Calleigh&&Natalia #01 - Simultaneous Release


I didn't see this ship on the list of threads, and I didn't find it lurking around the forum, so I'm assuming that there hasn't been one made yet.

This thread is for the supporters of the relationship between Natalia Boa Vista and Calleigh Duquesne...just because...
I thought they had a fun sort of dynamic, and perhaps for once, I'm not alone. ;)

- Alexx
*shakes head* Ally, leave it up too you to start this thread.

And me to join it.

Their dynamic is great. Calliegh seems the most relaxed about Natalia and she hasn't been bitting her head off (like a certain other ship I use to ship). I like how Calliegh and Natalia's relationship didn't seem to change after everything and they still feel comfortable around each other.
Heh. You know it, dawg. o_o;;

That is because Calleigh and Natalia own your soul, Mandy. And you know it. ^-^ But seriously, yeah, they are very relaxed around each other. Also, I noticed that they joke around a lot. Nobody else is nice enough to Natalia to do that. Which is sad...>.>

- Ally
There is that fun and flirty type atmosphere around them. They can joke around, because they are very similar. They are both sweet, funny, and beautiful, yet both can be very serious and strict.

It's nice to see someone be nice to poor Natalia.

I found this awesome pic and couldn't resist posting it:
Yay for happy atmosphere! Similar is good. Just as long as they arn't too similar. ^-^
And yes, it does my cold, black heart good to see someone being nice to poor, yet horribly awesome, Natalia. *sigh*

PICTURE!!! RAWR! -saves- Thankies, Mandy!
I'm calling you that now. You have to deal with it.

- Ally
*pokes head in* Though I've never shipped slash in Miami, I must say that I am very intrigued by this pairing. They do have some dynamic chemistry together.

I always look forward to their scenes together - it's nice for Calleigh to have another female to associate with besides Valera (who we never get to see anyway.)

ETA: *points to post below* Oh, no, no I was totally picturing them as more than friends. And I just spoke to my BFF who is obsessed w.Miami too and I think I may have converted her to this pairing, hehe!
Hey Sincerely, come in a make yourself comfortable. We wouldn't mind another poster, even if you just think of these two as friends. ;)

Women love having another girl to telate to, talk about stuff that men wouldn't like to, epsecially the men themselves
'Sup homie G...uh...Sincerely?
That's because Alexx starts great threads. >.> No, I'm kidding. I start sucky threads which I then leave. But, I don't actually plan on leaving this one, so yeah.
But totally, Mandy and I would love another poster in this here nearly dead thread! You want an...invitation to the Black Parade? That's about all I have at the moment...

Yeah. Espeically if they have a few of the same interest, but arn't totally alike.
Here is something they could talk about...

Calleigh: "Horatio is hot..."
Natalia: "Yeah...and Eric is bringing 'Sexyback'..."
Both: -dies-

Or...something like that, you know...Or! They could go see 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest' and drool over Jack Sparrow together. ;) -is a dumbass-

- Ally
You better not leave this one *chains you to thread* There now you can't leave *muwhaha*

I can see them liking Pirates 2. And if they wanted to see a sappy chick flick they wouldn't have the men complaining that that movie is to girly for them.
Hi hi! :) I was told of this pairing by my best friend who is also on this thread - SincerelyInDenial.

She was right on the money when she said she converted me into liking this pairing. I, like her, never really saw the slash in Miami (and I'm for pro-slash not against it in any fandoms). It was I just couldn't see it in this least not till now.

Cal and Nat have such a good chemistry between them that it could work - at least in fic land if it ever got that far. ^_^ But yea I think these two even as close friends are great together ya know? ^_^

So short - Hi! :)
i love those to together as friends. i think they really like each other and i also think that Calleigh is happy to not be the only csi girl anymore. its always great tv when they are with each other!
Mandy, you so know that they'd enjoy PoTC. ^-^ They'd be arguing the whole night over who was the hottest in that movie.

Calleigh: "Ohmygod, Jack...-drools-"
Natalia: "No, see, Norrington is wwaayy hotter."
Calleigh: "Pfft. Uh-uh."
Natalia: "Uh-huh."
Both: -ship slash-

Or, something like that, yeah. >.>
I can't think of any chick-flicks at the moment. Except for maybe Benny & Joon. That was such a sweet movie. Heh.


Hey LiLAqUaMaRiE! Glad you've decided to come and join us! Dude, buisness is booming. ;)
But yeah, I totally understand not shipping slash in Miami. Miami is a hard show to do slash in, except for maybe Eric/Ryan (-whistles-). However, I'm glad you've decided to come over to the dumdumduduah!!! 'Freakishly insane possie of horribly multi-shipping kooks'! Yes, we need a new title.

Come to think of it, we need a name for this ship too. We could make it Nataleigh.
Like 'Natalie', but not. Yeah, you knew that.
Or not, whatever.

Yo, veggie G! 'Sup homie? o_o;;
Glad that you could join us as well! Friends works perfectly with us, yeah. It sucks being the only CSI girl...I'm yeah, I'm sure Calleigh is thrilled to have Natalia now. Yay for great TV!

-scuries away again-

- Ally...I like ketchup. Hehe. -cackle-
BurnedToast said:

Calleigh: "Ohmygod, Jack...-drools-"
Natalia: "No, see, Norrington is wwaayy hotter."
Calleigh: "Pfft. Uh-uh."
Natalia: "Uh-huh."
Both: -ship slash-
For starters - Hahahahaha. I can actually picture them doing something like that. Either way it was amusing. ^_^

BurnedToast said:

Hey LiLAqUaMaRiE! Glad you've decided to come and join us! Dude, buisness is booming. ;)

But yeah, I totally understand not shipping slash in Miami. Miami is a hard show to do slash in, except for maybe Eric/Ryan (-whistles-). However, I'm glad you've decided to come over to the dumdumduduah!!! 'Freakishly insane possie of horribly multi-shipping kooks'! Yes, we need a new title.

Come to think of it, we need a name for this ship too. We could make it Nataleigh.
Like 'Natalie', but not. Yeah, you knew that.
Or not, whatever.
Hey! ^_^ Glad to be here. Yes it's growing, lol. I can see the Eric/Ryan thing...but I have yet to get into it into it, ya know. Lol.... Agreed, We do need a new title, lol. 'Insane Possie's of Girl Bonding shipping'! Actually no mines sounds a bit kinky than meant to be. Hahahaha.

But I do like the Nataleigh for the ship pairing name. Fit's and works. ^_^ Another possible form could be Catalia, but I dunno. I think your suggestion was better haha.

There should be fic's on these two (slash or as friends).
lol, Ally, I can so picture that.

I can't think of any chick flicks either, I was jus tsaying that they wouldn't have the guys bugging them about it.

I like both Nataleigh and Catalia.
*pops in*
Calleigh and Nat? huhm.
*nods tentatively*

they do have a nice chemistry thingy going on.

( personally I think ELR just oooooooooozzzzzzzzzes straightness. As does EP actually. )

But I do like the idea. Like that scene in Darkroom when Natalia went after the tv chick, and Calleigh came to the rescue...........


like Mari or like someone who writes all those great fics??? oculd like hummmmmmmmmmmmmm get us started by writing a nice little fic about this

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: