Bring Back Burn!


CSI Level Two
Attention, all fans of CSI:NY's Aiden Burn (not necessarily the actor who portrays her):
This thread is the HQ for the campaign to bring Vanessa Ferlito back to the small screen in the role of Aiden Burn. As you may or may not be aware, campaigners for the return of CSI:Miami's character Maxine Valera were successful, as Boti Bliss has returned to the show after her character was fired last season. Our hope, as Aiden fans, is that we may acheive the same success with our campaign to Bring Back Burn!

If anyone has any insight as to how we may go about this, please speak up; all help is gratefully appreciated. Please do not flame our efforts; you personally may not be a fan, but we are, and we'd like to see Aiden back in action.

That being said, our first campaign effort is to spread the message: use these icons in your signature or avatar to raise awareness.





Thank you in advance for your support.

My suggestion is that you all start an online petition. I forgot the site for it though. Anyway, the decision is up to Vanessa and it was her to choice to leave. Anyway that's besides the point. Good luck!!!
Maybe. Just maybe one time I'd like her to just sneak in and then out.

Nothing more because there would be too much tension. Plus, I'm not sure many of them even want to deal much with Ferlito.
Start the thread without me why dontcha? haha im just kidding kate. WEEEE i'm jumping headlong into this. and i will try to find an online petition site. Heh, come on FERLITO, we want ours (and danny's) BURN BACK!
Could we refrain from the shipping? I know there's a lot of it going on, but (I can't believe I'm saying this) Aiden is shipped with more than one person, so keep the ship-rallying to a minimum please. Save those for the designated threads.
See, I'm already using one of your banners
woo hoo!
petitions are a great idea. did anyone here campaign for Valera? Is there anything specific that happened there that could happen again?
ok...nooo shipping. at all. my lips are sealed. anyway, was there a "bring back valera" thread of sorts? if so, we could visit it and see what exactly they did. cos, i mean, an email to her wont work, she doesnt read them. but doesnt carmine giovinazzo sometimes read his? if so, we could send one to him because he said they were close on and off set. so maybe....ehhh i dont know.