Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Took him someplace to him.

Most likely, yes.

Moriel it really is easier just to agree with her

Hey!... Somehow, I should be offended by that, but I ain't.

Lol, glad to see you proudly admit that my dear! You should well be proud of it! **Mo nods!**
Now just don't let Stel or Mel catch ya

Yup. I proudly admit that. *nods back* ... I do not fear Melly. but Stel, yeah, I shall run far far far away.

Ehhhhhh....some of it's angsty, how about that?!

Out with it!

Its my catnip, dangit! lmao. But I will share with you. Yup 2 beloved scenes. I'm still going with Tongue!Porn in the first one.

I think this is the one they interview the suspect together. It had something to do with a cultish. even though its church and all, theres still cults in churches. trust me on that.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Hey!... Somehow, I should be offended by that, but I ain't.
You're not because it's me. ;)

Cath and Stella are really protective of their men. No wonder really with us after them. :lol:

What have you been told about sharing? We've caught Cath doing the tongue porn before so I'd say we did get it tonight. I cant wait to see it.

Hopefully this means that they are working a case together, just them and we'll get lots of nice scenes.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Yup. I proudly admit that. *nods back* ... I do not fear Melly. but Stel, yeah, I shall run far far far away.
Lol, yeah I advise you run away from Stell...she'll go Rambo on you and that might not be so good! ;) Kinda like Cath tends to be with Nicky...dang those women are possessive of their men! (not that I blame them, if they were my men I'd be DANG possessive of them too! :D )
Out with it!
**whistles innocently...and then says in her best southern belle accent...** "Why what-evah do you mean?" ;)
Your catnip??
Lol, my bad! OUR Catnip! :lol:
You're not because it's me.
Yup and we all know she just can't get mad at you Kels! :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

You're not because it's me.
Yup and we all know she just can't get mad at you Kels!

No fair at all, really.

Cath and Stella are really protective of their men. No wonder really with us after them

Their whimps. *whistles and hides behind Danny*

Lol, yeah I advise you run away from Stell...she'll go Rambo on you and that might not be so good! Kinda like Cath tends to be with Nicky...dang those women are possessive of their men! (not that I blame them, if they were my men I'd be DANG possessive of them too!

Thats where hiding behind Danny comes from. He takes most of the hits, but he likes it. :devil:

**whistles innocently...and then says in her best southern belle accent...** "Why what-evah do you mean?"

*isn't falling for that*

Lol, my bad! OUR Catnip!

Good chica!

is when I share with you or I get my ass kicked? :D ... She's done it tons,and I swear it looks like she gives him a little tongue action, and their looks are really cute in it. and she mentions Linds in front of Nicky twice. ... I'm thinkin she's hinting, "Your her dad, Nick! Get it?"

I'm hoping for that. I'm hoping for them to work a case together, because they deserve tons of scenes.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

No fair at all, really.
I can't help it. :p

You'd better hide. I wouldn't want Cath and Stella to be after me. Cath's bad enough. :lol:

Yeah Moriel I aint falling for it either, so just admit it. :D

Yeah you know better. :p She mentioned Lindsey twice? Okay she's definately dropping hints.

Hopefully we will. I want it to be just the two of them on that case.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Cath's scary. I wouldn't want to meet her when she's pissed. wait, I have. Its not my fault, Nicky's hot. and Mac wants to kill me for that.

She mentioned her twice. Once saying Linds sent a text to all of her friends, bringing her cell phone bill up. and the second time was, "Cut my wrists while your at it, I'm raising a teenage daughter" .. In short, "OUR daughter, YOUR daughter".

Them on a case, alone. will be heaven.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

lol nope she's gotta pry him outta MY hands *g*

I was really focused on Greg tonight but can kinda recall the CatNip scenes...esp. the "hint dropping" lol.

where was tongue porn tonight? How'd I miss it? lol

it's cool that they'll work together next week. Should be interesting.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Their whimps. *whistles and hides behind Danny*
Hey! Danny's MINE! **grabs Danny back!**
You'd better hide. I wouldn't want Cath and Stella to be after me. Cath's bad enough.
Lol, yeah no kidding! Pretty soon we're gonna have all the CSI women after us for stealing their men! But really can you blame us? I mean come on...shirtless!Mac...shirtless!Nicky....shirtless!Danny...gah seriously, they're like smex on toast just for us! :devil:
*isn't falling for that*
Yeah Moriel I aint falling for it either, so just admit it.
Lol...hhhh....I know, I will admit it if Lynn admits she's part fluffy!! :lol: :lol:
lol nope she's gotta pry him outta MY hands *g*
Lol, either way you two fight over Mac and me and Kels will take Nicky and Danny! :lol:
Wow sounds like Cath is dropping major hints that she wants Nicky to reveal he's Linds' dad and help her raise their teenage daughter! Huh, come on Nicky boy! Ohh and tongue porn huh....Sweet!! :devil:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I'm telling you, the whole tongue porn was there, Melly!

and Mac is so mine, mine mine mine. and oh, Mine.

Hey! Danny's MINE! **grabs Danny back!**

Hey!.. I was hiding there.


Is it bad that I took that to the gutter? ooh and shirtless!jake on Jericho. drool.

Lol...hhhh....I know, I will admit it if Lynn admits she's part fluffy!!

Is this blackmail?

The hint dropping is very there. I don't think its considered a spoiler anymore since the eps been shown and we've been going over this since the beginning.

She said, "while your at." and then "teenage daughter"

Lets put, "Your - Teenage Daughter" Together.

So that brings us to, "Your Teenage Daughter"

Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Is it bad that I took that to the gutter?
Wouldn't expect anything else from you. :p

I can't wait to see the tongue porn. :D

Haha Moriel is blackmailing Lynn :lol: Makes a change from me doing it.

You know, they really should just come out and admit that she's his.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

**Mo sneaks in on her lunch break...trying very hard to be sneaky and unseen! ;)**
I can't wait to see the tongue porn.
Me too Kels gotta wait til I get home from work though!
and Mac is so mine, mine mine mine. and oh, Mine.
So what I'm hearing you say is that basically....he's yours? :lol:
Hey!.. I was hiding there.
Lol, hide behind Mac! He likes it when Stella hits him! :devil:
Is it bad that I took that to the gutter?
Wouldn't expect anything else from you.
Not bad at all Lynn! Like Kels said, wouldn't expect anything else! Come on why do you think I said it?! :devil: :lol: (I needed company in the gutter! ;) )
Is this blackmail?
Haha Moriel is blackmailing Lynn Makes a change from me doing it.
Lol, would I do that?! ;) **whistles with the cutest innocent little girl look on her face!**
No Kidding! We all know already anyway, they may as well just confirm it now and stop all the wondering! Besides you know Nick is dying to publicly admit it after all this time!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Wouldn't expect anything else from you

Aww, thanks Kels.

Not bad at all Lynn! Like Kels said, wouldn't expect anything else! Come on why do you think I said it?! (I needed company in the gutter! )

Well, you've got company now.

You know, they really should just come out and admit that she's his.

No Kidding! We all know already anyway, they may as well just confirm it now and stop all the wondering! Besides you know Nick is dying to publicly admit it after all this time!

hehe, I agree. They should just come out with it. we all know the truth. :D

Lol, would I do that?! **whistles with the cutest innocent little girl look on her face!**

Yes, yes you would.

Lol, hide behind Mac! He likes it when Stella hits him!

I would, but Danny's more fun to hide behind. :D

So what I'm hearing you say is that basically....he's yours?

Yeah, basically. :D

I'm telling you. Tongue!Porn is there.

Also for those that wants to know. Screencaps from BTK are posted on stokesnwillows on LJ, by the wonderful Kelly. so credit her/community if you use them :D plz and thank you.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

You're always guaranteed company in the CatNip gutter. It's their fault anyway. :D

We know so they should let Nicky know.

The tongue porn evidence:

I've taken more caps, but I'll upload them tomorrow.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

You're always guaranteed company in the CatNip gutter. It's their fault anyway.

It really is, but what can I say we gots a hot ship!

We know so they should let Nicky know.

I say Nicky knows. They just haven't told the team yet.

The tongue porn evidence:

You know what time it is?? its the told ya so dance. *dances, told ya so, told ya so*

Do I know my CatNip or do I know my CatNip?!

I've taken more caps, but I'll upload them tomorrow.

Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Yay for company in the Catnip gutter!! :devil: Wohoo!! :lol: It is entirely Catnip's fault but ya gotta love falling into the gutter because of makes each new day exciting! :lol:

Lynny Danny's mine to hide behind! ;) Mine! :lol: Hide behind Mac or I'll steal him from ya! :lol:

Tongue!Porn...YAY!! :devil: Thanks Kels! Gah Cath is so gorgeous in that cap, you know Nicky SOOO wants to jump her! :devil: :lol:

And I agree, Nicky knows...they should just tell other people now! Come on y'all, just come out with it! We all know anyway! ;)

Lol, yes hon, you do know your Catnip...well done! :D
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