to tell me about :p

haha. I don't even know what that says, and that sounds so hot. Really it does.. They can say anything to each other in Spanish and I'll be the one screaming, "Do it!"
Hey gang, enough with the spanish, please. We have to be able to read what you're posting, so please do not post in other languages. Thank you.
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