CaRWash- Thanks babe, you're fantastic!

*four months later*
*Ryan and Calleigh were lying awake in bed*
Ryan:I love you
Calleigh:I love you too babe. *she smiles at him*
*he turned her to face away from him and he began to rub her back*
Calleigh:eek:h Ry, you know i love it when you do that
Ryan:that's why i'm doing it...
*then Calleigh turned back around and kissed Ryan*
*She placed her head on his sexy muscled chest and they went to sleep*

*the next day* *Lily was in the living room. she and Noah were now both about 2 and a half. and Liz, thier little sister was 4 months*
Calleigh:what is it sweetie?
Lily:i want daddy!
Calleigh:Daddy will be home soon sweetie. he had to go to work. now go play with your brother while i put your sister down for a nap
Lily:eek:k mommy..*she went to play with Noah*
*Liz was crying*
Calleigh:eek:k's ok *she rocker her gently and fed her.* *she stopped crying and fell asleep and Calleigh put her in her crib upstairs*
*Calleigh, who was exaughsted, sat on the couch* *Ryan came in the door and Lily and Noah came running*
Lily and Noah:DADDY!!!
Ryan:hey! there's my two little rascals! *he picked them both up and kissed them on the cheek then put them down*
*he then went over and kissed Calleigh* Cal, babe, why don't you go take a nap. i'll take care of the kids.
Calleigh:eek:h thanks so much.
*Calleigh went upstair and took a nap*
Ryan:now you two have to be quite you don't want to wake up mommy or your little sister.
Lily:eek:k daddy.
*they went and played quietly in their rooms*
*Ryan sat on the couch as the phone rang*
*he picked it up*
Eric:hey man.
Ryan:eek:h hey Eric. what's up?
Eric:nothing much. you?
Ryan:i'm watching the kids while Calleigh takes a nap
Eric:eek:h. well i guess you don't want to go out for drinks then.
Ryan:nah i've got to watch the kids. maybe thursday
Eric:eek:k man. see you tomorrow,
Ryan:see ya Eric.
*he hung up*

*H and Yelina were sitting on the couch*
Yelina:I love you Horatio.
H:i love you too Yelina. and i'm glad you decided to come back when you did.
Yelina:me too. *they kiss*

*AT Eric and Natalia's*
Eric:'Talia..what's wrong is everything ok?
Natalia:yeah i was just wondering where you were.
Eric:eek:h. i was calling Ryan.
*He sat next to her and rubber her stomache* *she was 9 months pregnant and due anyday now*
Eric:i love you
Natalia:i love you too.
*they kissed*

*the next day*
*Ryan, Eric and Calleigh were in layout and Natalia was in DNA*
*They heard Natalia yelling for Eric*
*Eric went running*
Eric:'Talia! what is it? is it the baby?
Natalia:yeah...*she grabs her stomache in pain*
Eric:eek:k hold on...

*Later at the hospital*
*Eric came out of the delivery room to the waiting room where everyone was waiting*
Eric:we have an adorable little girl
*they all went in to see her*
Alexx:eek:h she's so cute!
Yelina:eek:h she's so adorable
Ryan:congrats to both of you.
Natalia:thanks guys
Calleigh:what's her name?
Eric:Anna Marisol Delko
Calleigh:aww. that's so sweet.
*Eric smiled at Natalia*
New update soon!!!!

Next Chapter:what happens when the lab is in jeapordy?!? who will save them all from losing thier jobs and find out who's behind the plan to throw down the lab!?
*five months later*
*H was giving everyone the latest info on thier current case when all of a sudden....two feds come in*
Fed#1:I'm Agent Davis and this is Agent Mills. FBI we're looking for CSI Wolfe.
Calleigh:*sh whispers to Ryan* we could have some fun with this ;) *to fed* which one?
Mills:what do you mean which one?
Ryan:well there's more than one.
Calleigh:do you mean CSI Ryan Wolfe?
Ryan:eek:r CSI Calleigh Wolfe?
Davis:uhhhhh.....excuse us.
*they go out in the hall*
Ryan: Haha. i love messin' with the feds
Calleigh: *smirk*
*The feds came back in*
Davis:we need both of you....
*they go with the feds to the next room*
Davis:we have a source that tells us the two of you are responsible for some recent troubles in the lab
Ryan:eek:h really?
Calleigh:well you must be misunderstanding your evidence...we haven't done anything
Mills:well our source tells us...
Ryan:your source? and who is that?
Davis:we can't reveal that information to you
Calleigh:well that's rich.
Davis:we have our reasons...
Ryan:well until you have any hard evidence we have a murder to solve.
*they go back to H and the others*
Ryan:H...they think we're trying to take down the lab
Calleigh:and they won't name thier source
Ryan:yeah..can you believe it?
H:with the feds...yes.

*The feds were interrogating everyone*
Davis:have you known the Wolfes to be involved in any act or acts to endanger the lab recently in any way?
Davis:have you known the Wolfes to break the rules or protocol? is there a point to this?
Davis:we have evidence to suggest that someone is trying to bring down your lab. and if that happened it could put us in a bad view.
H:so that's why you're here. it's not to helpo us it's to help you....
Davis:i didn't say that. The FBI cares for...
H:yeah sure...*gets up and walks out*

*over in Layout*
Eric:H we've got to find out who's trying to take us all down before we all lose our jobs.
H:Eric, i know.
*Ryan coems running in*
Ryan:*panting* you guys....aren't believe....this.
H: Ryan what is it?
Ryan:i just overheard Cooper on the phone...and you guys aren't going to like it.
*Ryan plays a recording*
*Recording: Cooper's's all planned. No Horatio and the others don't suspect a thing. by this time tomorrow they'll all be out of a job.. *laughs* yeah.
*recording stops*
H:Eric, know what this means?
Eric:yeah...that little rat sold us out to the feds.
H:Guys....lets get him.

*they have Cooper in an interrogation room*
H:what i want to know Dan is why? why did you do it?
Cooper:H..what are you talking about
H:i think you it Ryan
*ryan playes the recording*
Eric:now explain that you little rat.
Cooper:eek:k! i did it! i told the feds you all were up to no good!
H:you still haven't answered me...why'd you do it?
Cooper:i'm sick of you all not giving me credit!!!! you always took me for granted!!!
H:that is not true and you know it.
H:take him
*an officer takes him away* saved us all.
Eric:yeah. nice going man. if you didn't over hear him we'd all be out of a job *pats him on the back*
Ryan:thanks. *smiles*

calleigh:hey! there's my hero! i heard you saved the lab...
Ryan:yeah *smiles* *the two feds came over*
Davis:i suppose we owe you an apology.
Calleigh:yes you do.
Mills:we're sorry.
*they leave*

*at home*
Lily and Noah:night mommy. night daddy
Ryan:night *he hugs him*
Calleigh:night 8she hugs them*
*they go upstairs. leaving Ryan and Calleigh alone. Liz is upstairs in her crib asleep*

Calleigh:if it wasn't for you. i wouldn't have a job that i love doing. thanks babe.
Ryan:you're welcome....and Cal?
Ryan:you're fantastic.
Calleigh:i love you
Ryan:i love you too
*they kiss*

The End

do you all want me to write a sequel? say the word and i'll get right on it....
I don't usually read Miami fics, but this one was great. I even enjoyed all of the ships you had. I think you should do the sequel. I'll read it.
Re: CaRWash- Thanks babe, you're fantastic! (FINISHED!!!!!!)

I've begun the sequel to this fic..It's called 'Lasting Love'