Mandy, you so know that they'd enjoy PoTC. ^-^ They'd be arguing the whole night over who was the hottest in that movie.
Calleigh: "Ohmygod, Jack...-drools-"
Natalia: "No, see, Norrington is wwaayy hotter."
Calleigh: "Pfft. Uh-uh."
Natalia: "Uh-huh."
Both: -ship slash-
Or, something like that, yeah. >.>
I can't think of any chick-flicks at the moment. Except for maybe
Benny & Joon. That was such a sweet movie. Heh.
LiLAqUaMaRiE! Glad you've decided to come and join us! Dude, buisness is booming.

But yeah, I totally understand not shipping slash in Miami. Miami is a hard show to do slash in, except for maybe Eric/Ryan (-whistles-). However, I'm glad you've decided to come over to the
dumdumduduah!!! '
Freakishly insane possie of horribly multi-shipping kooks'! Yes, we need a new title.
Come to think of it, we need a name for this ship too. We could make it
Like 'Natalie', but not. Yeah, you knew that.
Or not, whatever.
veggie G! 'Sup homie? o_o;;
Glad that you could join us as well! Friends works perfectly with us, yeah. It sucks being the only CSI girl...I'm yeah, I'm sure Calleigh is thrilled to have Natalia now. Yay for great TV!
-scuries away again-
- Ally...I like ketchup. Hehe. -cackle-