Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...


'A Bullet Runs Through It' says it all.
I still like Nick/Sofia (don't worry fellow Sonicers), but Brass and Sofia shared some great scenes! Really, really intense and they were defenitely looking out for each other.

I am just afraid that they won't share that much scenes, since there is mostly just one detective on a case...
They do have a connection, they really do.
I never shipped Brass with someone, so I'm feeling excited about this, hehe. :D
This was started in record time! :lol:

I loved their scenes in Bullet 2. He was so gentle with her. And I liked that she was willing to stay at the funeral with him.
Well well well very interesting. I suggested something like this in the ABRTI #1 and #2 thread. I saw a lot of chemistry between Sofia and Brass - could they be Sass ? after watching both shows. There is a lot of potential there.

I like Sass. It's sassy...;)

Hey, does anyone mind that I picked this topic title?
Since it's usually done by voting and stuff.
I'm afraid you guys can't have 'Sass' - thats the Brass/Sara ship name - bad idea for two ships to have the same name. i'm sure we all can come up with something creative however ;)
Nah I like the title. It works for them.


Brass did say something like that during ABRTI 2 when they were at the diner. ITA he was so tender with her when he saw what she was going through. Just like at the lab right after it happened and she walked by his office. You could see the concern on his face. So the title fits.

P.S. Rats that's too bad about Sass. Sorry I guess I should have checked the ship names first.

Good idea but right now all the ideas I have involve thread names. Like " Pass me the handcuffs " And that idea.

i totally thought this! I, too, had a feeling this was going to start today!

I said to myself "Brass & Sophia! Totally HOT!"

Brass is so sweet and sad....he's needs some lovin' and Sophia and him have a lot in common..

I remember watching the ep last night and wondered if there was a Brass and Sophia ship. They really connected last night. Lots of chemistry. And there were some "awww" moments that I love.
ITA with this ship. **SPOILER**

The end when Sofia offered to stay with him, was so sweet. I hope they have more interaction like that.
After last night, I could definately see this ship happening.


I loved the end scene last night, when she volunteered to stay, it was sweet. And their scene in the diner was great as well.