My thoughts as written while watching the ep:
:lol: at the guy falling over the fence. "The car's bleeding." :guffaw:
"You think of me as male company?" haha
Grandson, lol.
Oh god not hyper girl again! I thought they fired her?
What's with that lady's brows? It looks like she has two sets. Oh wait, it's just makeup. :lol:
"You are an extremely unlikable woman." :lol:
It took me a bit to realize that Roxie is the sister from In Plain Sight (she's a blonde on that show). The brown hair threw me off. :lol:
Hodgins saying baby to Cam reminded me of when he did that to Brennan. :lol:
Carolyn! We've missed you!
"This is about to get medival." :lol:
"Great! Someone I understand less than you." :lol:
Kabuki ghoul :lol:
:lol: at Booth not following Sweets' advice in the interrogation room.
"Oh, that changes everything." :lol: You think?
:lol: at Booth saying he was imagining Roxie and Angie together.
"Maybe now you can rescue the princess." :lol:
"I always wanted a sister." LMAO at Cam's expression.
"Some other color I have never seen before." haha
"That little Kabuki lady started screaming like you peed on the Mona Lisa." LMAO!
"I will think about it till my head explodes."
"This one's a keeper." :lol:
:lol: at Daisy trying to do Yoda. Not a very good impersonation there, hon.
I think the Kabuki lady killed the vic, but that's just me.
"Thanks, Carolyn. You're da bomb."
"Why is she a bomb?"
"No, da bomb." :lol: I wonder if Booth ever gets tired of having to explain things to Brennan. :lol:
"I'm not used to not understanding." haha.
Daisy cracked the skull. I can't believe she did that!
Hodgins: Bummer. :lol:
:lol: at Deluca hitting on Angela.
Booth: If you're gonna hit on Angel, do it with a little respect." :lol:
"Bones, you almost list my butt on fire!"
"Excuse me tiny, little woman."
"Yes?" :lol:
"Do you ever listen to yourself?" haha apparently not!
Flamming gas balls of fury. :guffaw:
Yep, I was right. Kabuki lady is the killer.
Jedi mind trick. :lol: Two Star Wars references in one ep. How cool! :lol:
"I'm totally shocked!" haha.
"Bravo Dr. Sweets." :lol:
:lol: at Daisy patting Sweets on the bottom. haha!
B&B's talk... awww... they know they belong together!