Bring It On Home To Me (LV, Miami, NCIS, NY RP)

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Dude, read know the part where can they survive? Yeah that. Smacked ain't even on the same team and neither is shot me. :p

How can I add Heather?, Anyways be her :p
Yeah, I know. I just like making a big thing out of nothing...^^

Not saying that you have to add her, I'm just saying that I lurvish Lady Heather! Woot woot!
Well then play her, cause I know you. You'll wait till we're like on page 5, "can we add her now?" go for it, Al. :p
MUWAHAHA! This could be a chance to...

Spongebob: Patrick, your genius is showing again.
Patrick: WHERE?!

Yeah, expose my brilliance by bringing Heather into the picture and having her totally kick ass...Again.
My Socials Teacher Mr. Avery (past army solier): If you don't finish your homework here you won't be able to watch Spongebob and Agent Squarepants after school. :)

:lol: Anyways! I'm flexible for roles, so just hollar when you need them. (Ironically, I've only watched just over one season of Miami, NY and NCIS.. Thank GOD for research!)
hmm, let me think on the amanda/flack for a few , but tony/ziva's cool with me..

So do we wanna start with LV or NY?
Meh, I don't care. You know what might be fun? Since Lady H wouldn't be a ragular character...Alexx could play Griss...Just to give herself fangirlish nightmares.
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