Birthday Wishes To LV Stars #2

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A day late and a dollar short but nevertheless: Many happy returns of the day and all the best wishes to Eric Szmanda!
to you LAURENCE, the big 50. Thank's for giving us the pleasure of you presence for 2-1/2 seasons. Some of best episodes in CSI history. Besides the regular cast, you were the best character ever on the show. You brought class, style and elegance to the series. A total treat, thrill and honor to see you every week:thumbsup: your fans wished you could have stayed a bit longer, but the best of luck to you in future endeavors, and hope this day is filled with joy and happiness
Whoops, it seems I've missed a lot (mental note: check this thread more often) Happy very belated birthdays to Eric and Larry, best of luck with your future, Fishburne, although I wasn't a fan of Langston, I am a fan of you, so, I look forward to seeing you in a role that suits you in the near future.

(another mental note: actual notes work better)
Though she is not with the show anymore (a shame...with hopes of a return someday) birthday greetings go out to Liz Vassey. :)
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