Hi guys... just a little reminder that the Captions should be of a Shippy nature.
Voting Time
Here is your pic
Now your Captions
Horatio: Mac... I thought we agreed. No taking naughty pictures in public.
Mac: Aww... please. Just one of you riding the horse.
Mac: I just got a text message that says: "It's done." Any idea what that means, Horatio?
Horatio: Not a clue, Mac. *puts on sunnies*
Mac: I should take this.. it's... my wife.
Horatio: (looking disappointed) Oh, I see. Stella right?
Mac: Yeah, she hates it when we're apart. You're not jealous are you??
Horatio: (biting finger) who me? Naw, I'm not jealous.
Horatio: So what do you think?
Mac: I told you that I wanted to know every aspect of the
case not your love life!
Mac: Horatio, you should see the pictures I just got!
Horatio: Wait! That's Eric... and Calleigh! And they're doing
H: Now...if you push the send button your message will go through instantly.
Mac: Really? That fast huh?
H: That fast, Mac. <
Puts on sunnies and walks off>...That fast.
Happy Voting