Can I ever put my childhood past behind me

Gil walks out of the DNA lab and flips his cellphone open. Then Gil puts the cellphone up to his right ear.

“What wrong Bethany?”

“Grissom can you come over here, I think Sara needs to go to the ER, because she is having a hard time breathing?”

“Yes Bethany’s, I am on my way to Sara and your apartment right now.”

“Thanks Grissom.”

Gil runs down the hallway to his office and grabs his car keys off his desk. He then runs out of the lab and all the way to his car. Once at his car Gil Grissom unlocks his Sky-blue Ford Focus and opens the drive side door. He then gets into the car and puts his key into the ignition and turns his car on. Fifteen minute later, Gil Grissom is turning into the parking lot of Sara’s apartment building. Grissom’s parks the car in the free parking space by the door of the building that Sara live in, then he turns the car off and unbuckle his seat belt. Grissom gets out of his car and locks the door up really fast. Gil then runs into the building and up the five flights of stairs. Once he reaches the fifth floor Gil Grissom run up to Sara’s apartment door and start knocking on the door. He is about to knock again when Bethany open up the door and let him into the apartment. Bethany then points to Sara who is setting in the big comfortable chair next to the couch. Gil runs over to Sara and kneels down in front of her, Sara eyes open up when she feels Gil right hand on her forehead. Sara looks at Gil and then starts coughing into her right elbow.

“Gil Grissom what is wrong with Sara?”

“I am not sure, but I going to take Sara to the ER at Desert Palm Hospital. Go get me Sara’s coat, shoe and her purse, then go get you shoe and coat on!”


Bethany runs into Sara’s bedroom and grabs her purse, shoe and her coat. Bethany then runs back over to Sara and Gil and sets Sara coat and purse on the couch and hand Gil Sara shoes. Bethany then runs over to the closet door by the apartment door and gets her coat out of the closet and then puts her coat on. Bethany then puts her pink tennis shoe on her left feet and Gil is helping Sara up from the chair. Once Sara has stands up Gil helps Sara put her coat on and then Gil hand Sara’s her purse. Then Gil wraps his left arm around her waist and help Sara toward the door. Bethany opens the door and let Gil and Sara out first, then follows Sara and Gil out and locks up the apartment. Then Sara, Gil and Bethany walk over to the elevator and Bethany push the down button and the three of them wait for the doors to open. When the elevator door open Gil helps Sara inside and then Bethany walks into the elevator. Bethany hit the main floor button and the elevator doors close. A few minutes later Sara is sitting on the passenger’s seat of Gil car and Bethany is sitting on the back seat. Gil is behind the wheel and is driving toward the hospital. The drive to the hospitals takes several minutes and by the time Gil pulls his car up to the ER doors’ Sara is really gasp for air. Gil puts his car into the park position and then shut it off. He gets out of the car and runs over to the passenger’s side of the car and opens the passenger’s door up. He then lifts Sara up and carriers her through the ER doors, Bethany grabs Sara’s purse. Then locks the doors of the car and closes all off the car doors. Then Bethany follows Gil and Sara into the ER, at the same time a nurse comes running over to Gil and Sara and points to the door leading from the wait room to the ER. The four of them walk into the ER and Gil lays Sara down on the bed in cubicle two. The nurse make Gil steps back and she pulls the curtain around the cubicle so only Bethany, Sara and herself (nurse) are in cubicle two area and Gil is standing outside of cubicle two. Then Bethany helps the nurse get Sara into a hospital gown. After Sara is in a hospital gown, the nurse pulls the curtain back and Gil walks over to Bethany and put his hands on the Bethany shoulders. Grissom then looks at Sara, who is now laying on the hospital bed.

“I am Nurse Day and a doctor will be back soon to see Sara, but for now I am going to put a nasal cannula on Sara to give her some oxygen.”
The nurse puts the nasal cannula into Sara’s nose and puts the tubes behind Sara ears. Nurse Day then turns on the oxygen. Nurse day grabs the ear thermometer and puts the thermometer into Sara left ear. When the thermometer beeps thirty seconds later the nurse write Sara temperance on her chart.

“Is Sara going to be ok Gil?”

“I am sure that Sara will be fine?”

“Coughing, Bethany stop worry I will be fine.”

At the same time a young female doctor with long blonde hair and blue eyes walks over to Gil, Bethany and Sara. Nurse Day hands the young female doctor Sara chart and the doctor walks over Sara bed sides and takes a look at Sara’s chart. At the same time Nurse Day walks toward the doors leading to the waiting room. Dr. Cross looks up from reading the chart and then looks at Sara, Gil and Bethany.

“I am Dr. Cross, I see that the nurse wrote down that you have a fever of 104.9 degrees Fahrenheit and that you are having problem breathing?

“Yes, coughing”

“My name is Gil Grissom and I am Sara’s friend and also her supervise at work. Dr. Cross, I can tell you Sara tonsils are swelling, along with her lymph-nodes and she also has white spots on her tonsils. Also Sara throat is very red and she is congested too.”

“Ok, thank you for let me know that Gil Grissom. Now Sara can you open your mouth, so I can take a look at your throat?”

“(Sound very hoarse) sure”

Sara opens her mouth and Dr. Cross shines her penlight into Sara’s mouth. Doctor Cross takes a look at Sara’s throat and also looks at Sara tonsils. After a few minutes of looking at Sara’s throat the doctor turns her penlight off and put the penlight away. Dr. Cross then feels Sara’s throat with her hands to check Sara lymph nodes.

“Sara did you get tonsillitis a lot in your childhood, adolescent years and do you still get tonsillitis a lot?”

“Coughing as a child, adolescent and during college my tonsils would be inflamed from September to May, but it slowed down a little since I finish college and starting working as a CSI.”
“Since you start working as a CSI how often do you have to go on medicine for tonsillitis during the year?”

“At lest two or three times a year.”

“Did any of your doctors in your childhood, adolescent or now as an adult let you that your tonsils needed to come out?”

Yes, all the time growing up and every time I go see my doctor for tonsillitis as an adult.”
“Why did you never have your tonsil out?”

“My parent could not afford to when I was grown up and I could not afford to get my tonsil out in college and now I do not like to miss work.”

“You no longer have a choice in the matter, because your tonsils are too inflamed and it looks like the Erythromycin that you are currently taking for tonsillitis is not working this time, so I am going to taking you to one of the operating rooms for an emergency tonsillectomy.”

“Can’t you give me a strong medication coughing and sent me home?”

“Not this time. Sara!”


At the same time two nurses walk up to Dr. Cross, Sara, Bethany and Gil. Then the nurses start pushing Sara’s bed toward the doors that says hospital staffs and patients only beyond this point. At the same time Dr. Cross show Gil and Bethany to the waiting room for emergency surgery and then Dr. Cross doctor head to the operating room.
Author note: Made the new case up, it did not really happen!
Chapter Twenty: Bethany casts come off early/synagogue case!
Its Wednesday, December 31, 2003 and Bethany’s is seeing the doctor that put the cast on her right ankle and left wrist, to see is the cast can come off her left wrist early and if the cast on her right ankle can come off early? A nurse and Gil Grissom are walking Bethany back from x-ray and to examination room number two. Which is where Sara Sidle is waiting for them, but Bethany does not know this so when Bethany walk into the examination room two and sees Sara setting on a chair that is next to the examination table. This makes Bethany jumps up and down, then Bethany runs over to Sara. Bethany gives Sara a big bear hug and Sara hug Bethany back, Bethany then hops up onto the exam’s table and at the same time the doctor walks into the room carrying a copy of the x-rays, that the nurse had taken fifteen minutes ago. The doctor hooks the x-rays onto the x ray lightbox and then the doctor looks at the x-rays. At the same time Gil Grissom walks over to Sara and stand beside her and takes a hold of Sara right hand. Bethany is watching the doctor as he looks over the x-rays of her ankle and waist, but she is getting impatience.

“Can I get the cast off because my leg and my wrist because there are starting to itch, Dr. Smith?”

“Yes, I look at the X-rays of your breaking ankle and waist and both of the breaks seem to have set well, but your waist and ankle stills need more time to heal fully. So a nurse is going to bring you a black Aircast A2 Wrist Brace for you to wear on your left wrist and the nurse is also going to bring a MaxTrax ROM Orthopedic Boot for you to wear on your right ankle.”

“(Sara’s throat is still a little scratchy) how long will she need to wear the orthopedic boot and waist brace for Dr. Smith?”

“I want Bethany to wear the orthopedic boot for the next five and half week and the wrist brace for the next four and half weeks.”

“(Sara and Bethany) Ok, Dr. Smith.”

The doctor walks out of the room and at the same time a nurse walks into the room carrying the Aircast A2 wrist Brace and MaxTrax ROM Orthopedic Boot, which are both black. Bethany looks at the young nurse that is Native American and has black hair and brown eyes. Bethany also sees that the nurse name tag says her name is White Fox, the nurse set the wrist brace and the orthopedic boot down on the exam table and then gets the cast cuter out. Nurse White Fox then takes Bethany ankle and wrist casts off. Nurse White Fox then carefully washes the wrist and ankle off and drys them. The nurse lets Bethany’s wrist and ankle air for a few minutes as she put the cast cuter away. Nurse White Fox then walks back over to Bethany and puts the Orthopedic Boot on her right ankle, then the nurse puts the wrist brace onto Bethany’s left wrist. Once the nurse has walked out of the room Bethany hop off the exam table and Sara stand up from the chair she is sitting on, then Sara and Gil and Bethany leaves the exam room and walk out to Gil’s car. Three minutes later Gil Grissom is driving toward Sara and Bethany apartment building.

“I will take the two of you home and then I have to go into work.”

“Have you solved the case from December 23 Gil?”

“No Sara, the case is still open, Warrick has taken the names of the people that own the guns that were used in the crime to the five judges to get a warrant to check all of their guns out, but none of the judges would give us warrants, but all of the judges say that we need to prove that the gun owners were at the crime scene. And since we have no DNA to prove they are the murders, the murders are going to get away with killing eighteen people and stole the babies, toddler and children.”

“Did you at last find the Babies, toddlers and children?”

“No, but the cops are still looking and they are amber alert out for all the children.”
Gil pulls his car into the parking lot of the apartment building that Sara and Bethany live at, he then pulls his car into the free guest parking spot that in front of Sara’s building and at the same time both Gil pager goes off and Sara’s cellphone start ringing. Gil takes his pager off of his hip and sees who is paging him. At the same time Sara takes her cellphone out of her purse to see who is calling her and see it is Jim Brass that is calling her. So Sara flips her cellphone open and at the same time Gil calls his boss back on his cellphone. Meanwhile Bethany is waiting in the back of the car to see what going on and at the same time Sara put her cellphone up to her right ear.

“Sidle speaking!”

“Hello Sara, are you up to work a case today?”

“Yes I am Brass, I am tired of taken it easy.”

“Good, I need you to head out to the synagogue that is off of Harmon Road!”

“Ok. I head over there after drop Bethany at the sitter house.”

“That fine Sara, I see you when you get to the crime scene, Bye.”


Sara and Gil’s close they cellphone at the same time and then look at each other, then both Sara and Gil look back at Bethany, who looks at Gil and her foster mom.

“Bethany’s I am going to drop you off at Catherine house and then Sara and I have to swing by the lab to get our kits and head to a crime scene.”

“Ok Gil, but can I run upstairs and get a book to read.”



Bethany gets her keys out and runs into the apartment building and heads upstairs to Sara and her apartment. When she walks into the apartment, Bethany is greeted by Ali and spot, she rubs each dogs head and then goes into her bedroom. Bethany walks over to her desk that is across from the bed and up against the wall on the left if you just walk into the bedroom and back is to the bedroom door, she grabs the Lord of the ring: The fellowship of the ring off her desk. Then walks out of her bedroom and puts the dogs on their lace and then Bethany, Spot and Ali leave the apartment and walks out of the building and then get into Gil’s car. Once Bethany has her seat belt on Gil Grissom back out of the parking space and drives towards Catherine’s house to drop Bethany and the two dogs off. Fifteen minutes later Gil pulls his car into the crime lab parking lot and he parks his car. Then Sara and Gil get out of Grissom car and head into the crime lab. The two of them walk to the locker room and clock into work. Then Sara and Gil walk over to their lockers and open up their lockers and get their crime scene kits out. After they have closed their lockers, Sara grabs a set of keys for one of the crime lab suv and then the two of them walk outsides and to the parking lot. The Sara and Gil put their kits into the back of the suv. Sara open up the driver door and Gil open the passengers’ door, then the two of them get into the suv. A few minutes later Sara stops for a red light and Gil pulls a ring box out of his jacket pocket. He then turns around, so he is facing Sara. Gil then flips open the ring box and he looks at Sara.

“Sara will you merry me?”

Sara looks at Gil and the ring box and her mouth drops open, she looks at the white gold ring which has a round raised diamond in the center and five round diamonds inset into the ring band, on each side of the raised diamond.

“Yes, I will marry you!”

Gil puts the ring on Sara’s left ring finger and then she starts to drive, because the light has turn green. Sara is still in shock when she pulls the suv up to the crime scene and parks behind Jim Brass’s car. After Sara has put the suv into park position and has turn the suv off, Gil and Sara get out of the suv. Then Sara and Gil grab their crime scene kits off of the backseat, Sara locks the suv and then Sara, Gil and Catherine who pulled in behind them, walks into the synagogue and at the same time Jim Brass walks over to Catherine, Sara and Gil.

“I think that I call the three of you into soon Nick and Warrick has the scene under control and they do not need your help. In addition the killers were caught fleeing the scene, but four off duty cops that live in the two houses across the street and the two houses on left sides of the synagogue.”

“Ok, Jim anything else?”
“That is not all the killers had the missing children and babies with them Gil!”

“That great that the children and babies for the December 23 case were found.”
“Yes it is, Gil and it look like you, Sara and Catherine have today off after all.”

(Sara, Gil and Catherine) Ok.”

Gil, Catherine and Sara walk outside and the walks over to the crime lab suv and Catherine’s suv. When they reach the suv’s Sara looks at Gil and then looks at Catherine and then Catherine notices the engagement ring that is on Sara’s left ring finger.

“Gil I want to get marrying right away lets go pick Bethany and Lindsey up and go get marrying.”

“Ok, but there still a couple hours before the bridal stores close, so go bye your self a dress.”

“Ok, Gil.”

“Lindsey six-year-old cousin Jenny is over and she could be the flower girl and me, Lindsey and Bethany could be your bridesmaids.”

“Sounds like a plan!”

“I will head back to the crime lab and clock us out of work and then I will go rent a tuxedo. Then I will meet you, Catherine, Bethany, Lindsey and Jenny at the White wedding chapel. Also when you are at the bridal store Catherine Lindsey, Bethany and Jenny should pick out a dress to wear and then go to a store and buy some dresses shoes.

“(Catherine and Sara) Ok.”

Sara hands Gil the keys to the lab suv. Gil takes the key and Sara crime scene kit. He then walks over to the suv and puts the kits into the back of the suv. Grissom then gets into the crime lab suv. Sara and Catherine walk over to Catherine suv and get into the suv. Gil drives the crime lab suv back to the crime lab. Once at the lab, Gil Grissom clocks himself, Catherine and Sara out of work. He then puts Sara and his crime scene kits into his office and walk out of the lab and gets into his car. Meanwhile Catherine is drive to her house to pick up Lindsey, Bethany and Jenny up.
Chapter Twenty-one: Mr and Mrs. Grissom
Nineteen minutes later Catherine, Lindsey, Bethany and Sara have got out of Catherine black suv that is parked in the parking lot of Stacey Bridal shop. Lindsey puts her crutch under her underarm and then looks down at the neon purple tank top and short that match the color of the knee brace on her left knee and ankle cast that on her left ankle. She then looks at Bethany and Sara who both have on jeans, she notices that Sara has a black T-shirt on and that Bethany has a pink T-shirt on. At the same time a three and half year old girl that is wearing a white skirt, a blue T-shirt and a white blouse unbutton and who has round hazel eyes, a round face along with red hair is to her elbows in length and large full lips, hops off her booster seat that is in the middle of the back seat and goes to the door behind the driver seat. Catherine picks up her niece and Jenny gives her aunt a hug smile.

“Aunt Catherine have I told you that I love the black dress pants and pink blouse that you are wearing today?”

“Yes several time now, Jenny.”

At the same time Sara, Bethany and Lindsey watch as Catherine set Jenny down on the parking lot, then take the young girls right hand. Then Catherine, Bethany and Sara close the suv doors and Catherine’s hit the lock button on her keychain. Then the five of them then start walking up to the doors of Stacey bridal shop.

“Sara is it all right if the bridesmaids dresses are long so they cover up my knee brace and ankle cast?”

“That is fine Lindsey.”

Catherine and Jenny reach the shop door first and Catherine open up the door and hold it open. Lindsey who on crutch hops through the doors of the shop first and is follow by Bethany, Sara, Jenny and then Catherine, who closes the door behind her. A young lady with blonde hair and blues eyes and that is dress in all black, with a name tag on the left side of her shirt walks over to Sara, Catherine, Lindsey, Bethany and Jenny.

“Hi my name is Katie and you must be the Sidle party that called and made the appointment for right now about twenty minutes ago?”

“Yes, I am Sara Sidle and to by left is Catherine and the young girl that holding Catherine hand is Jenny. Lindsey is next to Jenny and last is Bethany.”

“Stacey the story owner is over in the bridesmaids and flower girl section and is pulling dresses for Jenny, Bethany, Lindsey and Catherine and she will meet us in area that the fitting rooms are. Do you know what style of dress you want Miss. Sidle?”


“Ok, I will pull a sample of each style and bring them back to fitting room number one. I will show you to the fitting rooms and then go pull the dresses.”

Catherine, Lindsey, Sara, Bethany and Jenny follow Katie to the right of the shop and through the doorway that leads to the fitting rooms. Katie puts Sara into fitting room one and then puts Jenny and Catherine into fitting room two. Katie puts Lindsey in fitting room number three and Bethany is in fitting room number four. Katie’s then goes back to the main area of the shop and start pulling dresses for Sara to try on. Five minutes later Katie and Stacey’s who has brown hair and brown eyes walk into the fitting room area and they each have their arms full of dresses. Katie walks into Fitting room one and Sara closes the door, at the same time Katie hangs the dresses up. Meanwhile, Stacy goes into fitting room number two and hangs up two groups of dresses up and then Stacy walks into fitting room three and hang a group of dresses up and then does the same in fitting room number four. Sara is the first to come out of the fitting room and she is wearing a white trumpet wedding dress that has silver outline the semi sweetheart neckline. Bethany comes out of fitting room number four next and she is wearing an A-line floor length black dress with Spaghetti straps and the dress has a bubble skirt, with a pink sash around the waist. The sash is tied in a bow on the right side of the dress. Catherine comes out of fitting room number two next wearing the strapless design of the dress Bethany has on. Jenny comes out next and she is wearing a red dress that is just above the knees in length, with cap sleeves and black rose around the waist. Lindsey’s open the door to the fitting room she is in and then hop out on her crutch, wearing a light blue a-line dress that is floor length. The dress also has Spaghetti straps and a white sash that tie in a bow at the back of the dress. Sara looks at Bethany and can tell that she looks worried about something.

“Bethany’s what are you thinking?”

“I do not like the dress I am wearing, because it’s to hard to walk in with the Orthopedic Boot.”

“Ok then we will not get that dress for the bridesmaids to wear. Lindsey how do you like the dress that you are wearing?”

“I love the dress and it is really easy to walk in wearing the knee brace and cast on my ankle.”

“To let you know we have that dress in Catherine and Bethany size in stock too, Sara.”

“Thanks for lets us know Katie.”

“Catherine and Bethany to you like that dress?”

“(Catherine and Bethany) Yes Sara.”

“Ok, then lets get that dress for the bridesmaids, do you have the dress Jenny wearing in a light blue with white roses around the waist in Jenny size?”

“Yes, we do Sara.”

“I will take it in light blue with white roses around the waist.”

“Ok, I will go take the bridesmaids and flower girl dresses you do not want back to they racks and get two more of the light blue a-line dress that Lindsey is wearing in Bethany and Catherine sizes and the dress that Jenny is wearing in light blue with white rose.”

“Thanks Stacy.”

Stacy gathers up the dresses Jenny, Lindsey, Bethany and Catherine do not want and are not wearing to take the dresses back into the main part of the shop and then leaves the fitting room area. At the same time Katie, Lindsey, Bethany, Catherine and Jenny are now looking at Sara who is standing in front of the floor length mirror and looking at the wedding dress she is wearing.

“(Bethany and Lindsey at the same time ) I love that wedding dress that you are wearing Sara and you look great in the dress!”

“Thanks Lindsey and Bethany, what do you think about the dress Catherine?”

“I love you in that dress Sara, but what do you think about the dress?”

“I think I love it, but I want to try a few more dresses on, just to make sure.”

“Ok, then lets go back into the fitting room and try on another dress and the rest of you can go change back into your clothing and then come take seat in the chairs around the floor length mirror.”

Sara and Katie go into the first fitting room and Catherine and Jenny goes back into the second fitting room, Bethany goes into the fourth fitting room and Lindsey goes back into the third fitting room. Two minutes later Lindsey, Bethany, Catherine and Jenny have come out of the fitting they were using and have sit down on the chairs around the floor length mirror and Jenny is setting on Catherine’s lap. The door to fitting room one opens up and Sara walks out wearing a white mermaid style wedding dress that has a ruche bodice. Sara walks over to the mirror and lets everyone see what she looks like. Catherine can tell by just looking at Sara that she does not like the dress.

“What do you think of this dress Sara?”

“I do not like it. I like the first one better.”

“Lets go back into the fitting room and try on another dress.”


Sara and Katie walk into fitting room and Katie close the door to the fitting room. Two and half minutes later the door of fitting room one opens up and Sara walks out wearing a white A-line dress that has a pink sash tie in a bow on right side of the dress. Bethany, Lindsey and Catherine can tell that Sara happy in this dress then she was in the last dress, but is not as happy as she was with the first dress she tried on. Three and a half year Jenny looks up at Sara, as Sara looks into the floor length mirror.

“What wrong Sara?”

“Nothing Jenny, I just think that I want to try the first dress back on.”

Sara and Katie head back into the fitting room, so Sara can try the first wedding dress back on. Two minutes later Sara walks out of the fitting room wearing the trumpet wedding dress that has the silver outline the semi sweetheart neckline, with a huge grin on her face. Sara then twirls around in front of the floor length mirror, she stops twirling and turns so she is facing Bethany, Lindsey, Catherine and Jenny. At the same time Stacy walks back into the fitting room area carry the flower girl dress and the two Bridesmaids dress.

“Do you think that Gil will love this dress, because I am in love with it, Catherine?”

“I thinks Gil Grissom is going to love you in that dress Sara.”

“Then I am going to get this dress.”

“Ok and to let you know you can also buy dress shoes and Necklaces and bracelets here too, so you do not have to go to several stores Sara.”
“That good to know, Katie.”

“Let get you out of this dress and into your clothing and then you can finish up your shopping.”

Stacy pulls the light-blue bridesmaid dress out of fitting room number three and adds the dress to the other two bridesmaid dresses and at the same time Sara and Katie go back into fitting room number one. After Sara comes out of the fitting room Katie show Sara, Lindsey, Bethany, Catherine and Jenny over to the shoe section of the shop. That is up against the back wall of the store. Lindsey and Bethany both find a pair of dress shoes that they like that are frosting white satin that has 1 1/4 wedge heel and has peep toes, the instep is decorated with Swarovski crystal and pearl brooch. Catherine founds a pair of Paradox Shoe (called Betty) that she like, she finds a pair in her shoe size and try on the ivory duchesses silk dress shoe that has a ten-cm heel.
The dress shoes that have peep toes platform with scallop edges that are detailing with crystals and finds that the shoe fit. Catherine and Sara then help Jenny’s pick out a pair of dress shoe, Sara and Catherine pick out a pair of girl white satin slippers with ribbon ties that have flat leather soles. Then Catherine, Bethany, Lindsey and Jenny help Sara find a pair of dress shoes. Catherine holds up a pair of plane white stain five cm heel that have an open toes and Sara shake her head no, so Catherine puts them back on the shelf. Lindsey holds up a pair of white stain dress shoes with eleven cm heels and the shoes have crystal butterfly on the toe boxes (insteps) and have open toes. Sara shakes her head yes and Lindsey hand Sara a pair of the white stain dress shoes with the eleven cm heels and crystal butterfly on the toe boxes (insteps) and has open toes in her shoe size and then Sara try the high heels onto to make sure there fit, which there do. Sara, Jenny, Catherine, Bethany and Lindsey carry the boxes with they dress shoes in them walks over to the jewelry display case that is on the left-hand side of the side of the store if standing in the store door. If standing in front of the jewelry display case, the display case is on the right and the checkout counter is on the left-hand side of the display case. After looking at the jewelry display for a few minutes Sara pick out some multicolor pearl necklaces for everyone and each of the necklace has white, peach, lilac, pink, gold and bronze pearls on the necklace. Lindsey, Catherine and Bethany pick out pearl post earrings in peach and Jenny pick pink pearl post earring, as Sara pick out pearl post earrings in gold. Ten minute later Sara, Catherine, Bethany, Lindsey and Jenny are in Catherine’s suv and Catherine is driving to the marriage license bureau to meet Gil Grissom so Sara and Gil can get marriage license. Then Catherine, Lindsey, Bethany, Sara and Jenny will head to White wedding chapel, so the five of them can get changes into their dresses and put their necklaces and earrings on and Gil Grissom will stop by Ken Jewelry to pick out his and Sara wedding bands. At eight thirty in the evening Gil Grissom’s who is wearing a black tuxedo with a white dress shirt under the jacket of the tuxedo, a black bow tie and a pair of black dress shoes, is standing in front of a large white arch at the front of the room and he is also standing in front of the minister that is dress in all black. The minister is a little tall then Grissom, with brown eyes and tick short brown hair. Catherine’s mother is sitting in the center of the first row of chairs that are on the right side of the room and she is wearing a purple dress. Catherine mom is there to be Sara and Grissom second witnesses. The double doors to the white pearl chapel room open up and Jenny walks through the door wearing a light-blue dress that is knee length, with cap sleeves and white roses around the waist, pearls post earrings that are pink and multicolor pearl necklace that has white, peach, lilac, pink, gold and bronze pearls. Jenny throws white roses petals down as she walks to the front of the room. Catherine, Lindsey and Bethany follow Jenny into the room and the three of them are wearing light-blue a-line dresses that are floor length with Spaghetti straps and a white sash that tie in a bow at the back of the dress, pearl post earrings in peach and the same necklace as Jenny. The three bridesmaids walks in a straight line to the front of the room. When Jenny, Catherine, Lindsey and Bethany reach the minister and Gil Grissom that are standing in front of the arch the flower girl and three bridesmaid form a line on the right-hand side of the room, if standing in the double doors and looking at the front of the room, at the same time the music here comes the bride start playing. Sara walks up to the double doors wearing the white trumpet wedding dress that has silver outline the semi sweetheart neckline, along with the multicolor pearl necklaces and pearl post earrings in gold. Sara looks at Gil Grissom who has a huge smile on his face and then start to walk toward the front of the room, when she reaches Gil at the front of the room, she takes hold of both of Gil Grissom hands.

“You are here tonight to witness Sara Sidle and Gilbert Grissom marriage. Sara Sidle do you take Gilbert Grissom to be you wedding husband to have and hold for better of for worse, for richer or poorer to love and cherish from this day forward?”

“I do.”

“Gilbert Grissom will you have this women to be you wedding wife to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her and forsaking all other as long as you both shell live?”
“I do.”

The minister hand thick white gold wedding band to Sara and a thin white gold wedding band to Sara. Sara hold the wedding band up to Gil Grissom left ring finger, then she begins to talk.

“With this ring I thee wed, let this ring be giving and received as a token of affection, sincerity and fidelity to one another.”

Sara put the wedding band on to Gil Grissom left ring finger and then Gil hold the wedding band up to Sara left ring finger and start to talk to Sara, who has a huge smile on her face.

“With this ring I thee wed, let this ring be giving and received as a token of affection, sincerity and fidelity to one another.”

Gil Grissom puts the ring onto Sara left ring finger in front of the engagement ring. Sara and Gil look at the minister as the two of them take a hold of each other hand again.

“You my kiss you bride Gilbert Grissom.”

Gil pull Sara into a hug and then gives her a long a passion kiss on her lip and Sara kiss him back. At the same time White wedding chapel photographer take several picturer of the bride and groom kisses. After several minutes of kisses Sara and Gil pull away from each other and look at the minister once again, who look at Sara and Gil then start to talk.

“My the authority vested in me by the state of Nevada I pronounce you husband and wife.”

The Minister walks away from the groom and bride and then three bridesmaids and flower girl join Sara and Gil in front of the arch, then the photographer takes pictures of the groom and bride with the flower girl and bridesmaids. Once the photographer is done take pictures Catherine walk up beside Sara and Gil.

“Sara and Gil since school does not start back up to Monday, January 5 2004 how about Bethany spent tonight, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights to give the two of you three days and four night to yourself to get use to being married and choose if Gil move into Sara’s apartment of if Sara and Bethany are going to move into Gil’s townhouse?”

“(Gil and Sara) Bethany can stay at your and Lindsey house to Sunday night Catherine.”

“I will take Bethany by your apartment Sara to get some clothing before heading home.”

“That is fine, Bethany has her apartment key on her, Gil and I will see you Sunday night when we pick Bethany up.”

Catherine, Lindsey, Bethany, Jenny and Lily wave bye to Sara and Gil and then Catherine, Lindsey, Bethany, Jenny and Lily walk out of the room that Sara and Gil were marry in because Jenny is getting sleepy and it is near her bed time. Gil and Sara spent a few minutes alone in the room and then leave White wedding chapel to go out to dinner before going to Gil’s townhouse for the night.
Chapter Twenty-two: Grissom new family
It is the morning of January fifth at six thirty in the morning. Sara, Gil and Bethany are living at Sara’s apartment and Gil has put his townhouse up for sale. Gil who is wearing a pair of dark-blue pajama pants and a dark blue T-shirt, is in the kitchen making pancakes for Sara, Bethany and himself for breakfast. Sara is wearing a pair of light-blue pajama pant and light-blue nightshirt and her hair is pull up in a ponytail and Sara is sitting on the first stool at the breakfast island watching her husband making the pancakes. There are three plates on the kitchen island one in front of each of the stools. Grissom looks up from making the pancakes and look over at his wife. The two of them smile at each other.

“The pancakes are almost ready, will you go knock on Bethany’s bedroom door and let her know breakfast is almost ready Sara?”

Sara stands up and walks over to Bethany’s bedroom door, then knocks on the closed bedroom door, as she knocks on the door Sara can hear Bethany roll over in her bed and hears a murmur.

“Bethany’s it is time to get up, Gil making pancakes and there are almost done.”

“I will be out soon Sara.”

Sara walks away from her foster daughter bedroom door and over to the first stool at the breakfast island and sit down on the stool. Meanwhile in Bethany’s bedroom, the eight-year-old girl is wearing a pair of purple cotton pajama short and a purple cotton pajama tank top with thin straps and her hair is in French braided pigtails. Bethany has roll over in bed and is now laying on her back with her hands resting on her stomach and is now wishing that she wouldn’t eat the left over pizza for a midnight snack when working on her schoolwork from when she was out sick, because the pizza did not set well in her stomach and had a stomachache all night. Bethany sits up in bed and looks around her bedroom for a minute, then get out off bed. Bethany slower walks over to her bedroom door and a few moments later she walks into the kitchen/living room area of the apartment. She walks over to the breakfast island and sits down on the second stool as Gil Grissom is putting pancakes on the plate in front of her seat, Sara has already starts to eat her pancakes, once Gil has put three pancakes onto Bethany plate, he puts four pancakes on his plate, as Sara looks at Bethany and notices what she is wearing.

“Bethany’s it is not warm enough to be wearing a tank top and shorts to bed.”

“It feels warm enough to wear a tank top and shorts to me.”

At the same time Gil walks around to the other side of the breakfast island and sit down on the third stool that is on Bethany right side. After a few minutes Gil Grissom looks over and notices that Bethany has only take one bite of pancakes on her plate and Bethany is just stabbing the pancakes with her fork.

“Bethany’s you need to eat up, so you not hunger when you get to school. You will be able to concentrates on you’re schoolwork better with a full stomach.”

Bethany does not say anything to Gil Grissom but stop stabbing the pancakes with her fork and start to eat the pancakes despite having a stomachache and being nausea, Bethany halfway through the first pancake when Sara start talking to her.

“Did you get all you schoolwork from when you were sick finish?”

“Yes I finish the schoolwork before going to bed last night Sara. I am full, can I stop eating and go get ready for school?”


“Thank you Sara.”

Bethany slides off the stool and heads into her bedroom, once in her bedroom Bethany walks over to her dresser that is up against the wall on the left-hand side of the bedroom door, if standing in the door. She open up the top drawer and get out a pink sock, pink underwear and pink training bra, she close the drawer and open up the second drawer and grabs a pair of Jeans and a pink short sleeve polo shirt out of the drawer. At the same time in the kitchen/living room Sara has finish eat her four pancakes and has starts to clean up the breakfast dishes. At seven thirty there is a knock on the apartment door, Sara walks over to the door and looks through the peephole to see an eight-year-old girl with blue eyes, blonde hair that is shoulder length and the girl is wearing a pair of black jean and pink long sleeve shirt and a lavender book bag on her back. Sara open up the apartment door and let Bethany best friend Cassie into the apartment.

“Sniffling is Bethany ready to go outside and wait for the school bus Sara?”

“Gil will you knock on Bethany’s bedroom door.”

“Sure Sara.”

Cassie’s lean against the closet door on the right-hand wall right after the apartment door if stand in the doorway and Gil walks over to Bethany’s bedroom door. Gil’s knock on the closed door and a few moments later Bethany open up the door then walks out of the bedroom with her pink book bag on her shoulders. Bethany gives Gil and Sara a hug and then Cassie and Bethany walks out of the apartment. Sara shut the apartment door behind the girls and then goes back to clean up the kitchen. Sara is standing in front of the sink, which is in the center of the cabinet that is up against the well the apartment door on and across from the breakfast Island. Gil Grissom walks up behind Sara and wraps his arms around her waist, then pulls her away from the kitchen sink.

“You can do the dishes later Sara.”

Sara turns around so she is facing Gil and start to say something, but Gil lean toward his wife and start kisses’ Sara on the lips. Sara start kisses him back and the two of them walk out of the kitchen kisses each other and heads into they bedroom. Once in the bedroom the two of them lay down on the bed and continue to kiss and Sara pulling Gil pants down and he is pulling Sara pants down. Meanwhile outside the apartment building Bethany and Cassie are standing by the apartment building the two of them live in and are waiting for the school bus to get there. Bethany has her arm wrap around her stomach and Cassie is rubbing her hands up and down her arms because she is cold.

“How was your winter break Cassie?”

“Sniffling too short, I was at my grandmother and grandfather house for winter break and I wish the break could have been a couple weeks longer because I only get to see them ah-choo a few times a year. How was your winter break?”

“Bless you and Fine. I spent most of the break resting and when I start feeling better I start working on schoolwork from the last week of school when I was out sick.”

“Thank you Ah-choo.”

“Bless you again.”

Before Cassie can say thank you to Bethany, the bus pulls up, Bethany, Cassie and the rest of the children that live in the apartment complex walks up to the bus. Bethany and Cassie are at the end of the line. As Bethany and Cassie walk onto the bus Cassie stop beside the bus driver and grabs a large handful of tissues out of the bus driver tissue box. At the same time Bethany walks up to the eight seats on the right-hand side of the bus and behind the driver seat, Bethany sits down on the seat by the window and a few moments later Cassie sits down beside Bethany sniffling. Cassie looks at Bethany and sees that Bethany has laid her head against the window and has her eyes shut.

“Sniffling Bethany is it cold on the bus to you?”

“No, I think it is hot on the bus.”

At the same time the bus pulls out of the apartment complex and onto the road and the vibrate of the bus are making Bethany really nausea. Cassie start sneezing and cover her mouth and nose with a tissue, Bethany open up her eyes and looks over at her best friend with a worry look on her face.

“Should you be going to school Cassie because you keep sneezing and sniffling?”

“My mom side I had to go Ah-choo school because I am not running a fever, but I been sniffling for four day and sneezes for the last couple days and this morning I wake up Ah-choo with a sore throat.”

“I think that I should have start home from school because I had a stomachache since midnight and I wake up nausea and the vibrate of the bus is making me more nausea.”

“That not good Bethany, coughing.”

Bethany start gagging and cover her mouth with her left hand, Cassie pulls her leg up onto the seat and Bethany stand up and runs into the alley of the bus. Then run up to the front of the bus, she just makes it to the front of the bus and to the bus driver trash can. She takes her hand off her mouth and grab hold of the trash can and start throwing up into the trash can. The bus drive has just stop for a red light, look over at Bethany.

“I will turn around in the store parking lot and take you back home Bethany.”

Bethany who is still throwing up does not say anything, but sit down on the empty seat behind the bus driver. Cassie stands up from the seat she sitting on and starts walking to the front of the bus sneezing into a tissue. When she gets to the front of the bus, the bus driver is turning around in the Dollar Tree parking lot. Bethany slides toward the window and Cassie sits down next to her best friend in the first seat of the bus, at the same time Bethany stop throwing up and leans her head against the window of the bus.

“The bus driver is turning around to take me home.”

Cassie lay her head against the back of the seat and start coughing into her right hand, as the bus driver pulls out onto the street and start heading toward the apartment complex Bethany and Cassie live in. Two minutes later Bethany is walking away from the bus and to the door of the apartment building she lives in, she stops walking and looks back at the bus to see Cassie sitting by the window of the seat behind the bus driver with her head against the window and eyes shut. She also notice that the bus driver is standing beside the first seat and has her right on Cassie’s forehead. A few moments later Cassie gets off the bus and walks up to Bethany.
“The bus driver said it feels like I am running a fever and Ah-choo and that coughing I sound too sick to go to school today.”

Bethany does not say anything because she is fighting the urge to throw up. The two girls walk to the main door of the apartment building the two of them live in and a few minutes later are walking down the hallway of the fifth floor. When Bethany reaches the door to her, Sara and Gil apartment she takes the key out of her backpack and then unlocks the apartment door. Inside the apartment Gil and Sara hear the door unlock and stop having sexual intercourse. Gil pulls the cover up and Sara hops out of bed and puts her robe on, then walks out of the bedroom to see who enter the apartment. Sara is surprise to see Bethany come through the apartment door and drop her backpack by the door. Bethany then runs into the bathroom, Sara walks up to the open bathroom door and sees Bethany drop to her knees in front of the toilet and start throwing up into the toilet. Sara walks into the bathroom and by the bathtub/shower on the left-hand side and the bathroom sink that on the center of the right-hand wall, if standing in the bathroom door and over to Bethany that still throwing up into the toilet, which is after the bathtub/shower on the left-hand wall if standing in the bathroom door and pull the French braided pigtail out of Bethany face, at the same time Gil Grissom walk up to the bathroom door. Gil sees Bethany throwing up and walks into the bathroom and grabs a washcloth out the basket that sitting on the first shelf of the white tall bathroom storage unit that on the right-hand side of the sink if, standing in front of the sink. There is a white tall bathroom storage unit on the left-hand side too. The storage unit on the right has washcloth, hand towel, hair towels and bath towels and the one on the left has shampoo’s, conditioners, bubble bath, toothpaste, cup holding toothbrushes, body wash and other bathroom toiletries. Gil Grissom wet down the washcloth and rings out the extra water, at the same time Bethany stop throwing up and leans against the bathroom wall resting her hands on her stomach. Gil walks over and hands Bethany the washcloth and she wipes her face off with the washcloth.

“I am never going to eat pizza with Swiss chard, goat cheese, artichoke, avocado and zucchini on it again, my stomach been bothering me since I eat it last night, gagging.”

Bethany set the washcloth down and lean over the toilet and start throwing up again. A few minutes later Bethany stands up and walk out of the bathroom and into her bedroom shutting the bedroom door behind her. Bethany changes back into the cotton tank top and shorts that she wore to bed last night and then get into bed, at the same time there is a knock on the bedroom door.

“Bethany can Gil and I come in?”


Sara opens up the bedroom door and then she and Gil walk into Bethany’s bedroom. Bethany sees that Sara has the digital thermometer in her left hand and Gil has brought a fresh washcloth for her to use. Sara walks over to the bed turning on the thermometer, which headboard of the bed is up against the center of the far right-hand wall, if standing in the bedroom door. When Sara reaches the bed Bethany’s take the thermometer from her foster mother and puts the thermometer into her mouth. A minute later the thermometer beeps and Bethany takes the thermometer out of her mouth and then hands the thermometer to Sara.

“You are running a fever of 101.2 degrees Fahrenheit.”

“I am hot are either of you hot?”

“(Sara and Gil) No.”

Gil hands Bethany the washcloth and Bethany set the washcloth on her forehead. At the same time Sara sit down on the edge of Bethany’s bed. Sara looks at Bethany, then looks at Gil with a worry look on her face.

“Sara I know that you want to stay home with Bethany tonight, but you misses to many days the last two weeks of December, so you have to go into week tonight. But I can stay home tonight and take care of Bethany.”

“Thank you Gil, Lily and Lindsey do not need to catch what Bethany has.”

“I am not Sara and Gil is it all right if I take a nap?”

“(Sara and Gil) Sure, Bethany if you need anything just shout for one of us.”
“I will and will you leave my bedroom door open Sara?”

“Sure Bethany.”

Sara stands up from the bed and then Gil and Sara walks out of Bethany’s bedroom and into the living room/kitchen area. The two of them stop walking outside Bethany’s bedroom door and look into the room and watch Bethany for a few minutes, then Sara and Gil walk away from Bethany door and into they bedroom.