Carmine/Danny #12 "Ya like that?"

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Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

omg! Mina I could like my screen rigth now
Re: Carmine/Danny #12 "YA LIKE THAT"

Springmoon said:
This is especially interesting since, according to IMDB, this movie won some kind of independent film award. But no one who has seen has liked it? I have Syriana and Confessions of a Dangerous mind at home from Netflix right now, but I think I'll watch them tonight and bump Players up to the top of my queue to see for myself ;)

Which is what I would encourage everyone to do ... all 'art' is subjective after all, and one woman's meat might be another woman's poison ;)

Someone else may well love the movie. My tastes don't always gel with the norm :D
Re: Carmine/Danny #12 "YA LIKE THAT"

:eek: BLAST, jorja!!! ya just had to go and ruin a perfectly good thread with that picture, didn't ya?!?! :eek:

Re: Carmine/Danny #12 "YA LIKE THAT"

It's much easier to have a permanent life in the gutter then to leave & come back. I could never live a life of pureness

Oh so true. Life of pureness seems weird to me ever since I found my way over here hahahhah
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

MrsGiovinazzo said:
^^ I HATE that first pic above in the blue t-shirt. As I've posted elsewhere before, it reminds me of one of those scary-looking celeb mugshots taken after getting picked up for hookers and blow at 3AM. :lol:

You know what? I confess ...I actually like that photo :lol: It's the intensity in it that gets me. I like it so much that I did a pen and ink drawing of it (which I scanned and sent a digital copy of to CDG along with birthday wishes).

EDIT: Glad to see lookaboomerang and I aren't alone in thinking Players sucks. Carmine was good. As always. But damn, some of his pre-CSI:NY projects done presumably for the simple reason that they pay the bills are not so good.

Actually that was me ... you must be getting the Australian-sounding nick mixed up with the bird who lives in Australia :) I have to say, I had similar feelings about The Learning Curve (which goes by the truly AWFUL name of "Dangerous Seductions" down here :eek:)
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Thanks jorja_fan for the sailor pic! I didn't want to be the bearer of horrible eye-ball searing pics.


mmmmm..... yum
Re: Carmine/Danny #12 "YA LIKE THAT"

afrikana said:
:eek: BLAST, jorja!!! ya just had to go and ruin a perfectly good thread with that picture, didn't ya?!?! :eek:


*shrugs* What else do you expect from me :p? Well, besides a couple more photos...


Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

My absolute favorite of the pics above is the Gundy stoner pic from Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss. That movie proves that not all of Carmine's earlier work wasn't all that fab - there are a couple of gems in there. Anyways, I would like to make beautiful babies with the man, and the pics are just reminding me of this fact. Or maybe not babies, but the practicing part gets me in a very good mood.

Top41 said:
ROTFLMAO!!!!! It looks like Flack is about to give Danny a...surprise...
:lol: that's exactly what I thought when I saw that cap!!! Unfortunately I was at work at the time and I do have to at least pretend to behave while I'm there. Fortunately everyone there is already well versed in - and quite bored with - my Carmine obsession.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Well, they say practice makes perfect so...


Mmm, nothing like a photo of wet!Danny to get the libido going :devil:.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

... that screencap of Flack about to pounce on Danny? That is so unbelievable on so many levels, it must be framed and laminated for posterity's sake for all time. Who wants to volunteer to photoshop out the perp? :lol:

And ya know. I'm starting to like that Purple Hat.

What have you people done to me?!
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

mmmm love the wet Carmine :devil: someone for sure has to photoshop that guy out of the picture and in his place.... Hawkes :lol: :devil:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

WOOOHOOOO new thread and already two pages down. Okay lets start at the beginning.

1 - I don't like that pic either Mrs.G, while I like the second one I prefer the similar pic where his head is tilted slighty (why can't I put pics on this forum - or do I have to wait til I have 100 posts?) and I looovvveee the black and white pic like everyone else. :devil:

If anyone has the skanky motel bed pics from last years tv guide post them more often, we need to drool more over those pics coz they're hardly put up.

2- There can never be enough porn where Carmine is concerned

3- We all want to make babies with Carmine. :devil: Don't we?

4- So far you guys are the only ones to see Players, I'll wait awhile to get it dirt cheap on ebay.

5- As for his tshirts - although this has been posted on other pages - all the better if they are painted on coz then we all get to wipe it off - did anyone think of that?
*puts hand up to wipe down Carmine* woohoo

6- What happened to the Carmine Candy I came up with? I think we need to make our own. So, let's start the recipe.

Recipe for Carmine Candy -

1 pair of dirty jeans
1 painted on skin tight tshirt / or tight white singlet
1 pair black boots stolen from work
1 decent hair cut (you can all pick which one you like)
1 damn sexy grin
2 big gorgeous baby blues (god I love his eyes)
1 bloody hot body!!!!
1 very sexy New York accent

pour him into bed and bang him senseless :devil: :devil:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

^ :lol: Sounds like it's gonna be a best seller. Anyway, here's my last photo for the night:

Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Kimmychu said:
... that screencap of Flack about to pounce on Danny? That is so unbelievable on so many levels, it must be framed and laminated for posterity's sake for all time. Who wants to volunteer to photoshop out the perp? :lol:

OMG!!! OMG!!!!!!!! I love your avatar beyond all reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!

Best. Screencap. EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flack having his way with Danny during a takedown...priceless. :lol: :devil:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Top41 said:
Kimmychu said:
... that screencap of Flack about to pounce on Danny? That is so unbelievable on so many levels, it must be framed and laminated for posterity's sake for all time. Who wants to volunteer to photoshop out the perp? :lol:

OMG!!! OMG!!!!!!!! I love your avatar beyond all reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!

Best. Screencap. EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flack having his way with Danny during a takedown...priceless. :lol: :devil:
oh my :eek:....:lol:....:devil:


I wish i was his hand :rolleyes:
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