Voting Time
Here's the pic
And now your Captions:lol:
Stella: I'm telling you Mac. The Smac girls are behind that curtain waiting to lock us in their closet.
Mac: Mmm...:devil::evil::devil:
Stella: There's a room backstage where they keep the props... we can go there and we can play a game. We can wear some of the costumes... try different ones.
Mac: Because you're every woman, right? :wink:
Stella: And you're all the man that I need.
Stella: Ok Mac, I'll meet you in that room, gimme 5 minutes, then come in, I'll be waiting with your suprise.
Mac: Ok, I'm loving the sound of this.
Stella: Let's hope you're well rested, you'll be needing all of your engery for what I have planned. *Giggles* :devil:
Mac: It keeps sounding better and better...
Stella: Hey Mac, you see that?!
Mac: See what? *leans over*
Stella: It looks like Flack and Danny are getting frisky on duty
Happy Voting