Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRWash

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This is awesome! Thread 3 for Calleigh & Ryan - yay! :) *joins in on the happy dance* I absolutely LOVE the title of this thread. It's perfect!

Ok, so fellow CaRWashers, if you could pick one and only one
CaRWash episode as your fave (yes I know it's hard to pick only one) which one would it be and why? :D
Best thing to do especially when it's cold, wet and windy outside like it is here :(
I'll be doing a CaRWash marathon this weekend..hehehe. First one will be 'Under the Influence'. I love how Calleigh goes '' Patrol - a newbie?!?'' when Horation assigns Ryan to her Dad's case. I also love how she has to put her hands in her pockets in the Garage and how he corrects her when she says she's only so far away from the car. Best of all is when they are sitting at the PC and he's just looking at her...... *smiling*
DC Your lucky to be having a marathon!
CaRWashLuvr Cinegirl made it?? Now where that love? *tackles Cinegirl* Your doing hot with those banners!
yeah, our new thread...*throwsconfetti* but tomorrow I'll have to leave ya all for two weeks :( (I'll drive to Italy)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRWash *DELETED*

Yay for the new thread! *does the extremely happy dance* Three is the perfect number! *winks at Cal and Ryan*
He's OCD, after all... Of Calleigh Duquesne's. :D

Hey, Girlie, if you come to Milan I'd be pleased to come and talk about CaRWash with you by the Duomo! :lol: ;)
OMG I missed the big opening! :eek: *throws car-shaped confetti and grabs a handful of cookies*

Luna, (Ha! I can call her that :D) three times' a charm, right? *joins in dance* We've gone through the second thread so fast! But that's probably because we got so many new CaRWash shippers. Welcome to the newest!

Dc nz, I don't think anyone saw your question, but I did! My favorite CaRWash episode has to be 'Nailed.' Yes, Ryan got hurt, but there was SO much CaRWash in that eppie that I forgive TPTB for hurting Ryan.

Girlie I'll miss you! *teases IHNC a bit more about that fic I'm writing...and you don't know what it's about, ha!* :p
Hey Dutchie - Nailed is a great episode for sure! I love the whole scene when Calleigh's firing the nail gun and Ryan comes in. There's some good CaRWashing (lol@how that sounds) there and I love how cute he is when she says he can have a go with the nail gun.

I did edit my original post so perhaps that's why people missed my question :(
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