Carmine/Danny #12 "Ya like that?"

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Re: Carmine/Danny #12 "YA LIKE THAT"

His cat is called "The Mook" after a baseball player Mookie Wilson
Re: Carmine/Danny #12 "YA LIKE THAT"

hehe yeah soo true.. flack was looking unbeleivably hot in the caps!!! hehe
and as for flacks shirt.. he wore that shirt already in another epi!! hehe must be another fave of his ;)
back to Danny.... ;)
is this a slight[/]tongue!porn i see?!


clean shaven :D m,mmmm!!!!

lil bit of arm!porn and a sexy face ;)
Re: Carmine/Danny #12 "YA LIKE THAT"

LovinMyGreggo said:

Oh yeah, and...I highly doubt you were talking about 'height'. ;)

*tries to look innocent*
I swear, I was talking about their heights! Hahahahhaah! Yet, I might be thinking of another thing hahahah!
Re: Carmine/Danny #12 "YA LIKE THAT"

crankyjules said:
All I can say is, no wonder it went straight to dvd. Hated the editing and the camera work ... it gave me a headache. Too jerky. Carmine did, as usual, give a great performance with three scenes in particular that were worthy of watching, all with Freddy Rodriguez.

This one's only worth buying if you are a die-hard fan who MUST have everything Carmine has done :D

This is especially interesting since, according to IMDB, this movie won some kind of independent film award. But no one who has seen has liked it? I have Syriana and Confessions of a Dangerous mind at home from Netflix right now, but I think I'll watch them tonight and bump Players up to the top of my queue to see for myself ;)
Re: Carmine/Danny #12 "YA LIKE THAT"

afrikana, is it even possible to overdose on DF porn? I don't think it is. :devil:

That movie doesn't really sound like my kind of thing, but if they have it at my local video store I might rent it--just because, if I rented "The Learning Curve" and watched it secretly on the portable DVD player in my room, I can't suddenly develop shame and not watch something worse. :lol:

Did somebody mention the Mook?

Such a pretty kitty. *loves the kitty*

Oh, and here's a Danny!woobie
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Such a pretty kitty *snuggles it*.

The Learning Curve made my eyes bleed. I really only stuck with that movie all the way to the end because Carmine was in it, but it was such... drivel.

Look at how long his hair was in "Heroes"! I want to jump on him right now and make him feel better.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Fay- thanks for the idea.... portable dvd player, hidden in a locked room. I might be able to watch players after all. :lol:

oh, and I just remembered these awesome photos. Who ever took them must have been in love with his blue eyes. Thanks Mr/Ms. photographer. these are dreamy.


Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

^^ I HATE that first pic above in the blue t-shirt. As I've posted elsewhere before, it reminds me of one of those scary-looking celeb mugshots taken after getting picked up for hookers and blow at 3AM. :lol:

Now, the pic posted on the previous page of D/F getting freaky with Edward Furlong and a pair of 'cuffs -- nothing scary about that all. :devil: I bet the adrenaline of slamming some dude on the ground and cuffing him made Danny and Flack a little frisky in the patrol car ... in fact, you know that's how the killer escapes, right? ;)

EDIT: Glad to see lookaboomerang and I aren't alone in thinking Players sucks. Carmine was good. As always. But damn, some of his pre-CSI:NY projects done presumably for the simple reason that they pay the bills are not so good.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

MrsGiovinazzo said:
As I've posted elsewhere before, it reminds me of one of those scary-looking celeb mugshots taken after getting picked up for hookers and blow at 3AM. :lol:

:lol: Now that you metion it is does look like one of those weird mug shots that appear in every magazine. Anyway, I think we're due for another season one Danny photo:


I loved seeing that brown coat on him & I hope it returns someday.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

chaostheory08- It's not working're still lookin' pretty guilty from where I'm sitting. ;)

afrikana- No such thing as an overdose, that *IS* hot!!! :devil:

Faylinn- THANKS! Aww! **Snuggles and pets the beautiful kitty I'm a cat person myself, and I think him having one is adorable! :D

I'm glad everyone seemed to like the D/F (Porn, if you will) hehe. I thought it was the perfect picture to share...

Ya think he knows just how hot he is? :p
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