Bring Back Detective Vicaro!


Premium Member
Yes, I know the man was only in one episode ("Hush"), but he managed to make such an impression in that one episode that I think he has to return second season.

I mean, seriously--what was with that attitude? :lol: And some of the things he said were just so random, like when Danny asked him if he checked out the car and he quipped something about "Twenty-five cents will get you a cup of coffee."

The man is weird. NY could use a little more spice--Bring Back Vicaro! :D
I second that! The guy would say stuff, and I would be like 'What the...'. But he is so freaking funny. He needs to come back. And the voice. Do not me started on the quirky voice.
I mean, seriously--what was with that attitude? :lol: And some of the things he said were just so random, like when Danny asked him if he checked out the car and he quipped something about "Twenty-five cents will get you a cup of coffee."

The man is weird. NY could use a little more spice--Bring Back Vicaro! :D

:lol: Yeah, the guy is hilarious, and his "Vicaro-isms" just get better each time. :D
They do--it's like you listen to what he says and it's like, "What? What's that supposed to mean?" and then you just laugh because the guy is so bizarre.

I love me some Detective Vicaro!!!
Yup. Vicaro made a strong impression on me. Right from the moment he prompted Danny to say, "Quit busting my onions." ;)
Yeah, Danny kind of sunk down to Vicaro's level with that one! :lol: "Busting his onions"? WTF? :lol: That cracked me up. There was some odd writing in this one, dialogue-wise, but I mean that in a good way.

I wish I had a transcript of the episode--anyone remember any specific Vicaro quotes?
Oh, please, yes bring this man back. The first time I saw "Hush,” I thought who is the nut and why is he here, but the second time I was laughing my ass off. He is too funny, the nasal accent, the bizarre unrelated comments. I love Vicaro! I didn't watch last night, but he is one of the highlights of the episode.

The way he says CSI sticks in my head!

^He does say CSI in a funny way--he calls either Danny or Aiden CSI, or both. It's a little creepy, a little funny, pure Vicaro!
Yeah, he has that whole creepy/funny thing down to a science. You're not sure whether to laugh or shudder. All I know is that we need more Vicaro.
Yeah, I'd like him back too, he definitely brought the spice and humor to the show. He seemed a little sketchy but in a good way, like, neither the viewer nor the other characters really know how to take him which thus makes him way too interesting to not bring back.
I did like that we weren't supposed to know how to react to him. I think that's why it took me so long to jump on board the Vicaro train--he was just so weird! And then I really got to like him, because he's just so weird. :lol: More Vicaro is a must.
He was to funny :D even though i had to rewatch his scenes a coupla times to figure out what he was saying ;) I just remember Danny and Aiden's comebacks with him "Stop bustin' my friggin' onions!"

and "Det. Vicaro, 34"
"Danny Messer, Aiden Burn, 1, 2," :D

More Danny/Vicaro scene's certainly wouldnt be against my liking :D