Voting Time...
Here is the pic...
Now your Captions:lol:
Wendy: No, Hodges. Mandy and I will not be having a threesome with you.
Hodges: Why not?
Mandy: Um, I'd kind of like to. :shifty:
Hodges: Mmm...Whoa... watch the foot their Wendy":devil:
Wendy: Me? I didn't even touch you.

You need to watch your foot. *
Mandy: *giggling*... if they only knew how double jointed I was:lol:
Hodges: Aw come on Wendy you always get to wear the nice stuff. I'm sick of always wearing the leather. When am I gonna get to wear the lace?
Wendy: So Hodges you want to wear one of my lacey thongs next time?
Hodges: A real man is not afraid of a thong. And I am that man.
Mandy: TMI guys. TMI!
Hodges: So Wendy, want to go mix our DNA?
Wendy: Was that your pickup line?
Mandy: I think I just threw up in my mouth a little
Hodges: (whining) WENDY... you said next time
I get to wear the French Maid's outfit!
Wendy: Okay Okay, no need to jump out of your seat.
Mandy: Why do I participate in these things???
Happy Voting