Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

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MadLilMe, please don't double post, there's an edit button you can use up to 24 hours.

Thereby, the episode hasn't aired yet in America/Canada/Wherever else it airs tonight. It will in about 6 hours and I'm sure we'll hear when something happens ;)

Luns, of course you're able. You just didn't feel like it :p

CaRWash Pic Of The Day
(From No Man's Land)


Ladies and....ladies :lol: Here you go, especially capped by me, to make the waiting more bearable...or not :p The ICARE!Look that Calleigh gave Ryan when she asked him if he was ok. Did anyone else noticed that when Ryan asked her "We're gonna catch him" or something, that he was searching for comfort. He needed Calleigh to tell him they would catch the killer, and of course she did. Aw.
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Thank you, Rhonda, I hope this will make things easier for everybody around. :)

*stares at CPOTD* Lol, that was my desktop background a couple of days ago...That's one of those looks that could melt the coldest heart... Isn't she adorable? And she's adorably glancing at Ryan. :D
They didn't share much screentime in No Man's Land, but that scene was indeed very nice to see... That "Are you okay?" seems to be her recurring question. It's great to see how caring they are toward each other.
For some reason that arguing scene in Deviant has just popped into my mind... Her last look says "You don't think I'm really made at you, honey, do you?" :lol: I love TEH CaRWash cuteness.
Okay, there wasn't one scene between them last night. I'm kind of surprized but I'm kind of not. Like I knew TPTB would probably not put anything CaRWashy in, I was just hopping they would. It just seemed like it was wrong or something was missing when they didn't confide in eachother. I mean there wasn't much confiding in anyone. No comfort scene with anyone, really. I just wish there would have been something small, even maybe I look to show eachother they cared. Maybe there was a look but I missed it then I guess.
I've just finished watching Man Down, and I have to say it was absolutely fantastic. I won't tell about the rest here, since it'd be OT, but let's just say TPTB sometimes can do good things. ;)

As to Calleigh/Ryan interaction, there wasn't exactly much. You could see they were both really upset by the situation. Cal was all locked up in herself, trying to keep everything under control (as always), and Ryan was very jittery and kind of aggressive (see the "How Ryan flipped out on the guy who shot his friend" scene). Calleigh wasn't in a very talkative mood, but somehow I found it very cute when she said "Easy, Ryan." when Ryan was about to kick that creep's butt. And there was some kind of tension between them, as though they were both trying to deal with the whole thing on their own. It felt a little unnatural to me, they were stiff and cold (well, you'd expect it from someone who could lose a friend, but not so much). There was no comfort at all between anyone, and that was rather disappointing.
I just hope things will get better by the end of the season.
I haven't watched it but if everything you guys say it's true (of course it is, I trust you :)) for me that's a little contradictory :(: in one season they're always smiling and comforting each other and the following one they don't even look at each other during a difficult situation, for me the TPTB should keep it the same way, to be consistent like in real life, for example. In real life you stop being kind with another person when you have an argument about something and as far as I know (tell me if I'm wrong) they haven't fought or something. Or maybe they're just keeping the we-don't-like-Ryan-because-he's-new attitude (well I have to see his interaction with the others first so, at the moment, I'm kinda speculating) that IMO they had during s3 and 4 (sometimes) but he's not new now :confused: he's another member of the team.

As I said above, I haven't watched it so sorry if my opinion is kinda exagerated or out of place :), when I watch it I'll be able to be more objective :)

Well don't worry CaRWashers our lucky day will come ;) sooner or later :p
well, we all agree that this ship gets a little too hot for the cameras sometimes.;)
After H told Calleigh that they were going to catch the guy he left Cal and Ryan in the hopsital hallway. You can see her turn to Ryan and run her fingers through her hair and....we got switched. I hate it when they do that. i wanted to see what he/she was going to say to the other.
*cough* Girls, please, remember the at least three lines of good posting rule. ;)

Speaking of Man Down, again, like in Nailed, the scenes selection was - at least CaRWashwise speaking - pretty disappointing. As long as we know, there might have been an actual CaRWash moment of comfort, which we were't shown. In the promo we saw that hug between Cal and Alexx, but there was no trace of it in the ep... Goddess only knows how many other scenes were cut during the editing. :rolleyes:
As VaveAma92 said, H leaves them alone in the hospital, and Cal actually turns to Ryan after he's gone. I believe that was supposed to let us know they were going to have a moment on their own (especially because otherwise he wouldn't have left before them, nor they would have stood there without following him). So once again, we missed our scene... TPTB like to see us suffer. But good things come to those who wait, and neither of them is going to get away with those "You look very beautiful" and "Thanks babe". Not a chance. :cool:
I apologize, I must remember to do at least three lines (I was in a rush this morning, but excuses excuses right?) Seriously though, I agree, they could have placed more CaRWash moments in Man Down, atleast a hug (JEEZ come on people, Ryan and Calleigh need to feel the love!) lol. But..yea..woo...Man down was still excellent, even without the lovely CaRWash moments. Ryan's eyes looked so sad, (well duh his buddy was hurt) but...we can only hope for more moments in future episodes.
Wow, girls, I'm so sorry but it's been a very very hectic week. Next week my vacation starts and I will get capping again to post CPOTDs because I missed out on about 2 weeks, I'm very sorry. :(

I still haven't seen Man Down, but I am looking forward to the day I can. Luna, they also cut the flashbacks to Speedle and they cut the episode opener with Horatio sitting by Eric's side. So I was told. I do think that maybe they planned a scene for Nailed but cut it, in which case I could've thought of better scenes to cut. But ah well, that's just me. :rolleyes:

Chapter 8 of HIWTHI is coming along, so to those who are reading and waiting: be patient, but your patience will be rewarded. :devil:

I don't know anything about 'Broken Home' yet, except:

I think Eric is back on the job and working with Calleigh.

This of course doesn't mean we can't have a CaRWash scene. Wouldn't it be awesome if Eric said or did something out of his personality (since he's 'different') and Calleigh and Ryan would share a look like: "what are we gonna do now"? I've seen it happen in other shows, I hope they bring in some continuity about what happened to Eric. You don't just walk away after this. And well if that happens I'm thinking of some goood CaRWash parts. But when am I not? :lol:
Ya'll can just call me Vave.:)
I don't know what to think about this now. Those Miami doctorsmust be amazing to get Eric right back on the job so quickly(ya know after what, a week?) But hey! Lindsay Willows is 15 now.
I'm gonna go read some CaRWash FF now. Bye!
P.S. We should send them some heat-resistant camera lenses. This is torture!
This is my first post on this thread...
I ship CarWash since I started reading its RP.And I started doing it after I met Nikki , so she is the responsible for my new ship.Actually, I read the whole RP in less than a week...And absolutely loved it...Now it makes sense to me imagining Calleigh and Ryan together :rolleyes:
So, from what I have read in your last posts, I am really looking forward to see those episodes.Too bad i will not see them until...i don't know until when, but we really have a delay in the episodes, season 5 hasn't started yet, i guess it will start like in the beggining of summer, at least i expect it to...So, i will have to wait.
That's it, this is my little introduction...

Oh, and by the way, I love that picture of Calleigh!
Welcome CSI Dani! I see you're another of Nikki's vics... :lol: It's incredible how any kind of fanart can drag people into one or more ships! *is guilty* :lol:
Well, I am Luna, also knows as "the-freak-who-posts-CaRWash-pics-for-the-newbies" (kinda long, but sounds good :lol:), so here's yours:



Ok, I think this has never been asked, but I'm pretty curious... What is, in your opinion, the worst handled C/R episode or scene ever? And by that I mean the ep where the writers did completely wrong with the way either or both of them acted with each other, or neglected a scene with a very good potential, or anything you can think of.

I personally hated the nearly complete lack of any interaction in Man Down, as well as the way their emotions were completely left within each of them. They were strongly in pain, but neither of them (well, nobody at all) let it out. It was like everyone only loved and trusted Eric and couldn't rely on anyone else. I don't know, that was unnatural, imo, in particular for Calleigh and Ryan or Calleigh and Alexx.
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