"Brain Doe" Discussion thread **Spoilers**

I enjoyed the episode.
The way they are setting up Catherine's exit. To actually see a CSI leave to move up in the world instead of being burned out or killed is refreshing.

I loved the ending.
I liked this episode more than last week's although it was slightly confusing to follow at times. I'm really enjoying this season so far. DB has been a great add and there seems to be more focus on the whole cast and not just focus on a couple of characters and hardly no one else. It's a pretty good mix. And Morgan has been a good add. I love her fascination with brains.

Hodges was pretty funny in this episode. :)

Nice to see Sara back and getting to work with others at the same time.

I also like the possible positive exit plan for Catherine.
I agree with everyone who said it was confusing, but I think I somehow understood it when I watched it a second time. :lol:

I liked the episode, but if I was the writer I'd definitely have done it different. I was really enjoying the first half of it and idly thought, "hey, we actually haven't had a homicide yet," then the next scene showed the dead doctor. Boo. I'm not going to lie, I was disappointed they didn't focus on a story mainly involving a brain thief and I feel we could have had two cases from what was given, with the "suicide" case acting as a B-case and not involved in the main story.

Speaking of the "suicide" case was anyone else a bit miffed how they mentioned the investigator ruling it in about 20 minutes yet Brass noticed straight away there was no GSR therefore not a suicide? I have serious concerns about the standard of the day shift team. :lol:

Okay, that appears mostly negative so far but I did enjoy the episode overall, particularly liked the back story they gave Brass, it seems like they're trying to open up the whole team this season character-wise which is nice. I also like the new sheriff, it's good to have someone in the role who isn't portrayed as an asshole who appears to be against the crime lab for their own career. I also approve of Catherine moving up and out, not burning out. :)

Hodges' moments were hilarious, loved his and Sara's banter in the break room involving the nuggets and his supposedly ripped body. :lol: The DB/Charlie story was nice, thankfully not taking up the entire episode but I properly laughed out
at DB's "Join the club" line. :)

I think I'd give the episode a B. It certainly wasn't the strongest episode out there but it held my interest and was entertaining. It was certainly different as well, although if it hadn't been so damn confusing I probably would have enjoyed it more.
I loved this episode. I really enjoyed the humor of D.B., Doc Robbins and Morgan through out the episode. Good side story for D.B. and his son giving us a look into his personal life. The case was very interesting to me. Man all the brain swapping was crazy! I have to say this one deserves an A+. D.B. and Morgan are really adding to the show and though I hate to see the episodes starting that show how Catherine might leave I am glad that the newer characters are so great.