Voting Time
Here is the Pic
And now your Captions
Horatio: What the hell was my line again?:wtf:
Eric: Come on H.:scream: I told you three times. Follow the pictures, it's just like ABC and 123.
Eric: :scream: Horatio can you at least look at me when I'm talking to you, it's not very polite to stand with your back to me...
Horatio: :wtf: Sorry, it seems this is the only way I can stand...
Horatio: *backs up further* Come on Eric, give H a little smack & tickle.
Eric: Forget it man, last time that happened I wound up with a bullet in my head.
Eric: I wonder if Calleigh's free tonight?...
Horatio: If you're thinking of taking my girl to dinner, [pauses and places photos] you're gonna end up like them.
Horatio: "And this is one of me dressed as a woman," *places photo on the table* "Do you think my ass looks a little big?"
Eric: "Nah, H, everything looks good to me."
Happy Voting