Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

CatNip Law #2 - Everything can be taken to the gutter.

Hey, how am I a traitor, you get Mac so I get Nicky. :D

I've uploaded screencaps for Burked and Chaos Theory if anyone wants to see, they can be found here
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

CatNip Law 3: Once you go CatNip, you won't/can't go back?

That one good?

Fine, but if Mo loses Danny to Rhonda and she comes after my Mac. I'm going after either Flack or Nicky. After of course, I complain and scream Mac's mine.

ooh caps! yay.. I need to make more icons.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

That one is so true.

CatNip Law #4 - Only Nick gets to call her Cat.

Nicky might not like that, he doesn't like that you've been spending so much time with Mac, he was feeling left out. :p It's fine though, me and Cath made up for it. :D

All these caps have put me in an iconing mood too.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Nope wrong Lynn, Mac is Mine. You won't have time to go after Flack or Danny 'cause you'll be chasing me :)

Argh I can't follow law 3...*Cries* I just can't stop fencesitting the ships LOL. But CatNip does excite me a lot :D The other laws, I have no problem with :devil:

cool, IconLove!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

*whacks Melly* First off, Your gonna quit that. Secondly, Mac's mine.

CatNip Law #5 - Only Cath gets to call him Nicky


My sweet sweet Nicky, I'm sorry for spending so much time with Macky. But at least you've gotten more time with Cath and with Kels.

You won't have time to go after Flack or Danny 'cause you'll be chasing me

But if Mo steals our Macky, we'll be chasing after her.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

*whacks back* Nope, he's mine!

Hmm...Do you think Nicky will work a little black magic on Cath for Halloween? <ggl> What you think they'd dress up as together? I think he'd like a Cleopatra Cath...or a belly dancer Cath...<ggl> Not sure about him, what he'd be.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

*whacks harder* Keep dreaming (not even then, chica!)

I think Nicky will like anything dresses up as. :devil: Maybe Nicky would be a pirate or something? I really dunno, I'm sure whatever they go as, they'll be hot together *nods*
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Me and Cath have enjoyed the extra time with Nick. Only Cath doesn't exactly know why she's been getting more time. :lol:

They'll definately be hot together if they dress up. Whatever they dress up as I'm sure Nick will enjoy removing it more than actually seeing her in it. :devil:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

*whacks even harder* no you keep dremaing *smirk*

Yep they'll be hot. And then by the end of the night, they'll be out of costumes...and whatever else they have on for that matter :devil: They can be each other's yummy halloween treat.

*thinks the holidays will be even funner...They can unwrap each other for pressies*
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

As long as Cath dunno why, and she still gets her time. You should be able to live longer :D

Nick will gladly remove whatever she's got on :devil:

*pushes you* Mac = Mine.

I'm sure CatNip will love each other for a yummy treat. ;)

hehe, Can you imagine Nick wearing a bow?
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

*pushes you* Mac=MINE.

ROFL...yeah and naturally it's a naughty visual, where said bow is at :devil: *hopes the meter doesn't smack her for that*

I know what's more fun...New Years. They'll have lots of libation and I'd love to see what funky things they do while drunk that make them go "what were we thinking?" the next morning lol. Like maybe getting married :grin: It is Vegas after all.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

They like unwrapping each other, underneath the wrapping is always the best part.

I'd like to see Nick cook a Thanksgiving dinner for Cath. If Cath has to work he and Lindsey would cook and surprise her. Then Cath would give him her thanks.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

*pushes you* Mac=MINE.

You really liking that dream world, huh Melly?

ROFL...yeah and naturally it's a naughty visual, where said bow is at *hopes the meter doesn't smack her for that*

LMAO. It could actually be anywhere and we'd still take it to gutter.

It is Vegas after all.

Very true.

They like unwrapping each other, underneath the wrapping is always the best part.

I think Cath and Nick will completely agree with that one.

I'd like to see Nick cook a Thanksgiving dinner for Cath. If Cath has to work he and Lindsey would cook and surprise her. Then Cath would give him her thanks.

I'm sure him and Linds will cook dinner anyways.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Hopefully I'll live a bit longer, she's bound to find out soon.

I think we can take anything to the gutter. :devil:

They could go get married, that's if they aren't already. :D

Cath would find it really sweet if Nick and Lindsey cooked dinner for her.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

When she finds out, I suggest you run far.

is it bad that I can take an icon to the gutter? *bites nails*

I say their already married. Or going to be one.

She'd be shocked, mostly, and honored/feel loved that they would do that for her.
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