Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

well yeah it probably does work, I bet it works when he's pouting too. :D

ooh you made me an icon of that don't look at me like that. I swear that scene is love. Cath's giving him a look and he's all, quit it!... I'm sure they both made up for their actions later, but I say before Griss went to the court, because they smiled and sat beside each other.

Hell yes I would!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I got sad during VLV "aww, man she's seeing someone else?" But maybe Nick could be there to pick up the pieces when she tells him her boyfriend cheated on her. Although I do have to wonder...why would she leave him then return to him if they did things earlier in the show/pre-show? I could see the supervisor thing getting in the way...but before that. "We shouldn't be doing this, we work together" type thing?
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Howdy y'all! :D **Mo sneaks up on her Catnip buddies and tackles them!** This work thing sucks...I hate not being able to get on here until really late :p I got spoiled with time! :lol:

I miss my shippy buddies :( **Mo pouts a minute!** Lol! :lol:

Okay so...yeah I can totally see Nick calling Cath "baby" love that! And of course it'd work...up to something, pouting, it wouldn't matter...when a man that fine calls you "baby" it is ALL good! :devil: :lol:

Oh, I liked that scene in TAIS after he comes out of the courtroom...that was good stuff! ;) Catnip angry at eachother just means they have more passion to work out later! :devil:

What are we on now letters-wise...L or M?
L....Lust in their eyes! (They so want eachother ALL the time! :lol:) in the ransom money she got for him! :D

And Mel as for your question hmmm...I dunno, it could have been the supervisor/work thing I guess...but then again I don't really see that being so much of an issue...I dunno, I haven't really thought about that actually. ;), I'm the last and first of the day to post apparently...just wanted to pop in on my way to work and say "Good Morning!" :D
Kels, Lynny Hi!! **Mo waves!!**
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Hey Moriel *waves*

In TAIE they definately made up before going back into court. Love the smile he gives her.

The pouting would work too.

Me and Lynn agree that Cath and Nick have been on and off since the beginning. Chris was during one of their off moments. Although they had to have been together during Bad Words, I don't care if she as meant to be with Chris at that time, there was too much between Cath and Nick in that episode.

Catherine wasn't Nick's supervisor in VLV, that happened later in Season 5 at the end of Mea Culpa

I'm moving on to N I can't add anything just yet for the other ones, so I'm going with Nicky
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

**Mo sneaks in very quietly....Shhhh, I'm at work and don't want to get in trouble! ;)** Lol...Hi peoples! :D

Yeah the smile he gives her in TAIE is totally cute I agree!

Pouting Nicky would be cute! :D But then again he's cute any time! :devil:

Yeah I think I agree with the on/off thing too Kels ...although why they would be off kinda escapes me...they're so totally into eachother and hot for eachother that I don't get why they'd leave eachother...but I guess relationships have their ups and downs...just glad they're clearly on an UP right now! :devil:

N....Nekkid! (Cuz we all KNOW they love to get that with eachother! :devil: :lol:

Okay I'll catch y'all later...!
**Mo waves and sneaks out!**
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Quit stealing all my answers Mo! :lol:

*nods* We totally agree on them being together on and off since the beginning. Bad Words was such an on moment for them, their to flirty in it for them not to be doing something. He must've pissed her off for her to go back to Chris, or maybe they had a little fling, to show their still into each other at that time. *shrugs* Who knows why CatNip went back off.

But yup Mo, their so totally on again. Rashomama started it back up, I believe.

I'm telling you in TAIE (I keep wanting to type TATE) they made up before going back into that Court Room, Nicky's smiling at her, and then she smiled back and they leave together. So.. They had to make up.

Kels, Does Tate remind you of CatNip? or vice versa? or Mo, you've seen NCIS, right?
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Whatever reason they went off, they're certainly back on now, and I bet they're making up for it. I'm still going with Rashomama too for when they got back together. They were so cute in that scene with Nick's car.

Yeah, they leave together to go make up some more. :devil:

I can see some similarities between Tate and CatNip. Nick and Tony are both hot, and Cath and Kate are alike in some ways. In that episode I saw at the weekend Kate said she was going to shoot Tony. :lol: I could so see Cath saying that if Nicky pissed her off.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

**The boss is Mo slips back into the Catnip thread for a bit of fun! :D**
Quit stealing all my answers Mo!
Lol, I can't help it! :lol: We think too much alike! ;) Besides that was the perfect answer for N, that and Kels' answer! :D

Yeah I think you're both right on them starting again at Rashomama...they were cute in that ep! I'm telling ya though, I still don't get why they went from on to off before...although they are fairly passionate (I don't mean that way :devil: although they are that way too! :lol:) but just in their I could see them, Cath especially getting royally pissed and going out with another guy to piss Nick off...but even then we know they still loves each other! ;)

Yeah I've seen NCIS Lynn a few eps anyway...forgive me though Tate is...Tony/Kate right? Yeah I agree with Kels I can see the similairities! :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

yeah Tate is Tony/Kate ... :lol: Kels I can see Cath saying that to Nicky, be nice if they did that in a crossover.

Cath: I'm going to shoot you, Nicky!
Kate: haha, I tell that to Tony all the time.
Tony to Nick: She really does.

I don't want the NCIS and CSI to do a crossover now, because No Kate! But I still want CSI and NY to do one. I think my Mac/Catherine shipper moment would be all angsty, get Nicky all hot and bothered and jealous and claim his girl! :devil: .. Thats really the main reason why I ship MaCath.

so I could see them, Cath especially getting royally pissed and going out with another guy to piss Nick off...

Warrick: Catherine's got a boyfriend.
Nick glares: What?
Warrick: Chill man.
Nick: no way in hell, I'm gonna kick her ass!
Warrick: you do that.

Nick finds Catherine: What the hell?
Cath *acts innocent*: What?
Nick: You know what!
Nick takes her to her office and does all kinds of guttery things to her.

*nods* thats Catnip angst followed by Smex!

They left to do some hanky.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Warrick: Catherine's got a boyfriend.
Nick glares: What?
Warrick: Chill man.
Nick: no way in hell, I'm gonna kick her ass!
Warrick: you do that.

Nick finds Catherine: What the hell?
Cath *acts innocent*: What?
Nick: You know what!
Nick takes her to her office and does all kinds of guttery things to her.
See now that's what our episodes need to look like! :devil: That would totally be the best ever! I bet that's totally what! :lol:
*nods* thats Catnip angst followed by Smex!
If that's what we get after angst I just might start loving angst Lynny! :lol:

Lol, they SO did! :devil:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I could see Nick and Tony getting on really well, they would tease Cath and Kate. :lol: A crossover wouldn't be the same without Kate. :(

I'm definately for some angst, I'd love to se jealous Nicky. And I'm definately for it if it gets us some hot smex. :devil:

Moriel's starting to like angst. :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Moriel's starting to like angst. :D
Only when it's followed by lovely Catnip smex like you said don't get too excited hon! ;) I'm still a total Fluffy! :D

A crossover would be fun, but yeah not without Kate...I loved her! I basically stopped watching after she was gone :(
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I loved her! I basically stopped watching after she was gone

You and me both.

Only when it's followed by lovely Catnip smex like you said

In CatNip case, welcome to the angst side, Mo!

I'm definately for some angst, I'd love to se jealous Nicky. And I'm definately for it if it gets us some hot smex

Jealous Nicky is really hot, and yes we got hot Smex outta it, Cause Cath loves Nicky all hot and bothered. She likes it like that sometimes. See Nicky can be her little bad boy for her. ;) She's the mix all in one hot package that is Nicky.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Don't worry Moriel I'm a fluffy too, but I can't resist some angst. Lynn's a fluffy too, she just tries to hide it. :D

I think Cath would find jealous Nicky hot, she's want to jump him right there. :devil:

Next on the episode list was Boom.

When's the next episode poll Lynn? Last time I looked we had a tie. :rolleyes:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Lynn's a fluffy too, she just tries to hide it.

*Pretends she didn't hear that*

Cath finds Jealous Nicky incredibly hot. *nods*

--Nicky in trouble, Cath saves him.
--Teh Hug. Which made my shipper heart completely fall more in love with them. (what? i was already a fan, bite me)

As for that poll :: I'm gonna go whichever one I touch when I go on that page. :D

What letter we on?
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