Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*rushes in* I'm late! Sorry about that guys... my computer crashed and just when it got fixed, my uncle called at the last minute and I had to leave for Mississauga. But I'm here now... now where were we?

Hey, at least we got a scene... not to mention that Ryan's not the bad guy anymore. He was the one who figured out how to locate Ortega. Though I wish they didn't cut the scene in the A/V room short. Was it just me, or did Ryan look concerned for Calleigh? Though I think that it's kind of weird that Calleigh stopped being mad at him almost right away, I do think that they talked about it off-screen, so maybe that's why the scene lacked continuity. *pokes TPTB* Tell me again, why do you keep the good CaRWash scenes where we can't see them? At least Jake's not there to threaten anything... hopefully next episode will be great. *crosses fingers*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Just thought I'd post quickly to let you guys know that I'm off to uni tomorrow (extreme nervousness!) so I probably won't be able to post until I've settled down a bit, and sorted out how much time I'll have to be on the internet.

You never know, might only be a couple of days.

Yeah, you're right Karu. At least Ryan isn't the bad guy anymore. I reckon they keep the CaRWash scenes where we can't see them because otherwise the show would be too over-whelmed with the awesomeness of our ship!

Anyway. CaRWash rules! Yay!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Salean- good luck at uni!

Its annoying that I am only on s6 here, and Im not seeing much carwash in that so far. Fingers crossed for s7.
At least we know that Ryan isnt the bad guy, and Cal isnt going to be mad at him half the season- although it is strange that she got over it all so quickly. Karu, you are right, TPTB leave the carwash scenes to our imagination
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

So we all agree that TPTB are leaving the CaRWash scenes to our imagination... I don't mind as long as they give us good moments. But I'm looking forward to tonight's episode 'cause it looks like Calleigh and Ryan are gonna have a scene together. *crosses fingers* Happy watching people!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I saw Stand your Ground last night. I was rather dismayed that Ryan didnt have one scene with Calleigh. I would have liked a repeat of the 'thanks babe' type interaction when Calleigh is distressed. Ah well- at least the last season 7 episode seems like it had some good carwash scenes.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Ah well- at least the last season 7 episode seems like it had some good carwash scenes.

It does have some good CaRWash scenes. I saw Won't Get Fueled Again and Calleigh and Ryan did the questioning around town for the whole episode... not to mention they did field work! *does happy dance* There was a hilarious scene where they learn about crucial DNA evidence at the gas station. Ryan says it's in the girl's washroom and gives Calleigh an embarrassed look... she got that hint quickly though. I would have liked it if they both went into the washroom, but the look on Ryan's face was so cute! I'm pretty sure that Calleigh teased him about it on the ride to the lab...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Good! Maybe this marks the return of s4 type interaction between our pair. It was about time. I love seeing these 2 having some witty banter. They have such great chemistry- maybe TPTB have realised and will keep putting them together. I have my fingers crossed!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

maybe TPTB have realised and will keep putting them together. I have my fingers crossed!

*crosses fingers too* I hope so... at least Season 4 CaRWash is starting to come back! I'm looking forward to more hilarious moments between them... maybe even a "thanks babe"? *pokes TPTB*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

We can hope anyway! I think s4 was my favourite, carwash wise. They had so many great scenes together. I think they worked together most of the series? It kind of went down hill from series 5, and I definitely miss their interaction in s6. So things are looking up !

Ahh, Im a witness now. Maybe Ive seen something in the locker room, between Ryan and Calleigh!
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Just thought I'd pop in quickly to add to the discussion.

I seem to remember an interview that Emily Procter gave some time mid-season 6 (?) where she half-joked that one of the reasons we were getting so little Calleigh/Ryan screentime was because she and Jon Togo get along so well that they can't get through a scene together without laughing. Or something along those lines.

It was a great interview, I'll see if I can find it.

EDIT: Found it! Well, I found a quote from it that was posted here. Anyway, here you go:

CSI Files : Do you think Calleigh is frustrated with Ryan Wolfe's (Jonathan Togo) recent bad boy behavior?

Procter : I will let you in on some inside scoop. Jon Togo and I have a deep love affair in real life; he makes me laugh like nobody's business! They have been keeping us separated [on screen] for a while. He's such a cut up! I start laughing and I can't stop. I can usually make it through scenes where I'm yelling at him because it's such an opposite emotion, but in lab scenes there's just lots of laughing.

:) I love that quote.
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I seem to remember an interview that Emily Procter gave some time mid-season 6 (?) where she half-joked that one of the reasons we were getting so little Calleigh/Ryan screentime was because she and Jon Togo get along so well that they can't get through a scene together without laughing. Or something along those lines.

I love that quote! But seriously, if that was the only reason why Calleigh and Ryan didn't get any screen time together, I say work with it... they need some good laughs. While I love all the cute flirty moments, there needs to be humour... and maybe some fireworks. *pokes TPTB*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hi everyone! How has your summer been? :) I know I don't post in this thread often but even I have to feel shame for not posting after the season premier... mainly because I didn't see it! :( I didn't know they were airing it so early so I missed the first two episodes of CSI Miami! (Though judging by your comments, I didn't miss much.)

I know this isn't the right place to ask but what happened with Horatio? And to be on topic-ish, how did Ryan figure into it, and later on how did Calleigh?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash


I'll make this quick because I have a lecture in a bit and I haven't worked out where it is yet. :rolleyes:

I reckon I don't have to post this in a spoiler box, do I? It has been out for a while.

Anyway, Horatio was pretending to be dead so that he could go underground and flush out whatever was going on with Ron Saris and the selling of those weird bullet things. The only people who were in on the plan were Ryan and that fed guy... anyone know his name? So the fed guy was the one who shot Horatio, but it was all planned so H was wearing a bullet-broof vest. He then texted Ryan to let him know, and Ryan got to the scene first, pretended to have released the body and stuff. Calleigh and Eric worked out that Ryan was involved pretty quickly, and he told them what was going on as soon as they did.

So yeah. Yelina appeared to in-the-know as well.

If I've got any of that wrong, or missed something crucial out (very likely) feel free to correct me.

Does that help?

Also, you didn't miss much, but there was a really funny scene between the two of them in last week's episode. I think Karu mentioned it in one of her posts. And Ryan was looking pretty good in that particular episode.

:rolleyes: I said I would be quick, didn't I? That obviously didn't work. Anyway. Yay for CaRWash!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hestia! *tackles* Man we're glad you're back! We missed our favourite Greek goddess...

but there was a really funny scene between the two of them in last week's episode. I think Karu mentioned it in one of her posts.

Oh yeah... Salean's talking about the scene where they learn about crucial DNA evidence at the gas station. Ryan says it's in the girl's washroom and gives Calleigh an embarrassed look... she got that hint quickly though. I would have liked it if they both went into the washroom, but the look on Ryan's face was so cute! Though I seriously thought he was gonna blush... I'm pretty sure that Calleigh teased him about it on the ride to the lab...

Anyways, new episode tonight! *does happy dance* I'll be sure to keep an eye out for CaRWash scenes... happy watching, people!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

So, I watched 7.03 and I'm extremely annoyed.
I don't think anything I say needs to go into a spoiler box because the episode is aired but correct me if I'm wrong.

For me, I've always seen Eric and Calleigh as more of a brother/sister, from day 1, not just because I'm a CaRWasher. They have never flirted or showed any interest in each other whatsoever until recent episodes.

Also, the way Eric's thoughts came out into the open like that was very anti-climatic. They have no flame, no spark, no passion! It was all very; "Oh I should settle down, who's the comfortable choice?" At least Jake and Cal were passionate towards each other. Well it was alluded that they were.
And Jake's kisses certainly showed it.
But Eric and Calleigh...I mean, seriously!
I know there are many hiphugger fans but I'm a dedicated CaRWasher and this hiphugger development is ruining CSI Miami for me. If they end up together, I'm boycotting the show. I'd rather not be annoyed everytime I watch it!

The show used to be all about the SL's and the victims and the cases and now it's become so central to relationships and personal lives of the CSI's. I don't know about anyone else, but it is driving me crazy!

Anyway, I just had to have a good rant about hiphuggers and I felt there's no better place for it then here because I'm a dedicated CaRWasher and I'm extremely disappointed of how Calleigh and Ryan's relationship has changed so much to the point she doesn't even trust him.

a;lsdgk *takes a deep breath* I'll stop ranting now because I could go on forever!
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