Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...

Favorite BS moment? No question about it...

"He's a cop/She's a cop"

It's what you'd expect from Brass, but you also get a chance to see the quick wit/humor from Sofia too. The only thing missing is the toothpick.

I also think it's interesting how when we first see Sofia in Formalities, that Jim seems so comfortable/close with her and calling her Sofie, whereas Grissom doesn't even recognize her as someone who works in the same building as he does.

Louise, please come back soon! :(
Yeah, the "he's a cop, she's a cop" is hilarious. And oh, the toothpick. My kingdom for the toothpick!

I love that first scene in Formalities, because it's the only time EVER on the show that anyone called her "Sofie" and it was Brass. Cuteness squee :)

Hey, if Sofia isn't onscreen, we know she's still playing with Brass offscreen ;)
Drumchik said:
That is a great scene, CSI_LV_AF and beaujolais, I love that you caught onto that!

I think one of the most enjoyable things about this relationship is that it's so subtle. Everything you see is just a nuance, and it's often something small, but it means so much when you look at the context. Just like them in Rashomama, or the "Sofie" in Formalities, or the grin on his face when he announced to Gil that Sofia Curtis was back ;)

You're right, the subtlety is the best part, at least for me. I don't know if a lot of people would say there is something between these two at all because they don't make it obvious and that is a very good thing. I love having to look into every scene with these two and pick out the flirtiness, it makes it that much better.

Oh, and in Bodies in Motion when he says "Surprise!" and just walks away with a huge smile. Priceless!
Hey, if Sofia isn't onscreen, we know she's still playing with Brass offscreen

Absolutely! In my little universe she's not onscreen because she transferred to another precinct and is working nights. That way she and Jim can play together and still be on the same work schedule.
Ooh I like that. I especially like that she's on nights too. It would suck if she was on daytime. But I'm sure they'd still make time to be together.
When he says "I sleep very well at night." in I Like to Watch to the camera crew, I would like to think Sofia is what makes him sleep well.
When he says "I sleep very well at night." in I Like to Watch to the camera crew, I would like to think Sofia is what makes him sleep well.

Oooh, that's perfect! I never thought of that one before but it's so true!
That is true. And I bet she does help him sleep. It can't be easy for either of them, considering what TPTB has put them through - but especially Brass
She is definately what he needed after ABRTI. Makes me wonder what she did for him after WtG too. I think I may have read a fic about that, I can't remember right now.
I think there have been a couple about post WtG. I know Sydne wrote one - it was a continuation of her BS series.

Does anyone have a favorite BS fic?
I sent Brass and Sofia to Kansas to see the world's largest ball of twine ("Blood Brothers"). That was post WtG and a follow-up to "Playing the Hero", which was pre-WtG.

And I like all of Sydne's Brass/Sofia fics as well as the new one by spottedhorse. Heck, I like fics from anyone who writes Brass/Sofia. They get included as a background couple in several fics but there are so few fics actually devoted to them.
I love Blood Brothers. The ball of twine was hilarious. And I love all of your fics, Sydne's fics and of course spottedhorse's fic.

Like you, I agree that it's so rare to see a BS fic that anytime you can see one, it's good! LOL
Yeah, I found the fic I was talking about in my last post. It was by Sydne. It is called "The Homecoming." I have to say that almost every BS-centric fic I've read is good, but as you've all said, they can be few and far between.
I just finished writing my first Brass/Sofia fanfic. YAY!!

It can be found at csiforensics, Brass Love LJ, Curtis Pages LJ, Detectives Undercover and the Brass Fanfiction archive. It's called "Numbing the Pain".