Birthday Wishes To LV Stars #2

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OOOOO Eric's bday!!!! *throws confetti and balloons*
If I could have sent him a bday present I would have sent something from Wisconsin, maybe even myself, but I doubt you mail a person :lol:
Rest of August & The September Birthdays

Marc Vann 08-23

Larry Sullivan (Officer Akers) 9-10
Louise Lombard 09-13
Aisha Tyler (Mia Dickerson) 9-18
Jerry Bruckheimer (Producer) 9-21
Teal Redmann (Ellie #2) 9-30

This is not for characters but for the real life actor/actresses, characters b-days should be done in their discussion threads. - For more info please see page/post one of this thread.
Happy birthday today to Marc Vann (a.k.a. Conrad Ecklie, the character you love to hate).

You might want to add Jessica Lucas (Veronica Lake), September 24, or wait to see if she stays around awhile.
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