Voting time
Here is your picture
Now here are your Captions:lol:
Julia and Horatio are watching "Showgirls".
H: I don't want Kyle to find out that you did this kind of movie.
J: Horatio, I swear that it isn't me. There is an uncanny resemblance though.
:shrug: It's all I could think of. :lol:
Announcer: And here we have two more from the new fall line of Adult Fun Robots. Aren't they beautiful? So very lifelike. And, yes, they are both "Fully Functional". :devil:
Horatio: You taught our son to table dance?:wtf:
Julia: Yeah, isn't he something?
*Horatio puts on sunnies, turns in shame and says* "Yeah....something":scream:
Eric [calls across the room]: H who's your friend.
J: Yes H who's your friend.
H: Eric Julia, Julia Eric.
Eric [whispered]: Wow H you didnt say you had a friend with such nice......:devil:
Happy Voting