Caption Game - Miami Style Pt 3

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Your captions.....

Eric: That is the worst shave I ever got. You are going to get the death penalty for it.

Eric: I really hope H is here cause I'm not very good with a gun.
Cop: I hope this guy is good with a gun.

Eric - "You scratched my brand new Hummer with that shopping cart! Get back here!"

Eric: I swear I've had it up to here with these pigeons making a mess on my garden. First one to leave a mess will be flying to the big birdcage in the sky!!

Caption: Gator repellent.

Eric: If I find the person who disturbed my beauty sleep and stole my hair gel...
Cop: You called 911 for THAT?!!

Eric: Dude! Did you just fart?!
Cop: *scared* I'm sorry, I'm nervous!
Eric: That's just great, Farticus! If I have to fire this gun then the whole room will explode!

Delko: "Okay Wolfe, you're gonna quit flicking boogers in my Hummer, or I'm gonna take care of the problem right now!"
Cop in background: "He's not kidding. You shoulda seen what he did when I spilled coffee on the seat!"

Eric: (to cop behind him) Don't worry, Officer, when I find the perp who sewed your lips together, I'm going to give him the 'Dirty Harry H' treatment.

Eric: *kicks in door* "ok writers these are my demands for next season!"
Writer: *off screen* "um...ok no more ugly shirts... you want a Beamer to be your car.... and you want Delko to get a puppy?"
Delko: "thats right, or else..."
Cop: "sorry he just burst past me..."

Good luck! :)
Wow... I didn't even think mine was that funny. :lol: Thanks for the votes. :)

Here's the next one. It's Ryan and Eric with some woman... don't remember if she was a suspect or a witness or what... but, anyway. Click to see the full size of the pic:

Girl - "Ok, I pick you in the blue sweater. That orange polo and red long sleeve t-shirt look is just not working for me."

Eric - " All right!! :D"

Ryan - "But, but...."
Woman: Ryan, take lessons from Eric. You will never get a girlfriend by spilling food on your shirt.
Ryan: "Delko, this isn't gonna work."

Delko: "Sure it is. CSI's get all the chicks, remember? Ma'am, can you help my buddy out? He's looking for that special someone. I mean that REAL SPECIAL someone. Pretty and smart like you, but good with shirts."

Ryan: "Told you, man. You see how she looked at me? She thinks I'm a pig!"

Delko: "Hey, I didn't tell her you had OCD, okay?"
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