

Head of the Graveyard Shift
So, is anybody else excited about this film? I know there's a lot of contraversary(sp) surrounding the film but that's not gonna stop me from seeing it. Hopefully the film will be as funny as the trailers. Sacha Baron Cohen rocks.
Hehe glad to know I'm not the only Borat fan here. I think the best line from the trailer has to be, "I want a sexy car" :lol: For all those who are unfamilar of Borat or what he does you can see a lot of his stuff over on youtube & if you like that check out his film. Borat is played by Sacha Baron Cohen, the same guy who does Ali G. Only 10 days left till it opens here & I intend to see it on opening day.
I can't wait to see this. I love Da Ali G Show, and Borat is always my favorite part.

Borat: In U.S. and A. they treat horses like we in Kazakhstan treat our women. They feed them two times a day. They have them sleep on straw in a small box. And for entertainment, they make them jump over fences while being whipped.
^ :lol: That's priceless. Here are some more classic Borat quotes I found:

Borat: Everyone say it rain down like, how you say…?
Lady: Cats and dogs?
Borat: Piss!
—Talking to guests at the Henley Regatta
But if she cheat on me, I will crush her!
—Speaking with Jenny Noel from Great Expectations Dating Agency
I love a baseball, do you love a baseballs?

—At a Savannah Sand Gnats baseball game, speaking to the crowd
He will say many bad things, but that is because he is a liar.

—In response to an employment adviser asking what his former boss would say about him
You remind me my wife… why you laugh? She dead.

— Speaking with a woman at a meet-a-date roundtable.
I make a smell. It smell like a sh!t.

— Commenting on his flatulence at a formal Southern dinner.
Yakshemash! In US of A, democracy is very different from Kazakhstan. In America, woman *can* vote, but horse - *cannot*!
[wondering gesture]
I find out more. Chenkuye.
Borat: If I work here, can I work in a room with a light?
Employer: Yeah. Everyone gets to work in a room with a light.
Borat: Great success!
Borat: Your dog is a loser... you are upset?
Dog Show Contestant: No, no. I don't get upset. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
Borat: You will put him in a sack in the river?
[at baseball game]
Borat: Did you pay some money to the boss to make sure your side win?
Baseball fan: That is not done in baseball.
Borat: But maybe fifty dollar...
Baseball fan: No, no, no.
Borat: You want I pay him fifty dollar...?
Baseball fan: No, no, no, no, no.
Borat: I have forty thousand tampon, no applicator. You want I give to the umpire?
Baseball fan: I don't think so.
Borat: You think he will mind that there is no applicator?
Borat: Yakshemash! In US of A, if you want to marry a girl, you cannot just go to her father and swap her for 15 gallons of pesticide. Here you have to do something called dating. I find out more. Chenkuye.
[interrupting a conversation] Very sorry to interrupt politic. Might I make a shit in your house?

:lol: I cannot wait any longer for November 3rd.
I love Da Ali G show, his funniest skit is "Police Training" by far. I expect this movie to be pretty damn funny
I love the one where Borat goes house hunting and he asks the realtor where he keeps the cage where his wife sleeps. The realtor was all, "well, we don't cage them over here."

The thing about Borat is that he's a chauvinistic, racist pig, but he's so charmingly polite that you can't help overlook those awful qualities. People are usually so nice to him (unlike with poor Bruno). "My wife is scared of man with chocolate face." That's awful, and yet people never call him in on it!

I love it when he talks about gypsies.
I agree. Despite Borat being bad at times I still love watching him. I think that all of Sacha Baron Cohen characters are like that & by that I mean offensive. I don't find him offensive at all by I imagine some people do. He's not afraid to push bounderies(sp) & I think that's why I like him so much.
Only 1 day left till the movie is released!

Has anyone else caught Borat on Letterman & O'Brien? He was on Conan yesterday & Letterman the day before. To put it in simple words he's just the funniest guy out there. Some of the stuff he says is so wrong but I can't help laughing. What's even weirder is that nobody has caught on but that's what makes it hilarious.

I can't wait...
I'm not fan of Ali G, but now seeing clips of Borat...hee... rude but hilarious. Just saw his bit in MTVEuropeAwards and he was so great :D

Can't wait to see the movie.
Some of my favourite Borat moments are when he went hunting, to the dating service & when he went to get a dog.

"So why do you hunt the animals?"
"Erm....for fun!"

"Pamela Anderson is beautiful. Unlike the women in Kazakhstan her teeth grow on the inside of her mouth!"

:lol: Borat is a legend.
"My wife she is dead…she die in the field…she die from work, an accident, but is not important, I have a new wife"

Shameful but funny
:lol: The best is when the other person is like, "Oh, I'm so sorry." & suddenly Borat gets all happy & says, "High five!"