Can I ever put my childhood past behind me

Chapter Sixteen: Please let me go home, Grissom!
Sara walks into Gil Grissom office and sat down in one of the chairs that are in front of his desk. Sara then set the printouts onto Grissom desk and starts having a cough fit, she coughs into her right elbow. But Sara gets mad when Grissom does not even check to see if she is all right. As soon as she stops coughing, she leans back in the seat and closes her eyes. She tries to take a few deep breaths, but ends up cough some more. Gil looks up from his desk and picks up the printouts Sara set on his desk. Gil Grissom sees that Greg got a DNA hit for a Contz Munzinger. He then looks at the printouts from Bobby and sees the two types of handguns used were German WW2 Walther P38 9mm service pistol and a WW2 German Mauser Pistol.

“Sara I want you to look over the printouts and do background checks on all of the gun owners and then highlight the ones that have a violent history or are neo-Nazi members.”

“(Voice is a Whisper) Warrick is back can’t he do that, I feel awful? I think that I should really go home and go to bed.”

“No, He has to look through all the files of shoe prints and match the shoe casts to the type of shoe or shoes that left the eighteen prints leading up to the back door.”

“Could you do the background checks, I am really not up to looking over the printouts and doing background checks on all of the gun owners!”

“No, I have to go back to the crime scene and process the basement fully. When you are done with the background checks, go into the garage and start processing the suv’s, cars and vans that have been tow to the crime lab garage.”


Sara stands up and grabs the printouts from Bobby Dawson off of Grissom desk. Sara walks out of Gil Grissom office and slams the office door closes behind her. She walks down the hallway towards the computer lab, but Sara stop walking when she gets to the restrooms and she push open the door to the lady restroom. Sara walks over to the first stalls and tears some towel paper off of the towel paper roll. Sara then blows her nose several times. She walks over to the sink and the trash can and throws the tissue paper that she use to blow her nose into the trash can. She then puts the printouts between her knees and set the bottle of water on the floor. Sara then washes and drys her hand, after she throw the paper towel into the trash can, she takes the printouts out from between her knees. Sara then grabs her bottle of water off the floor and leaves the restroom. Sara then slower walks to the computer lab and at the same time she is coughing into her right elbow. Five minute later, she gets to the computer lab and set her bottle of water and the printouts down on the first computer desk. She then takes a sat in the chair that is at the first computer and turns the computer on. Once the computer has start up, Sara opens up database she needs and types in the first name on the lists, which is Contz Munzinger and he owns German WW2 Walther P38 9mm service pistol. She highlights his name in yellow, then takes a look at the next name and sees the next name is Michel Anschuetz. She types in the name Michel Anschuetz into the computer, Sara then closes her eyes and at the same time the database start searching for a match. She open her eyes and picks up her bottle of water and then take the cap off of the bottle. She takes several long sips then puts the cap back onto the bottle. Sara leans back in the chair and puts her right hand on her forehead and she can feel the heat coming off of her forehead. Sara stands up and push the chair in, then she walks out of the computer lab. She walks down the hallway and walks through the open doors of the break room and sees Warrick looking through three ring binders of shoe prints. Sara walks over to the couch that in the break room and grabs the gray blanket off the back of the couch. She then wraps the blanket around her shoulder. At the same time Warrick looks up from the binder he is looking through and sees that Sara is wrapping the blanket around herself. Warrick also sees that Sara is shivering, Warrick stands up and walks over to his co-worker. Warrick stops in front of Sara so she can not leave the break room. Warrick then puts his left hand onto Sara forehead and can tell that she has a high fever.

“You are running a fever Sara.”

“I know Coughing (into right elbow) and I need to get back to the computer lab!”

“Just listen to me for a few minutes!”


“You are not looking good at all and you are shivering, but at the sometime you are bright red, which is most likely from the high fever you are running!”

“I feel awful, Ah-choo.”

“Bless you and have you saw a doctor or ask Dr. Robbins to look at you Sara?”

“No, I have not seen, Ah-choo, my family doctor, but Dr. Robbins checked me out. I have tonsillitis and also have all the signs of Strep Throat, so he called me in a prescription for Erythromycin and someone from walgreens dropped it off for me.”

“Go, home Sara!”

“Ahem, I want to go home, but Gil will not let me.”

“What do you have to do after running the names of all the people who owner the WW2 pistols that were used?”

“Process the suv’s, vans and cars, coughing (into right elbow).”

“I will do that, Sara and take your time running the names. Once all the names are run come to the break room, then lay down on the couch and take a nap. If Grissom has a problem with you taking a nap, I will deal with him. That why you won’t have too deal with Grissom.”


Warrick walks back over to the table and sat down. He goes back to looking through binders of shoe prints and at the same time Sara walks out of the break room and heads back to the computer lab. When she walks into the computer lab Sara see that she has a match for Michel Anschuetz and He has been very active in neo-Nazi rallies and events. Michel also a Walther P38 9mm service pistol that he got from his grandfather and that Michel has use the Walther P38 to kill the neighbors’ puppies. Sara highlights his name and at the same time realizes she can’t stay awake any longer. She picks up the printout and turns the computer off. Sara stands up and then grabs her water bottle. She walks out of the computer lab and heads to the break room. Warrick hears a wheezing sounds and looks up form the binder of shoe prints and sees Sara walking over to the table. Sara set the printouts down on the table next to Warrick, who is giving her a worried look.

“(hardly has a voice.) I can’t stay awake, can you do this or get Gil Grissom too?”

“Sure Sara, go lay down on the couch and get some rest!”


She walks over to the couch and she is coughing into her right elbow. When she reaches the couch, Sara takes her gun belt, pager and cellphone off her hips and then she takes a set on the break room couch. Sara kicks her shoe off and then she lay down on the couch. At the same time Warrick stands up and then he walks out of the break room. He then goes and gets one of the labs laptops, then he returns to the break room. He takes a sat at the table and opens the laptop and then start the laptop up. Once the laptop is fully load, he open up the database he needs and then types the next name into the computer. As he is waiting from a match to come up or for it to say no match he continues to look at shoe prints. A half-hour later Gil Grissom walks into the break room and he sees Sara asleep on the break room couch. Warrick is so busy looking at shoe prints and running names of the gun owners that he does not see Grissom come in. Gil Grissom walks over to the couch and kneel down next to Sara, with his mind set on waken Sara up. But as soon as he puts his right hand on Sara shoulder to shakes her, he changes his mind. Grissom stands up and runs over to the sink and wets down a washcloth with lukewarm water. Grissom carry the washcloth over to Sara, he sat down on the edge of the coffee table and starts to wipe Sara face off. At the same time Warrick looks up from what he is doing and sees Gil Grissom wipe Sara face off with a washcloth. Warrick gets up and walks over to Gil and kneels down next to Sara, he then takes the blanket off of her and unzips her jacket and slips it off of Sara. Warrick then slips Sara blazer off, so she just has the white long sleeve shirt on.

“Can you roll her sleeves up so I can wipe her arms off?”

“Sure Grissom.”

Warrick rolls up Sara sleeves and Gil wipes both of Sara arms off, the whole time Gil is wipe Sara off, she stays a sleep. When Grissom is finish wipe Sara off, he looks down at Sara. Warrick and Gil sees that Sara is not as bright red as before, but she still feels like she is on fire when you touch her forehead or her arms Gil and Warrick looks at each other and then back down at Sara.

“I know she has started taking Erythromycin, but I am not sure if it’s strong enough?”

“She has only taken one dose so far Warrick, I want you to go into my office and open up the middle drawer of my desk and grab the bottle of Tylenol out of the drawer and bring the Tylenol to me, Sara needs to take something to get her fever down, here are the keys.”

“Ok, I will be right back.”

Warrick stands up and then he runs out of the break room. He runs down the halls and to Grissom office. Warrick then runs into Grissom office and run right over to Grissom desk. Warrick open up the middle drawer and grabs the bottle of Tylenol. He then runs back to the break room and sees that Gil Grissom has wake up Sara. He also see that Sara is trying to sat up on the couch, but is having trouble. Grissom take ahold of Sara hands and help her sat up, at the same time Warrick walks over to the couch. Warrick hands Gil the Tylenol and then goes over to the counter and makes Sara some hot tea. When the tea is ready Warrick (carry the cup with the tea in it) walks over to Sara and hands the cup of tea to Sara, she takes the cup from Warrick.


“Sara, I want you to take two Tylenol and then I am having Warrick take you home.”

“My car is here.”

“ I will follow Warrick to your house in your car, Sara.”

“Ok, But Warrick, can we swing by your place to pick up Bethany Beagle puppy, that you are keeping at your place till the night before Christmas seeing it’s the morning of the 24?”

“Sure, Sara and when is Bethany coming home?”

“Coughing (into right elbow), Lily is going to bring Bethany home, once I call and let her know that I am home.”


“I still need to wrap her gifts!”

“We will stay and warp her gifts, so you can rest.”

“Will one of you pleases call Lily after the gifts are wrapped and tell her she can drop Bethany off.”

“Sure and after Sara take the Tylenol we should help Sara’s out to your car Warrick.”


Gil opens the bottle of Tylenol and pours two pills into Sara left hand. Sara takes the Tylenol and drinks a few sips of tea. Gil Grissom leaves the break room and head to the locker room to get Sara purse and Erythromycin out of Sara locker. When Gil walks back into the break room two minutes later, he picks up Sara cellphone, pager and gun belt. Warrick helps Sara put her shoes on and then he helps Sara stand up. Warrick help Sara walk to the door of the crime lab and out to his car that is park in the middle parking space of the third row. Warrick opens the passenger door of his car and then he helps Sara get into his car. As Warrick gets into the drive seat, Sara puts her seat belt on. Grissom then hands Sara her purse, medicine, cellphone and gun belt that has her handgun on it. Sara gives Gil Grissom her car keys and then Grissom closes the passenger door of Warrick car. Gil Grissom heads to Sara car and at the same time Sara lays the seat back , she then closes her eyes. She falls right to sleep and does not wake up till Bethany Beagle puppy licks her face. Sara opens her eyes to see the white and brown puppy setting on her lap. Sara then looks over at Warrick and sees that they are head towards her apartment building.
Chapter Seventeen: Warrick and Gil stop working the case to help nurse Sara back to health!
Warrick pulls up to the visit parking space by the door of Sara building and Parks his car. Gil pulls Sara Car into her parking space and then he walk over to Warrick Car. Gil Grissom opens the passenger door and takes the puppy from Sara and also grabs Sara purse, medicine, gun belt and cellphone. Gil hands Sara her keys and she starts to stand up, but gets dizzy and has to sat back down. Warrick lift Sara off the seat and then Gil close the car door. Warrick carry Sara inside and upstairs to her apartment, Sarah hands her keys back to Gil and he unlocks the door and lets Warrick and Sara in, Sara dog Ali runs up to Warrick, Sara and Gil and then the dog walks over to the couch and lay down out of the way, so Warrick can get Sara into her room. Gil close the door and sets Sara gun belt, cellphone, purse and medicine on to the breakfast island and then Gil set the Beagle puppy down on the floor. The puppy runs over to Ali and sniffs her. Ali looks at the little boy puppy and let him lay down next to her on the floor. At the same time Warrick has taken Sara into her bedroom and he sat Sara onto her on the bed, Gil goes and get Sara her Pajama off the window seat and heads then to her. Then both Gil and Warrick leave Sara bedroom and Warrick close the bedroom door, so she can change. Once Sara has change she walks over to her bedroom door and open up the door. She then walks over to the couch and takes a sat on the couch. Sara then wrap the blue blanket that on the couch around her shoulder.

“Where are Bethany gifts at?”

“Sniffling, In my bedroom closet and so is the wrapping paper.”

“Sara’s here same ice water for you to drink.”

“Warrick, I am, Ah-choo, really cold I do not want Ice water!”

“The Ice water will help bring you fever down.”

“I won’t drink it, Gil.”

“Fine how about some cold tea?”

“Fine, coughing (into right elbow).”

Warrick walks into the kitchen and grabs a glass out of the cabinet. He then grabs the tea out of the refrigerator and pours Sara a glass of tea. He walks the glass of tea over to Sara and hands the glass with the tea in it to Sara. Gil then hands Sara the prescription pill bottle and Sara gets one of the pills out, because it time for her second dose. Sara takes the pill and sip some tea to help the pill go down. She then lay down on the couch and rest as Gil and Warrick wrap Bethany gifts. After the gifts are wrap Gil holds the puppy and Warrick put a blue ribbon around his neck. Gil and Warrick then put the gift under the tree and then Warrick calls’ Lily and let her know she can bring Bethany home.
Chapter eighteen: A restless sleep and Bethany’s first Christmas with Sara!
Gil and Warrick are sitting on stools at the breakfast island in the kitchen area of Sara’s apartment and are looking over the case notes along with the Toxic, Trace and final autopsy reports that David dropped off to them a few minutes ago. Sara is asleep on the couch, but is tossing and turning and she is also sweating really bad too. Sara is having a dream about her childhood. It’s the day before the 1979 winter break from school, Sara has been laying in bed for two hours listens to her mom and dad fighting. Her parents are fight over the fact Mrs. Sidle is letting Sara’s stay home sick from school when it is the last day of school before winter break starts. Sara hears the fighting stops when her mom runs out of the house and slams the door of the house shut behind her. The next thing she hears is her dad stamping up the stairs and Sara is thinking I hope that my dad stays out of my bedroom. She then sees her bedroom door fly open and her dad comes into her bedroom and at the sometime she starts coughing. She looks at her dad face and sees he is very mad and also is very drunk. She pulls her cover up over her as her dad sets down on her bed and at the sometime start shaken really bad. Not because she is scary, she knows what he is going to do. She is shaken because she is really cold and can’t warm up. He pulls the cover off his daughter, then pulls his pants off and get under her covers.

“(Voice sounds very hoarse.) Dad, don’t I am sick!”

“Be quiet and stop shakes!”

“I can’t I am cold!”

“(Mr. Sidle Slaps Sara.) I said no talking!”

Sara tries to push her dad off of her, but is too weak and gives up. She just lays there and lets her dad do whatever, he wants to. Ten minutes later Mr. Sidle leave his daughter bedroom and goes downstairs. A minute later Sara hears her dad open up a bottle of beer up. Sara gets out of bed and walks over to her dresser, she then gets a clean pair of underwear and pajama out of her dresser. She then leaves her bedroom and goes into the bathroom, to take a shower. As she is taking her shower, she starts crying and shouting to herself.

“God why did my mom’s leave, me here alone with him and I feel really dizzy.”

Sara gets really light head and she falls down onto the shower floor, she hits her head on the shower floor and then she blocks out. When she comes to Sara looks around and sees that she is in the hospital and she is laying on a hospital bed. Sara sees her mom sitting in the chair next to her hospital bed and sees that her mom has been crying.

“What happened, mom and why am I in the hospital?”

“You passed out in the shower, I come home and find you laying on the shower floor and the water was still run.”

Sara dreams ends at this point because she feels someone tap her shoulder. She open her eyes to see Bethany putting the gifts she bought and wrap under the tree. Sara then notices that it is Catherine, who is tap her shoulder.

“Hi Sara. Lindsey and Catherine are going to open their Christmas gift up over her with us.”

“Ahem that is cool, Lindsey’s what did the ER doctor say is wrong with your left leg coughing?”

“I tear my ACL and M.C.L., I also break my ankle and knee cap.”

“Lindsey your ankle cast along with your knee brace are both neon purple, like my ankle cast.”

“I know we match.”

“Lets open are gifts now.”

“(Lindsey, Sara and Bethany) Sure.”

Gil help Sara by heading Bethany her gifts and Warrick pass Sara the gifts from Bethany. That way Sara will not have to get up and can stay on the couch. Sara opens her gifts from Bethany first and they are the new mystery novels that she wanting, along with a black skirt and matching dress shirt that she look at the first time she went to the mall with Bethany. Bethany opens her gifts from Sara next and love all the butterflies things that Sara gives her and really love the Beagle puppy who names is Spot. Lindsey opens her gift next and she gets a new CD player and the CD’s that she asks for. Lindsey also gets her first pair of high heel dress shoes. Catherine then open her gift from Lindsey and the gift is a pair of ruby earrings, that Catherine has wanting for the last year. It took Lindsey all year to save the money to buy her mom these earrings, but when she sees the big grin on her mom face and gets a big hug from her mom Lindsey was glad she was able to buy them for her. After all the gifts are open Sara goes into her bedroom and lays down on her bed. Gil and Warrick leave Sara apartment and head back to the lab. At the same time Catherine and Lindsey head home and Bethany takes her gifts into her bedroom. Then Bethany set up the purple butterfly saucer chair and she plays with Spot. Bethany also listens for Sara incases, she needs anything.
Chapter nineteen: Gil Grissom to the rescue!
Bethany is sitting on her bed reading the Hobbit. The dogs Ali and Spot’s are playing with each other. Ali and Spot keep running into the living room and then two dogs lay down on the living room floor. Then both the dogs rollover, Spot and Ali then get back up and run back into Bethany’s bedroom. The dogs then lay down on Bethany bedroom floor, then the two dogs rollover and repeat it all over again. Bethany is so into reading the book that she jumps when the phone starts ringing. She picks the phone up really fast and answers it, so it does not wake Sara up.

“Bethany’s speaking!”

“Can I speck to Sara Sidle?”

“Who is this?”

“Laura Sidle and I am Sara mother.”

“Sure, I will take the phone to Sara.”


Bethany puts a book mark in her book and then she close the book. Bethany set the book down on her bed and then she stands up. Bethany walks out of her bedroom and walks over to Sara open bedroom door. Bethany then heads into the Sara bedroom and walks over to the side of the bed. Bethany tap Sara left shoulder and when Bethany taps Sara shoulder for a fifth time Sara opens her eyes to sees Bethany standing next to her bed. Sara notice that Bethany has the cordless phone in her right hand, at the same time Sara set up in her bed and then yawns into her right hand.

“Your mom is on the phone.”

Bethany hands Sara the cordless phone and Sara takes the phone from her foster daughter and then looks at her alarm clock on the nightstand to see what time it is. At the same time Bethany walks out of Sara’s bedroom and goes back into her bedroom. She picks up her book and start reading the Hobbit again. Meanwhile, Sara has puts the phone up to her right ear.


“Hi Sara, I know it has been a long time since we have talk!”

“What do you want mom?”

“To talk to you and to see you again, I miss you so much baby.”

“You killed your husband and my dad in front me mom!”

“He was abusive Sara!”

“You did not Ah-Choo have to kill him. We could have left one night after he passes out coughing!”

“He would of found us and killed.”

“ I don’t think so and I do not want to talk to you!”

“Sara please listens to me for a few minutes!”

“Ok, but make it short.”

“I know now that stab your father seven times in the chest was wrong. But back then I was so tired of being physically abused that I snap and killed your father. I have want to tell you this for years, but you never came to see me in prison or in the long term care facility for the mentally ill that I currently live in, but I am going to tell you now Sara. I am schizophrenic, I found out shortly after killer your father.”

“That does not change anything mom!”

Before her mom could say anything, Sara hit the off button on the cordless phone. She then get out of her bed and walks out of her bedroom and into the living room. Sara then walks into Bethany’s bedroom, Bethany looks up from reading the Hobbit when Sara walks into her bedroom and sees that Sara has tears running down her face. Bethany knows something is wrong with Sara, beside being sick when Sara drops the phone onto her bed and then flops down into the purple butterfly saucer chair. Sara then brings her knees up to her chest and rest her head on her knees. Bethany’s crawl to the end of her bed and turn so she is facing the windows (across from the door) and Bethany takes a set on the edge of her bed, because the purple butterfly saucer chair is set up in front of the windows.

“Sara, What is wrong?”

“Nothing Bethany, But next time my mom calls tell her I am not able to come to the phone.”

“Today only or any day?”

“Every day, I never want coughing to talk to her.”

“I did not mean to over hear what you say to your mom but I did, because you were yell it. Did you mom really kill your dad in front of you?”

“Ah-Choo, yes!”

“So, she was calling you from jail?”

“No, a the long term care facility for the mentally ill. My mom has schizophrenia, Coughing!”


Bethany looks at Sara who is having a really bad coughing fit and Bethany can told that Sara having a hard catching her breath. Bethany stands up and walks up to Sara and help her stand up. Bethany then helps Sara walk out of the bedroom and over to the breakfast Island in the kitchen area. Sara takes a set on a stool and Bethany walks into the Kitchen and grabs a glass out of the cabinet. She then gets Sara a glass of water, Bethany walks over to Sara and Sara takes the glass of water from Bethany. Sara then tires to take a sip of the water, but she can’t stop coughing. Sara stands up and walks over to the couch, taking the glass of water with her. Bethany watches Sara as she walks over to the couch and notice that by the time Sara sat down on the big comfortable chair that next to the couch, she is gasping for air. Bethany walks over to the Sara and takes a sat on the coffee table and she is facing her foster mother (Sara back is to the breakfast island/kitchen and the apartment door).

“Sara, is everything ok?”

“No, Coughing.”

“Do you want me to call someone?”

“Call Grissom.”


Bethany stand up and runs into her bedroom, Bethany grabs her cellphone off of the night stand and then she dials Gil Grissom cellphone number. At the same time Gil Grissom is talking to Greg in the DNA lab, when his cellphone starts ringing. Greg and Grissom stop talking and Grissom takes his cellphone off of his hip. He looks at the caller I.D. and sees that it is Bethany’s cellphone number on the caller I.D., Greg look at Grissom who is still staring at the caller I.D. on his cellphone.

“Is something wrong Grissom?”

“Not sure yet Greg, the number on the caller I.D. is Bethany cellphone number, so something must be wrong with Sara.”

“Do you want to take the call?”

“Yes, thanks.”

Gil walks out of the DNA lab and flips his cellphone open. Gil puts it up to his right ear.

“What wrong Bethany?”

“Grissom can you come over here, I think Sara needs to go to the ER, because she is having a hard time breathing?”

“Yes Bethany’s, I am on my way to Sara and your apartment right now.”

“Thanks Grissom.”

Gil runs down the hallway to his office and grabs his car keys off his desk. He then runs out of the lab and all the way to his car. Once at his car Gil Grissom unlock his Sky-blue Ford Focus and opens the drive side door. He then gets into the car, he then puts his key into the ignition and turns his car on. Fifteen minute later, Gil Grissom is turning into the parking lot of Sara’s apartment building. Grissom’s parks the car in the free parking space by the door of the building that Sara live in. He then turns his car off and unbuckle his seat belt. Grissom gets out of his car and locks the door up really fast. Gil then runs into the building and up the five flights of stairs. Once he reaches the fifth floor Gil Grissom run up to Sara’s apartment door and start knocking on the door. He is about to knock again when Bethany open up the door and let him into the apartment. Bethany then points to Sara who is setting in the big comfortable chair next to the couch. Gil runs over to Sara and kneels down in front of her, Sara open her eyes when she feels Gil right hand on her forehead. Sara looks at Gil and then starts coughing (into her right elbow).

“Gil Grissom what is wrong with Sara?”

“I am not sure, but I going to take Sara to the ER at Desert Palm Hospital. Go get me Sara’s coat, shoe and her purse, then go get you shoe and coat on!”

“ Ok.”

Bethany runs into Sara’s bedroom and grabs her purse, shoe and her coat. Bethany then runs back over to Sara and Gil and sets Sara coat and purse on the couch and hand Gil Sara shoes. Bethany then runs over to the closet door by the apartment door and gets her coat out of the closet and then puts her coat on. Bethany then puts her pink tennis shoe on her left feet and Gil is helping Sara up from the chair. Once Sara has stands up Gil helps Sara put her coat on and then Gil hands Sara’s her purse. Then Gil wraps his left arm around her waist and help Sara towards the door. Bethany opens the door and let Gil and Sara out first, she then fellows Sara and Gil out and locks up the apartment. Then Sara, Gil and Bethany walk over to the elevator and Bethany push the up button and the three of them wait for the doors to open. When the elevator door open Gil helps Sara inside and then Bethany walks into the elevator. Bethany hit the main floor button and the elevator doors close. A few minutes later Sara is sitting in the passenger’s seat of Gil car and Bethany is setting in the back seat. Gil is behind the wheel and is driving towards the hospital. The drive to the hospitals takes several minutes and by the time Gil pulls his car up to the ER doors’ Sara is really gasp for air. Gil puts his car into park and then shut it off. He gets out of the car and runs over to the passenger’s side of the car and opens the passenger’s door up. He then lifts Sara up and carriers her through the ER doors. Bethany grabs Sara’s purse and locks and closes the car doors. Then Bethany follow Gil and Sara into the ER, at the same time a nurse comes running over to Gil and Sara and points to the door leading from the wait room to the ER. The four of them walk into the ER and Gil lays Sara down on the bed in cubicle two. The nurse make Gil steps back and she pulls the curtain around the cubicle so only Bethany, Sara and herself (nurse) are in cubicle two area and Gil is stands outside of cubicle two Then Bethany helps the nurse get Sara into a hospital gown. After Sara is in a hospital gown, the nurse pulls the curtain back and Gil walks over to Bethany and put his hands on the Bethany shoulders. Grissom then looks at Sara, who is now laying on the hospital bed.

“I am Nurse Day and a doctor will be back soon to see Sara, but for now I am going to put a nasal cannula on Sara to give her some oxygen.”

The nurse puts the nasal cannula into Sara nose and puts the tubes behind Sara ears. Nurse Day then turns on the oxygen. Nurse day grabs the ear thermometer and puts the thermometer into Sara left ear. When the thermometer beeps thirty seconds later the nurse write Sara temperance on her chart.

“Is Sara going to be ok Gil?”

“I am sure Sara will be fine?”

“Coughing, Bethany stop worry I will be fine.”

At the same time a young female doctor with long blonde hair and blue eyes walks over to Gil, Bethany and Sara. Nurse Day hands the young female doctor Sara chart and the doctor walks over Sara bed sides and takes a look at Sara chart. At the same time Nurse Day walks towards the doors leading to the waiting room. Dr. Cross looks up from reading the chart and then looks at Sara, Gil and Bethany.

“I am Dr. Cross, I see that the nurse wrote down that you have a fever of 104.9 degrees Fahrenheit and that you are having problem breathing?

“Yes, coughing”

“My name is Gil Grissom and I am Sara friend and also her supervise at work. Dr. Cross, I can tell you Sara tonsils are swelling, along with her lymph-nodes and she also has white spots on her tonsils. Also Sara throat is very red and she is congested too.”

“Ok, Thanks for let me know that Gil Grissom. Now Sara can you open your mouth, so I can take a look at your throat Sara?”

“(Sound very hoarse) Sure”

Sara opens her mouth and Dr. Cross shines her penlight into Sara’s mouth. Doctor Cross takes a look at Sara throat and also looks at Sara tonsils. After a few minutes of looking at Sara’s throat the doctor turns her penlight off and put the penlight away. Dr. Cross then feels Sara’s throat with her hands to check Sara lymph nodes.

“Sara did you get tonsillitis a lot in your childhood, adolescent years or do you still get tonsillitis a lot?”

“Coughing as an child, adolescent and during college my tonsils would be inflamed from September to May, but it slowed down a little since I finish college and starting working as a csi.”

“Since you start working as a csi how often do you have to go on medicine for tonsillitis during the year?”

“At lest two or three times a year.”

“Did any of your doctors in your childhood, adolescent or now as an adult inform you that your tonsils needed to come out?”

Yes, all the time growing up and every time I go see my doctor for tonsillitis as an adult.”

“Why did you never have your tonsil out?”

“My parent could not afford to when I was grown up or in college and now I do not like to miss work.”

“You no longer have a choice in the matter, because your tonsils are to inflamed and it looks like the Erythromycin that you are currently taking for tonsillitis is not working this time, so I am going to taking you to one of the operating rooms for an emergency tonsillectomy.”

“Can’t you give me a strong medication coughing and sent me home?”

“Not this time. Sara!”


At the same time two nurses walk up to Dr. Cross, Sara, Bethany and Gil. Then the nurse start pushing Sara bed toward the doors that says hospital staffs and patients only beyond this point. At the same time Dr. Cross show Gil and Bethany to the waiting room for emergency surgery and then Dr. Cross doctor head to the operating room.
Author note: Made the new case up, it did not really happen!
Chapter Twenty: Bethany cast come off early/synagogue case!
Its Wednesday, December 30, 2003 and Bethany is seeing the doctor that put her cast on her right ankle and left wrist, to see is the cast can come off her left wrist early and if the cast on her right ankle can come off early? A nurse and Gil Grissom are walking Bethany back from x-ray and to examination room number two. Which is where Sara Sidle is waiting for them. But Bethany does not know this, so when Bethany walk into the examination room two and sees Sara setting in a chair that is next to the examination table it makes Bethany jump up and down, then she runs over to Sara. Bethany gives Sara a big bear hug and Sara hugs Bethany back, Bethany then hops up onto the exam’s table and at the same time the doctor walk into the room carrying a copy of the x-rays, that the nurse had taken fifteen minutes ago. The doctor hooks the x-rays onto the x ray lightbox and then the doctor looks at the x-rays. At the same time Gil Grissom walks over to Sara and stand beside her and takes ahold of Sara right hand. Bethany is watching the doctor as he look over the x-rays of her ankle and waist, but she is getting impatience.

“Can I get the cast off because my leg and my wrist are starting too itch, Dr. Smith?

“Yes, I look at the X-rays of your breaking ankle and waist and both of the breaks seem to have set fine, but your waist and ankle still need more time to heal fully. So a nurse is going to bring you a black Aircast A2 Wrist Brace for you to wear on your left wrist and the nurse is also going to bring a MaxTrax ROM Orthopedic Boot for you to wear on you right ankle.”
“(Sara throat is still a little scratchy) how long will she need to wear the orthopedic boot and waist brace for Dr. Smith?”

“I want Bethany to wear the orthopedic boot for the next five and half week and the wrist brace for the next four and half weeks.”

“(Sara and Bethany) Ok, Dr. Smith.”

The doctor walks out of the room and at the same time a nurse walks into the room carrying the Aircast A2 wrist Brace and MaxTrax ROM Orthopedic Boot, which are both black. Bethany looks at the young nurse that is Native American and has black hair and brown eyes. Bethany also see that the nurse name tag says her name is White Fox, the nurse set the wrist brace and the orthopedic boot down on the exams table and then gets the cast cuter out. Nurse White Fox then takes Bethany ankle and wrist casts off. Nurse White Fox then carefully washes the wrist and ankle off and drys them. The nurse lets Bethany’s wrist and ankle air for a few minutes as she puts the cast cuter away. Nurse White Fox then walk back over to Bethany and puts the Orthopedic Boot on her right ankle, then the nurse puts the wrist brace onto Bethany left wrist. Once the nurse has walk out of the room Bethany hop off the exam table and then Sara and Gil and Bethany leave the exam room and walk out to Gil’s car. Three minutes later Gil Grissom is driving toward Sara and Bethany apartment building.

“I will take the two of you home and then I have to go into work.”

“Have you solved the case from December 23 Gil?”

“No Sara, the case is still open, Warrick has taking the names of the people that own the guns that was used in the crime to the five judges to get a warranted to check all of they guns out, but none of the judges would give as a warrants, all of the judges says that we need to prove that the guns owners was at the crime scene.”

“ And since we have no DNA to prove they are the murders, the murders are going to get way with killing eighteen people and stole the babies and toddler and children. Did you at last find the Babies, toddlers and children?”

“No, but the cops are still looking and they are amber alert out for all the children.”

Gil pulls his car into the parking lot of the apartment building that Sara and Bethany live at, he then pulls his car into the free guest parking spot that in front of Sara’s building and at the same time both Gil pager goes off and Sara’s cellphone start ringing. Gil takes his pager off of his hip and see who is pager him. At the same time Sara takes her cellphone out of her purse to see who is calling her and see it is Jim Brass that is calling her. So Sara flips her cellphone open and at the same time Gil calls his boss back on his cellphone. Meanwhile Bethany is waiting in the back of the car to see what going on and at the same time Sara put her cellphone up to her right ear.

“Sidle speaking!”
“Hello Sara, are you up to work a case today?”

“Yes I am Brass, I am tired of taken it easy.”

“Good, I need you to head out to the synagogue that is off of Harmon Road!”

“Ok, I head over there after drop Bethany at the sitter house.”

“That fine Sara, I see you when you get to the crime scene, Bye.”


Sara and Gil’s close they cellphone at the same time and then look at each other, then both Sara and Gil look back at Bethany, who looks at Gil and her foster mom.

“Bethany’s I am going to drop you off at Catherine house and then Sara and I have to swing by the lab to get our kits and head to a crime scene.”

“Ok Gil, but can I run upstairs and get a book to read.”



Bethany gets her keys out and runs into the apartment building and heads upstairs to Sara and her apartment. When she walks into the apartment Bethany is greet my Ali and spot, she rub each dogs head and then goes into her bedroom. Bethany walks over to her desk that is across from the bed and up against the wall on the left (if you just walk into the bedroom and back is to the bedroom door), she grabs the Lord of the ring: The fellowship of the ring off her desk. She then walks out of her bedroom and puts the dogs on their lace and then Bethany, Spot and Ali leave the apartment and walks out of the building and then get into Gil’s car. Once Bethany has her seat belt on Gil Grissom back out of the parking space and drives towards Catherine house to drop Bethany and the two dogs off. Fifteen minutes later Gil pulls his car into the crime lab parking lot and he parks his car. Then Sara and Gil get out of Grissom car and head into the crime lab. Then the two of them walk to the locker room and clock into work. Sara and Gil walk over to they lockers and opens they lockers up and get they crime scene kits out. After they have close they lockers, Sara grabs a set of keys for one of the crime lab suv and then the two of them walk outsides and to the parking lot. The Sara and Gil put they kits into the back of the suv. The Sara open the driver door and Gil open the passenger door, then the two of them get into the suv. A few minutes later Sara stop for a red light and Gil pulls a ring box out of his jacket pocket. He then turns around, so he is face Sara. Gil then flips open the ring box and he looks at Sara.

“Sara will you merry me?”

Sara looks at Gil and the ring box and her mouth drops open, she looks at the white gold ring which has a round raised diamond in the center and five round diamonds inset into the ring band, on each side of the raised diamond.

“Yes, I will marry you Gil!”

Gil puts the ring on Sara’s left ring finger and then she starts to drive, because the light has turn green. Sara is still in shock when she pulls the suv up to the crime scene and parks behind Jim Brass’s car. After Sara has put the suv into park and has turn the suv off, Gil and Sara get out of the suv. Then both Sara and Gil grab they crime scene kits off of the backseat, Sara locks the suv up and then Sara, Gil and Catherine who pulled in behind them, walks into the synagogue and at the same time Jim Brass walks over to Catherine, Sara and Gil.

“I think that I call the three of you into soon Nick and Warrick has the scene under control and they do not need you help. Plus the killers were caught fleeing the scene, but four off duty cops that live in the two houses across the street and the two houses on left sides of the synagogue.”

“Ok, Jim anything else?”

“That is not all the killers had the misses children and babies with Gil!”

“That Great that the children and babies for the December 23 case were found.”

“Yes it is, Gil and it looks like you, Sara and Catherine have today off after all.”

(Sara, Gil and Catherine) Ok.”

Gil, Catherine and Sara walk outside and the walks over to the crime lab suv and Catherine suv. When they reach the suv’s Sara looks at Gil and then looks at Catherine. Catherine then notices the engagement ring that is on Sara left ring finger.

“Gil I want to get marry right away lets go pick Bethany and Lindsey up and go get marry.”

“Ok, but there still and a couple hours before the bridal stores close go bye your self a dress.”

“Ok, Gil.”

“ Lindsey six year old cousin Jenny is over and she could be the flower girl and me, Lindsey and Bethany could be your bridesmaids”.

“Sounds like a plan!”

“ I will head back to the crime lab and clock us out of work and then I will go rent a tuxedo. Then I will meet at You, Catherine, Bethany, Lindsey and Jenny at the White wedding chapel. Also when you are at the bridal store Catherine Lindsey, Bethany and Jenny should pick out a dress to wear and then go to a store and buy some dresses shoes.

“(Catherine and Sara) Ok.”

Sara hands Gil the keys to the lab suv, Gil takes the key and Sara crime scene kit. He then walks over to the suv and puts the kits into the back of the suv. Grissom then gets into the crime lab suv. Sara and Catherine walk over to Catherine suv and gets into the suv. Gil drives the crime lab suv back to the crime lab. Once at the lab, Gil Grissom clock himself, Catherine and Sara out of work. He then puts Sara and his crime scene kits into his office and walk out of the lab and gets into his car. Meanwhile Catherine is drive to her house to pick up Lindsey, Bethany and Jenny up.
*Author note: Takes place doing season four, also if you want to see a pictures of what the character Bethany Maybell that I made up looks like go to my fan fiction profile here is the URL if the pictures does not show up sent me a PM on fan fiction or if reading on just leave a comment and I post a URL for the picture.

*Second author note: I am rereading the first twenty chapters and correct any errors in spelling or grammar or edit sentences to make them sound better.

Chapter One: Wishing it were Friday
On the evening of Monday, December 1, 2003 Sara alarm clock start buzzes in her ears for the fifth time, she hits the alarm clock snoozes buttoning again and then roll over so her back is to the alarm clock and the bedroom door. She knows if she does not get up soon that she is going to be late for work, but does not care. She lays in bed for another five minutes before getting out of bed. Then walks over to her dresser and opens the first drawer, pull out a black bra and a pair of black underwear. She close the first drawer of the dresser and a minute later she pulls a pair of dark denim jeans out of the second drawer. Sara close the second drawer of her dresser and then put the jeans on. Sara then rubs some deodorant onto each her underarms and then opens the third drawer of her dresser. She grabs a black T-shirt out of her dresser drawer and puts the T-shirt on over her head. Sara close the dresser drawer and then she stumbles out of her bedroom, into the living room/Kitchen area. She then stumbles into the bathroom, once in the bathroom she slower brushes her hair. She then pulls her hair into a ponytail, then she yawns into her left hand. Sarah gets her toothbrush out next and then put some toothpaste onto her toothbrush. Then brush her tooth and when she has finishes in the bathroom she walks out of the bathroom and walks over to the window in the living room and looks outside. Sara sees that it pouring rain outside, as she is looking out the window, she wishes today was her day off and not Friday. She grabs her purse and keys off of the coffee table and then heads out to her car, a minute and half later Sara is driving toward the crime lab.
Sarah pulls her car into the parking lot of the crime lab right as a crime lab SUV with Warrick in the driver seat pulls out. She sees that Warrick is alone which means it is a busy night and she is twenty minutes late for work. Sara parks her car and a few minutes heads into the crime lab. The first place she head is to the break room to see if Gil Grissom was still in there, but the only one in the break room is Greg and he has just finish making a pot of his Blue Hawaii coffee.

“Yo, Greg be a doll and pour me a cup of coffee?”

“Sure Sara, but I will put your coffee into a cup with a lid, because Grissom looking for you.”

“That is fine Greg.”

Sara walks over to the break room table and sits down on the first chair, at the same time Greg pours coffee into a white paper coffee cup and then puts the lid onto the cup. He walks over to the table and hands Sara the coffee cup, at the same time Grissom walks into the break room and taps Sara on the shoulder. Sara turns the chair around and looks up at Gil Grissom. Also, at the same time she takes a sip from the coffee cup. Sara sees that Grissom has a serious look on his face and she knows that she is in trouble for being late to work.

“Sara’s you are more than twenty minutes late for work, why are you late?”

“I am so sorry Grissom. I over sleep it will not happen again.”

“You better not over sleep and come into work late again Sara, Nick sew you coming into the lab and heading toward the break room. Nick told me you arrived at work and where to find you, Nick and you are working a 420- homicide at the Palms. Nick is going to met you out at the suv, I have to go meet Warrick at the crime scene that we are work on together.”

“Ok, Grissom.”

“I also need all of last week cases paperwork by the end of shift, seeing that your case paperwork is also late and there were due at the end of last Friday shift.”

“”Sorry, I will have the cases paper work to you by the end of shift tomorrow morning, Grissom.”

“That fine, Sara.”

Sara stands up and grabs her coffee cup from the table. She then waves bye to Greg and Grissom, then walk out of the break room. She walks toward the locker room, so she can grab her crime scene kit and get a jacket out of her locker. As she is walking down the hallway toward the locker room, Sara is thinking to herself great tonight is going to stink and I am getting a really bad headache too.
Chapter Two: The never ended shift part one
Sara gets to the locker room and set her cup of coffee down on the bench and unlock her locker. Sara open up her locker door and then set her purse down inside of the locker and starts looking through her purse to find some Tylenol, but she does not have any. Just then Catherine comes into the locker room and is all smile as she gets into her locker.

“Sara, you need to get a move on Nick is waiting for you!”

“Cath do you have any extra strength Tylenol, because I have a splitting headache?”

“Sure Sara here you go (hands Sara the Tylenol). Also thank you again for picking up Lindsey from school last Wednesday when she had to go home sick and for watching her on Thursday and Friday seeing that I had to testify in court on cases that I worked on, all three days (Sara swallows the Tylenol).”

“No problem Cath we watch tv, Lindsey also sleeps some too and then Lindsey and I each take turns reading pages from Charlotte's web out loud, for the chapters she had to read for English class. How is Lindsey feeling today?”

“A lot better Sara, but I did keep her home for school today despite her bugging me to let her go to school. I need to get going and head to the Police department to interview the rapist from the case the two of us work on together over the weekend.”

“I want to do that Cath! And it sounds like Lindsey feels better.”

“She does and If you did not run late maybe Grissom would have let you do the interview.”

“Great he is making me start a new case as punishment for being late. He knows I hate starting a new case before I close the one I am working on.”

“Which is why he making you start a new case and not doing the interview with the rapist, bye Sara.”


With that Catherine walks out of the locker room and Sara puts her black forensic jacket on. Sara then grabs her purse, kit and coffee then leaves the locker room and heads outside to meet Nick in the parking lot. When Nick sees Sara’s walking toward the SUV, he jumps out of the SUV and takes her kit. Nick then open the backseat door on the driver side and put Sara crime scene kit on the backseat, while Nick is doing this Sara gets into the passenger seat and puts her seatbelt on. Nick close the back door and then walks up to the driver door and then he open the door, as Nick gets behind the wheel he is thinking Sara’s never lets anyone else drive, she hate being a passenger and Nick is also thinking the way Sara is acting this evening is so unlike herself. Nick starts the suv up and then he backs out of the parking space. Nick then pulls out of the parking lot and starts driving toward the palms.

“Sara, you know Brass is going to be very mad at the two of us for taking so long to get to the crime scene. I don’t want to sound like I am lectures’ you, but it is not very professional of you to run twenty minutes late for work. In addition by run late you have given the killer more time to get out of town.”

“Nick, don’t even think about continuing this speech I am in no mood to hear it. Grissom already told me not to me late again and he also yell at me for not getting my cases paperwork in at the end of shift Friday.”

“Sara, are you ok, you keep rubbing your forehead?”

“I just have a headache, but the Tylenol that I take several minutes ago in the locker room should kick in soon and I will be fine. But can we not talk the rest of the way to the crime scene?”

“That is fine Sara.”

Neither Nick nor Sara talks the rest of the way to the crime scene. Sara leans her seat back and then closes her eyes for the rest of the ride to the Palms. Eight and half minutes later Nick pulls the SUV into the parking lot of the Palms and parks behind Jim Brass Car. The first thing Sara sees after opening her eyes is Jim Brass staring at her through the passengers’ window of the SUV.
Chapter Three: The never ended shift part two
Sara turns her head toward Nick and at the sometime reaches into the backseat and grabs her kit. Also, at the sometime Jim Brass opens up the passengers’ door. Sara and Nick know by the look on Brass face he is mad at them for being late.

“I was on time for work, Brass. It is all Sara faulted we take so long to get here, she was twenty minutes late for work.”

“You could have gone ahead without me. I could have met you at the scene Nick.”

“Sara you are a crime scene investigator, when you are late for work it makes you look bad and it also makes LVPD and Las Vegas crime lab look bad too. I never would have thought I will have to give you a speech about run on time for work seeing that your job is your life. When I called Grissom to see what was taking you and Nick so long to get here and Grissom told me that you oversleep and that is why you were late. It made me very mad at you Sara, because oversleep is very unprofessional. Never run late again!

“Fine, I won’t Brass!”

With that Sara gets out of the suv and so does Nick. Nick open the backseat door and gets his crime scene kit out of the back. Nick then closes the driver side door and the back door. Then the two CSI follows Brass’s into the Palms and up to penthouse one. Jim Brass opens up the penthouse door and both Sara and Nick takes a look around the crime scene. The first thing Sara sees is a scary little girl of about eight years old, the girl has brown hair and blue eyes and also has freckles on her nose and on her cheeks under her eyes. Sara sees that the girl is sitting in the corner with her knees up to her chest and her arms wrap around them and she is rocking back and forth. Sara also notices that the girl’s hair reaches to her elbows in length and that she is wearing pink pajama pants and a pink nightshirt.

“Brass did the girl see what happened?”

“Yes Sara, Bethany seen and hear the argument that her father and mother had. Bethany also seen her father beat her mother up, before Mr. Maybell shot Mrs. Maybell five times in the heart.”

“Have you talk to Bethany, Brass?”

“No, Sara the EMT’s and the first police officer to report to the crime scene let me know Bethany seen and hear what her father did to her mother. I thought that I would let you talk to her Sara.”

“Ok then I will go talk to Bethany, Brass. Nick will you take the pictures of the crime scene?”

“Sure Sara.”

Sara walks into the living room and over to the window that Bethany is sitting under, Sara then sat down next to Bethany on the floor. Bethany turns her head and looks over at the women who has shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes and that has just sit down next to her on the floor. Sara looks at Bethany and can see that she has been crying.

“What is your name? My name is Bethany Maybell.”

“My name is Sara Sidle and I work for the Las Vegas crime lab. How about the two of us go outside and talk to each other?”

“Ok, Sara.”

Sara and Bethany both stand up and then the two of them walk out of the penthouse. The two of them take the elevator to the first floor and a minute later the elevator door opens up on the first floor, then Sara and Bethany walk out of the elevator. The two of them walk outside and both of them sat down on a bench in front of the palms. Both Sara and Bethany stare at the Las Vegas nighttime skyline. Sara pulls a notepad and pen out of the left pocket of her black jacket.

“It has stop rain, when did it stop raining Sara?”

“About five minutes ago Bethany, I need you to tell me everything you sew and hear tonight and I am going to write down what you tell me.”

“I was supposed to be in bed, but I had to use the bathroom so I get out of bed and then I walk out of my room. I had just reaches the bathroom door when I hear and sew my mom and dad fighting again.”

“What were your mom and dad fighting about?”

“Everything but I will start from the beginning, which was when my mom went off at my dad for drinking too much again. My dad then called my mom a liar and he throw her up against the wall and start kicking her several times before he pull out his gun. My mom started yelling at him to put the gun away, but he would not listen to her and then he shoot my mom five times. I stay where I was till I know that my father was gone and had not come back. I then run over to my mom, but stops when I sew the huge pool of blood. I went and grab the phone, then I called 911. The last thing I did was to sat down under the window in the living room where you find me.”

“You did the right thing by calling 911 Bethany, how old are you?”

“I am eight years old.”

Just then the social worker walks up to Bethany and Sara. The social worker stops and kneels down in front of Bethany. Sara and Bethany look at Mrs. Hope and see that she has blonde hair and blue eyes.

“Hi Bethany, I am Mrs. Hope I will be taking you to the places that you will be staying at until I am able to get hold of you mother sister Amy York. Are you done talking to Bethany Miss. Sidle?”


“Ok, let go Bethany.”

“(Tears running down Bethany’s face). Ok and it was nice to meet you, Sara Sidle. You are going to find my dad and put him in jail for killing my mom right?”

“Yes Bethany.”


Bethany stands up and then she takes Mrs. Hope hand, then the two of them walk over to Mrs. Hopes suv. Sara who is still sitting on the bench is watching Mrs. Hope open up the back door of her suv for Bethany and then watching Mrs. Hope walks over the driver side of the SUV. At the same time Sara is thinking about getting up and heading inside to help Nick to process the crime scene, she then start having menstrual cramps. She starts thinking to herself great just when I thought tonight could not get any worst. Just then Sara sees David walking toward the entrance, she stands up and walks over to David.

“Hi Sara.”

“Hi David, are you head up to the crime scene?”


“Can you tell Nick I will be up to help him in fifteen to twenty minutes I have to go down the street to the drug store and pick up some tampon and pads, because I just start my period?”
“No problem Sara.”

Sara walks over to the crime lab suv and unlocks the doors. She opens up the driver door and gets into the suv. A minute later she is driving down the street to the drug store and David is heading up to penthouse one, where the crime happened at. A few minutes later Nick looks up and sees David walking into the main room, but Sara has not come back yet and he knows that Mrs. Hope has already left with Bethany.

“David, have you seen Sara around?”

“Yes I have and she told me to let you know she will be up to help you in fifteen to twenty minutes she had to run down the street to the drug store to buy some tampon and pads really fast. Her monthly start right as she finishes interview Bethany.”

“Thank you for let me know, David.”

Nick who has just finish taking pictures of the crime scene walk over to his crime scene kit, he set the camera down and then opens up his kit. At the same time David walks over to Mrs. Maybell (Bethany mother) and he kneels down next to the victim body. David set his bag down and then he open up the bag. He takes out the liver thermometer out. David then takes the liver temperature and at the same time Nick walks over to David.

“How long has she been dead for?”

“For two and half hours, Nick!”

“Thanks David, I have already taken the picture of her at the scene, so you can take the body back to the lab. Tell Dr. Robbins to go ahead and collect the evidence off the body and to remove the bullet and send them to Bobby Dawson in Ballistic.”

“Ok and I will let Dr. Robbins know that Nick.”

Nick goes back to processing the crime scene and David gets the body ready to transport. Meanwhile, Sara has finish buy the tampon and pads and has used the restroom at the store. She is now on her way to the palms to help Nick finish processing the crime scene despite feeling awful, the Tylenol has not help relieve the headache and now she has really bad cramps too. Sara is thinking to herself could tonight get any worst?
Chapter Four: Will This Shift Every End
When Sara gets back to the palms, she parks the suv and a minute later she is taking the elevator up to penthouse one. On the ride up to the penthouse, she is leaning up against the wall of the elevator and she is facing the elevator door. She is thinking, I wish that I had call in to work sick tonight. The elevator stops moving and the door opens up, Sara walks out of the elevator and walks up to the open door of penthouse one. Nick looks up from swabbing pools of the victim blood and gives his co-worker a worried look. At the same time Jim Brass walks over to Sara who has just walk into the penthouse and Brass gives Sara an evil look.

“What Brass?”

“(Yelling) Sara if you were due to start your monthly, you should of had tampons and pads in your purse! Because having to run to a store when you are suppose to be working a crime scene is unprofessional.”

“To start with I start my monthly a week early, which has never has happened before, so I had no reason to think I would need any tampons or pads tonight Brass! And stop telling me that I am being unprofessional tonight, I know that it was wrong to run late to work and it will not happen again!”

“(Yelling) Fine, but get to work right now!”

“Fine and stop yelling at me, I have a headache and your yelling is making the headache worse!”

“I will stop yelling at you Sara, if you start doing your job.”

Sara walks away from Jim Brass and to her crime scene kit by the door. Sara’s then open up her crime scene kit and puts on a pair of latex gloves. She then gets to work dusting for fingerprints, because Nick’s has not dusting for fingerprints yet. Once she has finished dusting for fingerprints, she helped Nick searches for the handgun to see if Mr. Maybell left it any where in the penthouse, but after two and half hours of search neither Sara nor Nick has found the gun. Nick’s and Sara then put all of the evidences into evidence bags, Nick then heads down to the suv with the bag of evidences. Once in the parking lot Nick puts the evidence into the back of the suv. At the same time Sara is sealing the door of the penthouse up, with a yellow sticker label that says crime scenes do not entry. Sara then walks toward the elevator and push the down button, when the elevator doors open up Sara walks into the elevator and sees Brass walking toward the elevator. Sara holds the elevator door open for him and Jim Brass walks into the elevator, then Sara hit the first floor button and the elevator doors close. Brass looks over at Sara and sees that Sara is rubbing her forehead with her right hand.

“Still have a headache, Sara?”

“Yes and I have cramps too.”

“Sorry to hear that Sara and I hope you start to feel better soon.”

“Me too, Brass.”

The elevator comes to a stop and the door opens up. Jim and Sara walk out of the elevator and then walk out of the palms. Jim heads to his car in the parking lot and Sara walks over to the crime lab suv. Sara sees that Nick is already behind the wheel, so she opens the passengers’ door and gets into the suv. Sara reaches into the back and puts her crime scene kit onto the back seat, then she close the suv door and Nick start the suv up, as Sara puts her seatbelt on. Once Sara has her seatbelt on Nick pull the SUV away from the front of the Palms and heads toward the exit of the Palms. On the ride back to the crime lab Sara closes her eyes. When Nick and Sara get back to the lab, the two of them check the evidence into the evidence room, then Nick takes the trace evidences to Hodges in the trace lab and Sara takes the DNA evidences to Greg in the DNA Lab. When Sara walks into the DNA lab, Greg looks up at Sara and Sara hands Greg the DNA evidence and he notice that Sara looks tired and is rubbing her forehead with her left hand. Greg takes the evidence from Sara and gives her a smile. Sara gives him a smile back and then walks out of the DNA Lab, she walks toward the break room and a minute later she walks through the break room door and over to the counter. She opens the cabinet and gets out a coffee mug, then pours herself a cup of coffee. A few moments later Sara walks over to the table drinking her coffee, after taking a seat at the table Sara start working on her late cases paperwork. As Sara is working on her cases paperwork, she loses track of time and does not even hear Nick, Greg or Hodges come into the break room or hear the three of them walk up next to her.

“Sara, Greg and Hodges have results for the two of us!”

Sara looks up from her cases paperwork and then looks up at Greg and Hodges who both have folders in both of their hands and at the same time Nick takes a seat next to Sara at the break room table.

“Greg, what do you have for us?”

“Sara, I run the blood swabs you give me against a sample of the victim blood and all twenty swabs matching Mrs. Maybell the victim.”

“Anything else for us Greg?”

“No that is it for now.”

“Hodges, what do you have for us?”

“Nick, the black stuff that was in the cut on the victim right hand was black glass. It matches the breaking wine bottle that is also black glass. That all I have for the two of you, right now!”

“(Both CSI) Thank you Hodges and Greg.”

At the same time Bobby Dawson’s walk into the break room and then walks over to Sara, Nick, Greg and Hodges and Nick, Sara, Greg and Hodges see that Bobby has a folder in his hands. Hodges and Greg take a seat at the break room table and Bobby takes a seat at the table across from Sara.

“The gun that Mr. Maybell used was a Sig 9mm.”

“Thanks Bobby.”

“You are welcome Sara. I have to get back to work. I see y’all around.”

Bobby, Greg and Hodges stand up and then the three of them walk out of the break room. Sara and Nick look at each other and at the same time Sara is rubbing her forehead with her left hand. Nick looks at his co-worker and can tell by just looking at her that Sara still has a headache and cramps, Nick also notices that she looks tired.

“Nick has Brass or one of the patrol offices had any luck in finding Mr. Maybell?”

“No, it like he vanishes into thin air, I am heading over to the fingerprint lab now to talk to Jacqui Franco and see if she has anything for us. Do you still have a bad headache, Sara?”

“Yes Nick.”

“Sorry to hear that, if Jacqui has anything for us, I will let you know.”

“Thanks Nick.”

Nick stands up and walks out of the break room. At the same time Sara looks at her watch and see that there is only an hour left of the shift. She gets back to work on the cases paperwork that she needs to get done before the end of shift. She has just signs her name on the last form when Gil, Ecklie and Sofia Curtis walk into the break room. Sofia, Ecklie and Gil then walks over to the break room table that Sara is sitting at.

“Is your cases paperwork done, Sara?”

“Yes, Grissom.”

Sara gathers up all of the paperwork for the cases that she has work and then hands Gil Grissom all of her cases paperwork. Grissom takes the paperwork for Sara Sidle and looks it over, at the same time Sara rub her forehead with her left hand. When Grissom finish looking over Sara cases paperwork, he looks up at Sara and Ecklie starts to talk.

“Sara you are pulling a double shift today and you will be working with Sofia on a 420 Homicide/426 Sexual Assault.”

“What are the victim name or names?”

“Amy York who was killed and a Bethany Maybell was raped. Sara and Sofia I need both of you to go to the crime scene. Sara’s I also need you to take Bethany to the hospital to have SAFE kit done. A social worker is going to meet you at the hospital. So Sofia and Sara you should take two crime lab suv to the crime scene. Sara after you have the SAFE kit, the clothing Bethany was wearing and the photos of any bruises please head back to the scene and help Sofia process it.”

“I will, Ecklie.”

Ecklie and Grissom walk out of the break room and at the same time Sara stands up. Then Sara and Sofia leave the break room and go to the locker room to grab their crime scene kits. Two minutes later Sara and Sofia are walking out the doors of the crime lab, then the two CSI walks over to the suv’s they will be driving to the crime scene. Sara and Sofia open up the driver doors of suv one and suv two and put their crime scene kits on the floors of the passenger side of the two suv’s, then Sara gets into suv one and Sofia gets into suv two. A minute later Sara and Sofia are each driving to the crime scene at Amy York’s house. As Sara drive to the scene all she can think about is why did Mr. Maybell go over to Mrs. York house and shoot Mrs. York and why did Mr. Maybell’s sexual assert his own daughter, before leaving Mrs. York’s house. Sara is also thinking that she is not up to work another shift, but knew she needs to be there for Bethany and that she has to put Bethany’s dad behind bars for committing these three crimes. Sara pulls the suv she is driving into Mrs. York’s driveway behind the suv that Sofia driving. Sara put the suv into park position and then Sara turns the suv off. Sara gets out of the suv and closes the driver door. She then starts walks toward Bethany who is setting on the porch steps stare at the road. Sara sees Bethany is wearing a shirt that has to be a 2x in women as a night shirt and that there are bruises up and down her arms and legs and at the same time Sofia walks up to Sara carrying her crime scene kit in her left hand.

“The girl so young looking, it just wrong that she had to see her mother murder last night and then see her aunt murder the next morning by her father and also be rapes by her father. No eight-year-old should have to go through that.”

“You are right about that Sofia.”

“Do you want me to take Bethany to the hospital, Sara?”

“No, I will take Bethany to the hospital. Bethany already met me last night.”

“Ok, I will start processing the crime scene.”
Just then Detective Lockwood walks over to Sara and Sofia and both of them can tell by the look on his face this case is making him sad and is hard on him, because his daughter just turned nine yesterday.

“Bethany’s come over here please.”


Bethany slowly stands up from the porch and then walks over to Sara, Sofia and Detective Lockwood and Sara, Sofia and Detective Lockwood is watching Bethany as she walks over to them and the two CSI and Lockwood notices that Bethany is limping and that the young girls right ankle and left wrist look swelling. Bethany stops in front of Sara and Sara looks at Bethany and sees that she has being crying. Sara understands and knows first hand what Bethany has just went through, she also knows how Bethany is feeling right now. Bethany reaches up and takes a hold of Sara left hand.

“Bethany, you are coming with me. I have to take you to Desert Palm Hospital to have a nurse do a SAFE kit and have a doctor check you for injuries.”

“What a SAFE Kit, Sara?”

“A nurse is going to collet all the evidences that your father left behind on your private parts and take photos of any bruises that you have Bethany!”

“That what I thought, Sara.”

Detective Lockwood and Sofia start walking toward the house, at the same time Sara and Bethany walk over to the suv that Sara drive to Bethany’s aunt house and then Sara opens the back passenger side door of the suv and Bethany gets into the suv. Sara closes the suv door and then walks over to the driver side. She opens the driver side door and at the same time that Bethany puts her seatbelt on. Sara gets into the suv and once she has put her seatbelt on, she starts up the suv and then backs out of the driveway. The ride to Desert Palm Hospital was quiet because neither Sara nor Bethany talks the whole drive to the hospital, on the ride to the hospital Bethany leans her head up against the passenger side window and closes her eyes. A few seconds into the ride Bethany falls to sleep and she starts dreaming about what her father did to her. Sara is thinking about her childhood. Sara has just pull into the hospital ER parking lot, when Bethany screaming makes her stop think about her childhood. Sara parks the suv, then she turns the suv off and takes the keys out of the ignition, Sara then opens up her door. Sara gets out of the suv and closes the driver side door of the SUV. She then opens up the back door and takes a seat behind the driver seat, she looks at Bethany who asleep on the passenger side. Sara lightly shakes Bethany on the left shoulder to wake her up.

“Bethany’s it me Sara’s wake up, you are safe now and your dad cannot hurt you when you are with me!”

“Sara, it was so scary. Why would my dad do that to me? Doesn’t he love me?”

“I don’t know Bethany? I don’t think men that rape girls and women are all there in the head. But I am sure that your dad love you!”

“Let go get this over with, Sara.”


Sara and Bethany get out of the SUV and close the suv doors. Sara locks the suv and then Bethany and Sara walks into the ER. Both Sara and Bethany walk up to the check in desk and Sara show the nurse her Las Vegas crime lab I.D. Bethany lean up against the counter and take the weight off her right ankle.

“I am Nurse Peach, What can I do for you, Miss Sidle?”

“I need a nurse to do a SAFE kit and take photos of any bruise on Bethany body.”

“Ok, go take a seat in the ER waiting room and I will go get an examined room ready.”


Sara helps Bethany over to the first row of seats, Bethany sits down first chair and cross her legs, so that the right leg is on top. Sara takes her cellphone off her hip and looks at the time, she then puts her cellphone back on her hip and then sits down and the chair next to Bethany.
Chapter Five: A break in the Maybell case
Sara and Bethany have only been waiting for two minutes when Nurse Peach, walks over to the two of them. The red hair, brown eyed nurse looks at Bethany and can see the large bruises on the young girl arms and legs. The nurse also notice that the girls left waist and her right ankle are swelling.

“Bethany’s I am going to take you back to examine room number three and have you put on a hospital gown. Miss. Sidle’s do you want me to put her nightshirt in a bag for you?”

“Yes, please.”

“Can Sara come back with me?”

“No Bethany, but as soon as I am done with the exam I will go to the waiting room and let Sara know that she can come back and sit with you until the social worker gets here, which could be awhile seeing that there is a problem at the social service building.”

“Ok and I will see you in a little bit Sara.”

“You will be fine Bethany!”

Bethany stands up and then Nurse Peach and Bethany start walking toward the doors leading to the examination rooms. Sarah watch Bethany and Nurse Peach go through the doors that separate the ER waiting room from the ER. Sara then stands up and walk over to the couch that is across for the row of chairs that she and Bethany have be sitting on. Sara lays down on the couch, then close her eyes and tries to forget about the splitting headache that she had all night. Just then her cellphone starts ringing, Sara grabs her cellphone off of the hook on her left hip and flips it open, but does not sit up or open her eyes.

“Sidle specking!”

“Sara, it is Detective Lockwood Sofia is going to come pick up the SAFE Kit, film and the girl nightshirt. I need you to stay with Bethany at the hospital, because Mr. Maybell has the social service office hold hostage.”

“That is not good!”

“No, it is not good, but the S.W.A.T. unit is trying to talk him down, but he has yet to pick up the phone and I will call you when I have more info.”

“Ok. I will talk to you then Detective Lockwood.”

Sara flips her cellphone closes and put the cellphone back on the cellphone hook on her left hip. She is not happy that Mr. Maybell has the social service office hostage, but at lest S.W.A.T. and police have him corner. Sarah falls to sleep about five minutes after she hangs up from talking to Lockwood, so she does not hear nurse Peach or Sofia when the two of them walking up to the couch that she is laying on, Sofia lightly shakes Sara right shoulder. Sara opens up her eyes and looks up at Nurse Peach and then looks at her co-worker.

“Sara I have the SAFE kit, the film and the girl bag nightshirt.”

“Nurse Peach, hand the SAFE kit, film and the bag nightshirt to Sofia, she is taking them back to the lab.”

“Ok and Bethany is waiting for you to come back, she wants you in the room when DR. Shapes come into the exam room to look at her left wrist and right ankle, because they are both really painful and she started crying when I touch her left wrist and right ankle.”


Sara’s set up on the couch as Nurse Peach hand Sofia the film, bag shirt and SAFE kit. As Sofia walks toward the ER doors, Sara stands up and then Nurse Peach show Sara to the room Bethany is in. Sara opens the exam room door as Nurse peach walks back to the check in desk. Sara walks into the exam room and she sees that Bethany has went to sleep, so she sits down on the chair that is next to the hospital bed. Sara then takes a look at Bethany left wrist and right ankle and see that both of them are really swollen and very bruises. Dr. Shape walks into the room pushing a portable X-ray machine and he takes films of Bethany left wrist and right ankle. When Doctor Shape has finishes taking the films he takes the portable X-ray machine out of the room and goes to have the x-ray developed. After a half hour Dr. Shape comes back into the exam room with supplies to cast Bethany’s left wrist and right ankle. Sara wakes Bethany up and the first thing Bethany does is to smiles really big at Sara, she then see the doctor is in the room too.

“Hi Bethany, my name is Dr. Shape what color of casts do you want?”

“Do you have Neon Pink and Neon purple?”

“Yes I do.”

“I want Neon pink for the wrist cast and neon purple for the ankle cast.”

“Ok, I am going to cast the ankle first because the ankle cast takes longer to dry, then I will cast your wrist. It is going to hurt, so Sara will you hold Bethany right hand and talk to her as I put the cast on?”


It takes Dr. Shape an hour to put the cast on Bethany right ankle and a half hour to put the cast on Bethany’s left wrist. Right after the doctor leaves the room a social work walks into the room. Sara is surprise to see the social worker is her best friend from elementary school through high school, Katie.

“Sara Sidle can I talk with you out in the hallway?”


Sara stands up from the chair, then Katie and Sara walk out of the exam room and into the hallway. Sara close the door of the exam room and then looks at her best friend from elementary school through high school.

“Nice to see you again Sara, how have you been?”

“Really good, how have you been doing? I see you are marry now and pregnant?”

“I am doing well and yes I am pregnant with twin girls and I am just at the end of my forth month. I also just move to Las Vegas with my husband Ross Jade who get a job as chief of surgery in this hospital.”

“So I take it that Mr. Maybell behind bars now?”

“No, Brass shoot and kill him after he pulled a gun out and killed S.W.A.T. Rob Frog. So how is Bethany doing?”

“Ok for what she went through since last night. She has been raped by her father and he break Bethany’s left wrist and her right ankle.”

“Can you take Bethany in as a fostered child, Because she has no other family members?”

“Won’t the fact that I work nights be a problem?”

“No, I have already talk to your co-work Catherine Willows and Catherine told me that her mom would be happy to watch Bethany when you are at work.”

“Sure I will be her fostered parent for Bethany.”

“Let go talk to Bethany then and have her change into the clothing i bring her.”

To Sara and Katie surprise Bethany take the news of her fathers’ death really well. Bethany was also happy that she gets to live with Sara, since she does not have any other family member to raise her. She also knows she will be safe living with Sara. After Dr. Shape release Bethany. The two of them swing by the crime lab, so Sara can clock out of work and then Bethany and Sara goes out for a late lunch.
Chapter Six: A Fresh start for Bethany
After they had lunch Sara and Bethany goes to the mall and when they first get to the mall Sara gets a wheelchair for Bethany to use. Bethany sits down in the wheelchair and then Sara start push Bethany through the mall.

“Bethany’s what store do you want to go to first?”

“Jcpenney so I can buy a bedding set and other bedroom items. Sara what size is the bed that I will be sleeping on?”

“A full size bed.”

When they get to Jcpenney, Sara gets one of the shopping carts that hooks onto the front of wheelchairs. Sara hooks the shopping cart up to the wheelchair that Bethany is using. Then Sara and Bethany go to the bed and bath department. Bethany sees a set of three hanging butterflies and butterflies wall tattoos, Bethany hands the wall tattoos and hanging butterfly sets to Sara who put them into the shopping cart. The butterflies in both set are purple, pink and light blue. Bethany and Sara both see a bedding set that would go great with it. The bedding set is called bye-bye Butterfly and the bedding set is lavender with butterflies on the blanket, sheets and pillow cases. The butterflies are purple, pink and light blue. Then Bethany and Sara look at bedroom accessories, Bethany takes one of the hanging floor shade lamps with eyelash fringes off the shelves and show it to Sara.

“Do you want that lamp Bethany?”

“Yes, I like how the shade is off-white but it has pink beads on the fringe.”

Sara put the lamp into the cart next to the bedding set and the butterflies wall tattoos and wall hanging. Bethany then points to some tassel floor cushion and Sara grabs a pink, purple, blue and black one and puts the tassel floor cushion into the cart. As Sara is putting the floor cushion into the cart Bethany grabs a light blue, purple and pink shaggy chic accent pillows and reaches up and over and puts them into the cart. Sara walks up to Bethany and shows her some purple mod squad window coverings.

“Bethany how about these for your bedroom window?

“Yes, I love them.”

Sara put the purple mod squad window coverings into the cart and then Sara starts push Bethany down the row again and the two of them look at more stuff. Bethany grabs two Patrice lamps in purple to put on the white Abigail nightstands that Sara just put into the cart. Bethany and Sara pick the Nightstands, because it has a drawer. Sara also had workers from the store put the matching Abigail Dresser on the bottom rack of the cart.

“Bethany let get you a new bed frame, the mattress is new but the bed frame is really old and fall apart.”

“Ok, let’s go look at the bed frame now.”

Sara push the wheelchair that Bethany is setting in over to the bed frame section of the store and a few minutes later Bethany has found a headboard/footboard set that has tulips on the insides of the headboard and footboard. Sara and Bethany then head over to the clothing department, Bethany picks out several outfits and then goes to the fitting room and tries on the outfits. Ten minutes later Bethany limps out of the fitting room and puts her favorite outfits into the cart. Sara goes and puts the outfits that Bethany does not want back on the racks. Then Sara and Bethany go to the check out counters and Sara pay for everything that she and Bethany have picked out. Sara and Bethany then go to home depot and they buy a white Computer Desk that on sale for twenty-three dollars for Bethany room. Sara also picks up lavender paint for the walls of Bethany’s bedroom.
When they get back to Sara’s apartment, the two of them get out of Sara’s car. Bethany grabs a couple of the light bags from Jcpenney and Sara gabs and few bags with each hand. They take the elevator up to the fifth floor and Sara lead Bethany to apartment number 504. Sara open up the door and then set the bags she carrying down on the floor, at the same time Sara’s boxer Ali jumps off the couch and comes running toward the two of them. Bethany smiles at the mostly brown dog that has a white spot on her chest and black spot on her nose, Ali stops in front of Bethany and Sara and the dog starts wiggle her tiny tail.

“What is your dog name?”

“Her name is Ali, how about the two of you get to know each other and I will go bring the rest of the stuff we bought up.”

“Ok, Sara.”

Sara goes back downstairs and starts getting the rest of the thing out of her car. At the sometime Catherine pulls into the parking space next to Sara’s car, then Catherine, twelve-year-old daughter Lindsey and Lily Flynn ( Catherine mom) gets out of the car and walks over to Sara. Sara and Catherine put, the nightstand box on top of the dresser box, which is set on top of the bed frame box, which is on top of the desk box. Then the two of them each take an end of the long desk box and carry the boxes inside. Lindsey and Lily grab the rest of the bags, then Lindsey and her grandmother follow Sara and Catherine into the apartment building and up to the fifth floor. Lindsey opens up Sara apartment door and then Catherine and Sara walks into Sara apartment and set the three boxes down. Sara sees Ali lay on her back and Bethany rubbing Ali stomach and the dog is wiggling her tiny tail none stop. Sara grabs her camera and takes a picture of the two of them. At the same time Lily and Lindsey walk into the apartment and Lindsay shut the apartment door.

“Sara who is the two ladies and the girl that are with you?”

“Lindsey is the pre-teen girl who has just sit down next to you. Lindsey mom Catherine was the one help me carrying your desk, Dresser and nightstand into the apartment and the older lady Is Lindsey grandmother Lily. Catherine, Lindsey and Lily this is Bethany, my fostered daughter.”

“Lily is the lady who is watching me when you are at work right?”

“Yes, I am going to changes into some old cloth and then the five of us are going to start your bedroom Bethany.”

“The four of us will go and start working on the bedroom, Sara.”

“Ok, Catherine.”

As Sara is changing her clothing, Lindsey and Bethany are taking apart the old bed frame. Lily is pulling the mattress out of the room and then Lily set the mattress up against the living room wall, while Catherine wipes Bethany bedroom walls off to get them ready to be paint. At the same time Sara comes into Bethany bedroom carrying the paint and paint supply. Bethany, Lindsey, Catherine and Lily look at Sara and see that she changes into a pair of old jeans that had holes in both knees and an old black tank top. Sara and Catherine paint the bedroom walls lavender, while Lindsey, Lily and Bethany work on putting the desk, nightstands and dresser together. Catherine and Sara have just finish painting the room when its time for them to get ready for work. Sara goes into her bedroom to changes and Catherine goes into the bathroom to get ready for work.
Chapter Seven: First real test as a fostered mom!
Sara’s alarm clock buzzes in her ears, letting her know it is time to get up and meet Bethany at the door of the apartment building, so the bus driver will let Bethany and the rest of the children off of the school bus. It is Wednesday, December 17, 2003 and Bethany been living with Sara for two whole weeks as of yesterday. Both of them are getting along great and Bethany has made several new friends at Las Vegas Verdes elementary school and Bethany already has the highest grades in her three-grade class. Sara set up in her bed and looks around the bedroom, she then stands up and grabs her keys off the nightstand. Sara then she walks out of her bedroom and leave her apartment. Sara then heads outsides to meet Bethany, when she gets outsides Sara is not surprise to see it is raining again, seeing that it has been raining at lest once a day all month. Sara has only been outside for five minutes and is already soaking wet and shivering seeing that it is only forty-six degrees outside when the bus pulls up in front of the Apartment complex at four o’clock, normal Bethany is the first one to get off the bus, but today the other six children that live in the apartment complex come running off the bus first. Then the six children run into three different building of the apartment complex. Sara walks up to the bus door when everyone has got off the bus and Bethany still has not getting off of the bus, the bus driver looks at Sara and then Annie (the bus driver) points to the seat that is right behind her. Sara steps onto the bus and sees Bethany has just started to pull the water proof cast covers over her right ankle. Sara kneels down and helps Bethany pull the water proof cast covers up over the neon purple cast. Bethany then puts the water proof cast covers for the wrist over her neon pink cast on her left wrist.

“Why did you not leave the cast covers on when you get onto the bus?”

“It was not raining when school ended, so I did not have them on when I get onto the bus!”

“Ok let get off the bus, so the bus driver can drop off the rest of the children.”


Bethany stands up and then Sara and Bethany start walking toward the bus door, but the bus driver wave at Sara to get her attention. Bethany walks off the bus and starts walking toward the doors of the apartment building that she and Sara live in. Meanwhile Sara is standing next to the bus driver and the bus driver Annie has started talking to Sara Sidle.

“Miss. Sidle just to let you know Bethany fall asleep on the bus ride over her. Also, Bethany’s only woke up when Cassie wake Bethany up when I pull into the parking lot, Cassie is the girl that lives in the apartment three doors down from Bethany and you.”

“Thanks for telling me Annie.”

“Also, Bethany’s teacher Miss. Korn asks me to tell you that Bethany was acting sluggish all day and the lunch lady write Miss. Korn a note to told her that Bethany hardly touches her lunch before she got up and threw out her sandwich, chips and juice box. The teachers also get a note from the recess lady that said Bethany lay down on a bench and take a nap instead of playing with her friends during recess.”

“Anything else that I should know, Annie?”

“No, That all I know, Miss. Sidle.”

Sara walks down the bus steps and once she is off the bus, Sara walks over to Bethany who is standing at the door to the building they live in. Sara unlocks the door, so Bethany can go inside and out of the pouring rain. Bethany does not say anything to Sara on the way up to the fifth floor or once they get into they apartment. Bethany just heads straight to her bedroom with Ali right behead her. When both of them are in her bedroom, Bethany closes the bedroom door. Bethany then takes off the cast covers and changes into a pink Pajama top and matching pink pajama bottom not caring that tonight the night Lily’s watchers her and Lindsey’s at Catherine’s house. Sara knocks on Bethany’s bedroom door and when Bethany does not answers her back, Sara’s open up the bedroom door. Sara looks into Bethany bedroom and she see that Bethany is curl up on her bed with her left wrist is rest on Ali back.

“Bethany, what do you want for dinner tonight?”

“Go away!”

“Come on Bethany you need to eat some dinner, It will give you energy so you can finish the schoolwork you did not get finish at school.”

“Fine, How about cream of potato soup.”

“That sound good Bethany.”

“Can I just lay here and rest till dinner is ready?”


Sara’s close Bethany door and goes into the kitchen and she gets out two cans of cream of potato soup. She open the cans up and then pours both can of soup into the soup pan, Sara puts a can of water into the pan and stir the soup and water, so it mixes together. Ten minutes later when the soup is ready Sara’s walk over to Bethany’s bedroom door and knocks on the door. Just like eleven minutes ago, Sara does not get an answer. Sara open up Bethany’s bedroom door and looks inside Bethany room to see her sound asleep. Sara walk into Bethany’s room and walks up to the side of Bethany bed and lightly shakes Bethany.

“Bethany, the soup is done, so you need to get up now.”

“Leave me alone!”

“Come on Bethany, you need to eat!”

“Whatever, I will be out in a few minutes.”

Sara walks out of Bethany’s bedroom and into the kitchen. Sara then puts the soup into two bowls and set the two bowls onto the breakfast counter. Meanwhile in Bethany’s bedroom, she has sat up in her bed and is rubbing her eyes. Bethany is thinking to herself, why do I feel so wear out and why am I not hunger because I never loss my appetite and I am always hunger by this time of day. Bethany stands up and limps toward her bedroom door. At the same time Sara put spoons down next to each of the bowls, a minute later Bethany comes out of her bedroom. Bethany sits down on the end stool and Sara sits down on the stool on Bethany right side and the two of them start eating. Sara looks over at Bethany five minutes later and sees that Bethany has only eaten a few spoonfuls of soup and Sara also notice that Bethany looks flush. Sara puts her left hand onto Bethany’s forehead and gets a little worry when she feels that Bethany is running warm. At the same time Bethany pulls Sara hand off her forehead.

“(Voice sound scratchy) Leave me alone, I do not feel like being touch or eaten, all I want to do is go back to bed!”

“Does your throat hurt, or anything else hurt?”

“Yes, my throat hurts really badly. I am ache all over and have a headache too.”

“I want you to finish eating, then go lay back down.”

“It hurts too much to swallow, Sara.”

“Ok, go back to your room and lay down, I am going to go get the thermometer out of the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. Then I will come into your bedroom and take your temperature and I am going to grab my min meg light too, so I can take a look at your throat.”

Bethany shakes her head yes, then she slides off the stool. Bethany limps back into her bedroom and at the same time Ali picks her head up from the living room floor. The dog looks at Sara with her big brown eyes. Sara bends down and pat Ali head on her way to the bathroom.

“(Patting Ali) Go into Bethany bedroom and keep her company for me!”
Sara walks into the bathroom and at the same time Ali gets up and runs into Bethany’s bedroom, she hops up onto Bethany bed. The dog then lay down next to Bethany and lick Bethany right hand. Bethany pats the top of the dog head with her right hand and coughs into her left elbow. A minute later Sara walks into Bethany’s bedroom and sits down on the edges of the bed, she puts the thermometer probe cover onto the thermometer. Then Sara turns the white digital thermometer on and puts the thermometer into Bethany’s mouth. The thermometer beeps thirty seconds later and Sara takes the thermometer out of Bethany’s mouth and looks at the digital display.

“Bethany, you have a fever of 101.9 degrees Fahrenheit, Can you open up your mouth, so I can look at your throat.”


Bethany open up her mouth really big and Sara shine her flash light into Bethany’s mouth and looks at her throat. Sara sees that Bethany has swollen tonsils and both her throat and tonsils are red. Sara then feels Bethany’s neck and feels that Bethany lymph are also swelling. Sara lowers the flash light and at the same time Bethany closes her mouth.

“What wrong with me, Ah-Choo?”

“Your tonsils are swelling and red and your throat red too, in addition your lymph nods are also swelling.”

“Coughing, do I have to go over to Lindsey and Catherine house tonight?”

“No, I will call Nick and see if he minds working on his day off, so I can stay home with you.”

“Sniffling, thanks.”

Sara stands up and heads out of Bethany’s bedroom and walks into her bedroom. Sara grabs her cellphone and dial Nick’s cellphone number. Meanwhile, at Nicks place his cellphone start ringing and he roll over in bed, thinking who is calling me on my day off. Nick reaches for his cellphone and grabs it off the nightstand. Nick looks at the caller ID and he sees the number on the caller ID is Sara’s cellphone number. Nick flips the cellphone open and takes the call.

“Stroke speaking.”

“Hi, Nick did I wake you up?”

“Yes, but it is ok. What do you need?”

“Can you take my shift tonight, Bethany has a fever of 101.9 degrees Fahrenheit and her tonsil are swelling and red?”

“Is her throat really red too and does she have swelling Lymph nods?”


“Sounds like she has Tonsillitis and Strep throat.”

“That what I am thinking too, I am going to see how she feels in the morning and if her throat still looks like it does tonight I am going to make her a doctor appointment.”

“Sure I will cover your shift tonight, but you have the week of Christmas off and I am on call that whole week and I need to go see my family in Texas will you cover me that week so I can go see my parents?”

“Yes, I will work that week for you Nick.”

“Ok, and tell Bethany I hope she feels better soon.”

“I will, bye.”


Nick and Sara both flip their cellphone close. Nick lays back down to get a few more hours of sleep. At the same time at Sidle apartment Sara is checking on Bethany. When Sara looks into Bethany’s bedroom and Sara sees that Bethany has gone to sleep.
Chapter eight: should I take Bethany to the Doctor or wait to see if she better in a few days?
Sara is sitting on the couch in the living room reading a book and listens to Bethany coughing in her sleep. Sara’s had tried to get Bethany to take some children Tylenol to help reduce the fever and help ease her sore throat, but she would not take any. Sara falls asleep on the couch reading her book and does not wake up the rest of the night. The next morning Bethany comes limp out of her bedroom with Ali right behind her at 8:40 a.m. she limp over to the couch where Sara is sleep and wakes her up by shake her shoulder. Sara sat up and looks at Bethany, Sara sees that Bethany is wearing a pair of light blue jeans and a pink long sleeve T-shirt.

“(Sniffling and sound hoarse) Sara, I miss the school bus can you give me a ride to school?”

“Bethany, you sound awful and still looking feverish I think you should stay home from school the rest of this week and I should make you a doctor appointment.”
“But Sara Ah-choo I have a spelling, social study and math tests today and Friday is my class holiday party I cannot miss this week. I feel a lot better and my throat does not hurt anymore.”

“No, you can take make up tests after winter break.”

“No, my teachers does not give make up tests!”
“Fine I will let you go to school for your tests today, but as far as Friday goes Bethany’s, let wait to see how you are feeling, seeing that it just a day of partying and no school work at all.”

“Coughing, ok Sara.”

“Give me a second to get changes and then I will take you to school.”

“Ah-choo Thanks.”

Sara gets up and walks into her bedroom to get changes and at the same time Bethany limps back into her bedroom to grab her book bag. Two minutes later Bethany is setting in the backseat of Sara light-blue Ford Focus on her way to school. Sara pulls up in front of Las Vegas Verdes elementary school and puts the car into the park position. Sara looks through the review mirror at Bethany and has a feeling that Bethany is lying to her about feeling better. She also thinks Bethany is not tell the truth about her throat not hurting her anymore, because Bethany keep coughing, sneezing and rubbing her throat during the whole ride to school, but Sara does not say anything.

“Thanks Sara, you get me here right on time, Ah-choo. I have to go now, because school going to start in a minute.”

“Ok Bethany, but if you start to feel really bad just go to the school nurse and ask to come home sick. Then have the nurse call me and I will come pick you up from school.”

“I will be fine Sara. I really do feel better.”

Sara watches Bethany run toward the school with her long brown hair blowing in the wind behind her, as she is running. She wishes Bethany would just walk, because she is not supposed to be running on her breaking right ankle. Once Bethany has made it inside the school, Sara pulls out of the school parking lot and head to the supermarket. At the same time inside the school Bethany stops running, because her ankle has starts to hurt really badly from running on it. She limps the rest of the way to her classroom and she gets into the classroom right before the bell to start class rings. Bethany walks over to her desk and chair and she sits down on her desk chair, which is right next to her best friend Cassie. Bethany unzips her book bag and takes out her notebooks and textbooks. She puts the textbook and notebooks she does not need right now in her desk and takes a piece of paper out of her spelling notebook for the spelling test. Miss. Korn walks to the front of the classroom and she is carrying a piece of paper in her right hand.

“Ok I am going to read the words that I want you to write on you test paper for me. Here I go. The words are After, other, very, every, your, were, sure, once, busy, little, friend, would, could, should and the last word is people.”

Bethany writes down all fifteen words and when she has finishes her spelling test she turns the paper over. Then Bethany takes out her social study notes and start study for that test, while she waits for the rest of the class to finish taking their spelling test. Also Bethany is thinking to herself I know I get a 100% on my spelling test, because I know the words by heart. Bethany also pulls a tissue out of her jean pocket and blows her nose several times, then starts coughing into her right hand. Meanwhile, at the supermarket Sara is in the cold medicine section and she is looking at all the different types of cold medicine there is for children and the children cough drops. Because she knows that by tonight Bethany is going to feel awful and her throat will be really sore. Sara puts some children’s Cherry flavor Halls into her basket and continues to look at the other products in that section. Sara then puts a bottle of children’s Robitussin cough, cold and flu into the basket and then starts shopping for groceries. As she is shopping, Sara starts having a flashback to the week before winter break in 1979. Eight-year-old Sara is sitting at her desk in her three-grade classroom, she is trying to stay focuses on writing sentences using her spelling words but her eyes keep close. Sara knows she needs to stay awake, because she has already been yelled at by her teacher Mrs. Dew several times that day for put her head down on her desk and going to sleep and the lunch lady even gave her a speech about not wasted food after she threw her lunch out without eat any of it. But she did not care and this is not normal for her when she has a lunch to bring to school, she eats so fast that she does not even taste it, but today her peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich looks unappetizing. For the first time in her life Sara wants the school day to end, so she could go home and go to bed. When the bell to end the day rings at the end of spelling, she throws all her unfinished schoolwork and textbooks into her book bag and runs out to the bus. Once on the bus she sits down on the first seat and closes her eyes and goes to sleep. She knows that she in for a two-hour bus ride before getting home, because she is the first person pick up in the morning and the last to be dropped off in the evening. The bus driver pulls up in front of Sara parents’ house two hours later and then the bus driver Amy looks through her review mirror when Sara does not get up. She puts the bus into the park position, then the bus driver stands up and walks over to Sara. The bus driver shake Sara lightly on the shoulder and Sara open her eyes up. Sara looks around and finds she is still on the school bus. Sara then notices that the bus driver Amy is looking at her.

“Sara I am at your house, so you can get off the bus.”

“Ah-Choo sorry I fall asleep, I have been tired all day.”

“It is ok Sara. You have a long bus ride. Just head on inside and go to bed early tonight.”

“I will thanks.”

Sara grabs her book bag and then she stands up. Sara slower gets off the bus and walks up the sidewalk to the front door of the house. She unlocks the door and heads inside to see her dad passes out on the living room couch and her mom making dinner in the kitchen.