Time to vote!
Wow, I thought there would be more captions.
Here's the picture:
Here's the captions:
1. Nick: Who was that in the closet with you?
Grissom: The correct way to phrase that question Nicky, would be, "Who was in the closet with you."
Nick: There was more than one person in there?
*Grissom raises his eyebrows and walks back towards the closet*
Nick: Man, how does he do it? -
2. Gris: Nick, don't tell me you weren't CatNipping with Catherine last night, for I have the evidence right here in my hand.

in his head) "Damn you Cath, you forgot to get rid of the evidence". -
3. "I'm going on my honeymoon, I'll be back in four weeks. STOP TOUCHING ME."-Grissom -
4. Gil: No, I am NOT playing scissors, paper, rock to see who gets to share a room with Catherine - I have CSI seniority. She's all mine. -
5. Nick: So how long do we have to do this?
Griss: Till 7pm.
Nick: These handcuffs are killing me.
Sara: That's what I've been telling him!
Griss: I think they're fine! =
6. Sara: Alright, who put this picture on the board?!
Nicky: Haha, Griss, you're screwed!
Grissom: Nick, you're fired.
Sara: And you're on the couch. -
7. Nick: Let us throw you a bachelor party!
Grissom: No.
Nick: We will let Catherine and Lady Heather come up with the entertainment.
Grissom: As interesting as that sounds. I don't think Sara would appreciate it.
Sara: I know about the plan and I don't want to deprive you of your bachelor party. All I ask is you videotape it for me. I always wondered what Catherine looked like dancing. I was thinking we should take classes taught by Lady Heather. We need to do something different. -