Calleigh/Jake #2 - Because He Risked Everything For Her

Title for the new thread

  • Calleigh/Jake #2 - "Waiting for you"

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Calleigh/Jake #2 - "Waiting with a glass of Mimosa"

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Calleigh/Jake #2 - "Waiting for a new Mimosa party"

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Calleigh/Jake #2 - "Because he risked everything for her"

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Calleigh/Jake #2 - "I did it for you"

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Calleigh/Jake #2 - "We can't live like this!!"

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Calleigh/Jake #2 - "Because he took a risk for her"

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


CSI Level Three

"Do you see a future in the Calleigh and Jake relationship?"

God, I don't know. It's something that Johnny Whitworth and I discuss,
but it changes daily. We'll get a script and we're like, "They're
totally going to be together!" then we get another script and we say,
"No, it's not working out!" It's a very high school style relationship!

"Calleigh has had a few love interests on the show - which one has had
the most impact on her?"

I think the person that most changed Calleigh was the detective that
shot himself in her office. He's been the most instrumental, but maybe
with Jake, Calleigh is going to learn to love again..."

~~~~ Emily Procter at CSI:Magazine – Miami~~~~

Here we are. Finally we’re opening a new thread for our belve CaKe
For whoever doesn’t know what CaKe is, here’s a very simple explanation about this couple.

The name stands for
Calleigh + JaKe

Who are they ?
Calleigh Duequesne:
Also known as Bullet Girl for her love for firearms, she’s the blonde chick of the MDPD Crime Lab, not to mention that she’s very smart too.
She’s a very stubborn person and in her life she had lot of tragedies especially in love.
Her first love on screen committed suicide right in front of her because she told him she wanted them to be just friends.
Then, she kinda fell in love with another guy, but, after an odd trip to the ER she finds he’s engaged and he asked her to go out with him just to give her this news.
Obviously, she doesn’t want to be hurt another time by a bad man so she tends to be very cold with men especially, if she doesn’t know them. All she needs is a good guy, after all.

Jake Berkley:
He’s a guy who looks a little bit cocky, at first, but once you get to know him you’ll learn he’s a good, tender and sweet guy, after all.
He attended the same academy Calleigh did in New Orleans some years ago.
During an investigation on a gang he’s brought by Calleigh to the MDPD. While being questioned they both recognize eachothers and they start mentioning they relationship in the past.

That’s how things began between the two!

Once they settled some things, they started a new relationship which officaly began at the end of season five.
He also took her to Antigua for five days. She’s hasn’t been on holiday for ages and once they came back all you can notice is a cheerful, tanned Calleigh Duquesne.
Their relationship is brought in questioning when Stetler sets up a new rule about the fraternization in between collegues. Obviously, Jake and Calleigh will have some troubles because of it and will have to hide their relationship to everyone else, also to the audience for a while.
Even Jake’s UC career knocks on their door every now and then and, whenever Jake leaves, Calleigh is there waiting for him.

Status: Calleigh is waiting for him, but they never officially broke up.
Favourite Drink: Mimosa.

CaKe episodes:
_ 5x02 – “Going Under” ~~~~ First meeting
_ 5x09 – “Going Going Gone” ~~~~ “We have our moments”
_ 5x23 – “Switch Kill” ~~~~ organising the first date
_ 5x24 – “Born to Kill” ~~~~ the KISS
_ 6x01 – “Dangerous Son” ~~~~ Antigua Time
_ 6x04 – “Bang Bang Your Debt” ~~~~ “this is the coffee machine that I want, it makes espressos, macchiatos, cappuccinos”
_ 6x05 – “Deep Freeze” ~~~~ Break up?
_ 6x06 – “Sunblock” ~~~~ Cutest scene ever with their hand
_ 6x09 – “Stand your Ground” ~~~~ Mimosa Style
_ 7x01 – “Resurrection” ~~~~ “I did it for you, Calleigh”

If you need another episode with Jake Berkley, let’s consider 5x12 – “Internal affairs”

Interview to the couple
-"Because you're the danger mouse!" - Johnny Whitworth to Emily Procter on ET Online

Other CaKe threads:
Calleigh/Jake #1 – “Some things never change”
Calleigh/Jake song thread #1 – “Something to believe”

And now let’s all enjoy our

With the perfect amount of Mimosa :beer:

Happy posting to everyone :D :D
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Re: Calleigh/Jake # 2

Congrats on the new thread guys. :D I see you got the poll sorted out Florry. :D
Re: Calleigh/Jake # 2

Fabulous job on opening the new thread, FLO!!!!! *hugs*:thumbsup:
That banner is beautiful, BTW. ;)

**grabs Mimosa** :p

Interesting that we managed to get this thread to #2 just after watching a rerun of 'resurrection', hehe....perfect timing I must say....considering the last one was 'some things never change' & it has changed because he actually did something HUGE for her...way to go Jakers!!

Anyway, I soooo hope to see a conclusion with this couple because I do not like the way the ending felt - it didn't feel like an ending at all (that's the problem), so here's to CAKE's future!!! *grabs second Mimosa*
Re: Calleigh/Jake # 2

Woo-hoo, new thread! Love the banner and the pic at the beginning of the opening post. I really hope we'll see Jake back on the show soon. We are all waiting for more cake. :)
Re: Calleigh/Jake # 2

Wahoo!! A new thread!! Just thought I would help celebrate...

Long Live CaKe!

Re: Calleigh/Jake # 2

Congrats on the new thread guys. :D I see you got the poll sorted out Florry. :D
Thank you Adorable_Crazy. :thumbsup: I have to say that, at first, I thought it was a little bit difficultier to start the poll :p.

Let's go back to the business ;)

Fabulous job on opening the new thread, FLO!!!!! *hugs*:thumbsup:
That banner is beautiful, BTW. ;)
Awww :alienblush: glad you like it!!! **hugs**
That was a banner I made almost a year ago.
As you can see it has the most important/sweet moments of our couple.
Obviously it hasn't the one from "Resurrection", but I'll make something with it too :thumbsup:

Interesting that we managed to get this thread to #2 just after watching a rerun of 'resurrection', hehe....perfect timing I must say....considering the last one was 'some things never change' & it has changed because he actually did something HUGE for her...way to go Jakers!!
What I found more interesting it's that we managed to open this thread right when Jake kinda disappeared from the show :lol:.
People would think there's no hope for us, but we're too strong to loose any hope on this couple.
And yep it's also interesting the fact we did open it right after "Resurrection" and what happened in it. As we always say he changed her a lot. IMO, it's a good change :thumbsup:

Anyway, I soooo hope to see a conclusion with this couple because I do not like the way the ending felt - it didn't feel like an ending at all (that's the problem), so here's to CAKE's future!!! *grabs second Mimosa*
Conclusion? Do you really think that this word can exist on CaKe vocabulary??? :lol: Nah I don't think so. Tis couple will never have a proper ending (both good and bad) and that's why I love it. Everything can happene right when you thing it won't happen :lol:.
Everyone is saying they're over. I wouldn't be surprise at all to know they're married or something like this :devil:

Woo-hoo, new thread! Love the banner and the pic at the beginning of the opening post.
That pic was from the CSI:Magazine.
It looks like they were both ready to rip their clothes off in a minute :devil:.
There's too much of chemistry between these 2. You can't deny it.

Wahoo!! A new thread!! Just thought I would help celebrate...

Long Live CaKe​

Welcome back Lambchop :thumbsup:.
I do recognize these WP and AHHHH I love them!!!! ;)

Ok now back to the celebration
**let's grab another demijohn of mimosa**
:beer: :beer: :beer:
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Re: Calleigh/Jake # 2

Conclusion? Do you really think that this word can exist on CaKe vocabulary??? :lol: Nah I don't think so. Tis couple will never have a proper ending (both good and bad)
I suppose I should've used a different word. :lol: I didn't mean conclusion as in ending, I meant more like....continued, like the end of 'Resurrection' felt more like a "to be continued" moment with CAKE & Im waiting for the conclusion...aren't we all?!! :D:D

hey, Im loving all the icons BTW - such beautiful work :thumbsup:

Everything can happene right when you thing it won't happen :lol:.
Everyone is saying they're over. I wouldn't be surprise at all to know they're married or something like this :devil:

heheee....this I don't doubt happening but I think it could come later. I have this great image of an ending episode - she slowly walks out of the lab, looking around feeling bummed, & then she sees Jake across the parking lot getting off his Harley. Then of course she gives that "oh my's you" smile....then comes the romantic as all get out kiss & embrace. :p
Re: Calleigh/Jake # 2

Conclusion? Do you really think that this word can exist on CaKe vocabulary??? :lol: Nah I don't think so. Tis couple will never have a proper ending (both good and bad)
I suppose I should've used a different word. :lol: I didn't mean conclusion as in ending, I meant more like....continued, like the end of 'Resurrection' felt more like a "to be continued" moment with CAKE & Im waiting for the conclusion...aren't we all?!! :D:D
Well I always feel like we'll have "to be continued" forever when they put up a CaKe episode.
We should name them as the "to be continued..." couple of the world :lol:
Seriously, we won't ever have a serious ending (both negative and positve) and that's exactly why I love them 'cause they're so open to any possible storyline, even the most interesting one :thumbsup:

hey, Im loving all the icons BTW - such beautiful work :thumbsup:
Uh what icons? :confused: The one I'm using right now along with the banner is not mine. They were made my fo_poozle ;)

Everything can happene right when you thing it won't happen :lol:.
Everyone is saying they're over. I wouldn't be surprise at all to know they're married or something like this :devil:
heheee....this I don't doubt happening but I think it could come later. I have this great image of an ending episode - she slowly walks out of the lab, looking around feeling bummed, & then she sees Jake across the parking lot getting off his Harley. Then of course she gives that "oh my's you" smile....then comes the romantic as all get out kiss & embrace. :p
Well I also can imagine her coming back from work ready to knit :lol: and once she opens the door, she finds something *cough*well someone pretty interesting in her house. Obviously she will asks him to stay there and we alll knwo what's going to happen later :devil:
**"........and that's how Tom Berkley born"** :lol:
You can use every name you want :p
Re: Calleigh/Jake # 2

^^^Oh, sorry I was referring to the walls?/icons?/pictures! that Lambchop posted above. :p

Ok, the knitting has to stop :lol: I'm starting to imagine her in glasses with her hair pulled up in rags, chain smoking, & slamming back cheap red wine, like some old hag sitting in her rocker. :eek:

I can handle the part where she finds Jake in her house though. Lovely thought actually. Would be pretty funny if it was one of those where she walks in & sees him but the camera doesn't show us that it's him....but we just know because her smile will tell us. Then he can show his purty face later. ;)

Obviously she will asks him to stay there and we alll knwo what's going to happen later :devil:
They go.. OFF TO BED!!
Re: Calleigh/Jake # 2

^^^Oh, sorry I was referring to the walls?/icons?/pictures! that Lambchop posted above. :p
Ok :thumbsup:

Ok, the knitting has to stop :lol: I'm starting to imagine her in glasses with her hair pulled up in rags, chain smoking, & slamming back cheap red wine, like some old hag sitting in her rocker. :eek:
Thanks to you I'm gonna start picturing her in glasses :guffaw:.
Seriously, ok well then she's not knitting. We can always picture her playing chess with her dog/cat (I'm pretty sure there's an animal in Calleigh's house) :lol:.
Ok, definetly we have to sto picturing her as the most pathetic woman of the world!

I can handle the part where she finds Jake in her house though. Lovely thought actually. Would be pretty funny if it was one of those where she walks in & sees him but the camera doesn't show us that it's him....but we just know because her smile will tell us. Then he can show his purty face later. ;)
If they don't want to show Jake (because Johnny is busy), I think it's enough her smile while entering in her flat because she saw THE MAN!!!!!
I'll always say that I've never seen the smile she used to give to Jake. It's something so natural and realistic at the same time.

Obviously she will asks him to stay there and we alll knwo what's going to happen later :devil:
They go.. OFF TO BED!!
Great answer my dear!!! :thumbsup: That's what I wanted to hear, not to mention that they have both been waiting this moment for months :devil:
Re: Calleigh/Jake # 2

Ok, definetly we have to sto picturing her as the most pathetic woman of the world!
Well, we can blame TPTB for that because they're making it that way.
She looks more than uncomfortable with everything in her life right now. Or OUT of her life I should say. ;)

Picturing her with her animal playing chess is even WORSE!! Thanks for the image, FLO. :guffaw:Now she doesn't sound pathetic she just sounds like a nutcase....she probably named it Jake, pretends it's him & then cuddles with it at night!!! I think I like the knitting image better. :vulcan:

How about she just sits by her phone waiting for Jake to call, sipping her hot tea, doing a crossword, & watching Lifetime...sadly? :D
Re: Calleigh/Jake # 2

Ok, definetly we have to sto picturing her as the most pathetic woman of the world!
Well, we can blame TPTB for that because they're making it that way.
She looks more than uncomfortable with everything in her life right now. Or OUT of her life I should say. ;)
And I'll never stop blaming them. Seriously how could have they done something like this to her and, above all, to us!!!!

Picturing her with her animal playing chess is even WORSE!! Thanks for the image, FLO. :guffaw:Now she doesn't sound pathetic she just sounds like a nutcase....she probably named it Jake, pretends it's him & then cuddles with it at night!!! I think I like the knitting image better. :vulcan:
Well trust me, Calleigh is a nutcase. Seriously with everything that happened to her, it's impossible she doesn't go to a shrink. Maybe her shrink told her to pretend her animal is Jake so that she can smile, again :lol:
I'm so sorry, but the drugs for my shoulders don't have a good effect on me.

Anywhoo Calleigh being just there waiting for him or his phone call, well that would be just boring, if I were her.
Thank god I'm not her and I'm not in that situation. Seriously, she's too strong, I wouldn't have been able to do it, but hey loves makes you do everything ;)

[How about she just sits by her phone waiting for Jake to call, sipping her hot tea, doing a crossword, & watching Lifetime...sadly? :D
And how about her watching AMC?? :angel:
Re: Calleigh/Jake # 2

That'd be funny if she watched AMC - "oh hey, that girl looks like Natalia!" :lol:

Anyway, when is this Johnny interview coming out - I can't wait for it & I can't wait to see how yummy he looks - I so hope there's some new pics, & some CAKEtalk!! :drool: ;)

Seriously how could have they done something like this to her and, above all, to us!!!!
Well, Im certain there's a reason behind it but I don't think it's what most people think it's about ...I don't know really, but I have my suspicions as to why they've put this amount of drama (all within a few seasons) on Calleigh & her problems on the job, combined with Jake being gone & her missing him - it's fishy I tell you. :shifty:
Re: Calleigh/Jake # 2

OK!! I have nothing really important to say to this conversation, but I promised Florry86 I would have a CaKe present today!!

Hope you like it. :angel:


Hey guys,

Please keep in mind that posts in Shipper Central MUST contain at LEAST three lines of ON TOPIC discussion. If you'd like to do 'congratulations on a new thread', you still need to have THREE lines of discussion. That also applies to posting pictures.

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