Bigger than the both of us.

This is going to be the last chapter of this particular story. I feel that it has run it's course and is due to end. I can't really take it any further than the end of this chapter. So, I will end it here. However, don't worry my fellow CatNip fans. I'm already working on a follow up story to this one. What's it going to be about? Hmmmm, is there a clue to it somewhere in this story? Possibly, read on and as always please review if you enjoyed the story.

Nearly six months have passed since Nick was rescued. Catherine and Nick continued their relationship. Mostly in secret, but as all secrets do, their's eventually came out. In the most unexpected of ways. They had planned a small wedding. To be attended by only the closest of family and friends.

It was held one Saturday in May. It was the perfect day for a wedding. The morning dawned bright and sunny. Catherine had slept at her house alone. Something that she rarely did these days. Her bed felt huge and lonely without Nick beside her. After today though, they would be together forever. Just the thought of spending the rest of her life with Nick made Catherine smile like a schoolgirl.

She jumped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom to get ready. She had just gotten out of the shower when her cell phone rang. She picked it up and cursed silently. It was Grissom, "What on Earth could he want. It's my day off for pete's sake!" For the briefest of seconds, she thought about ignoring him, but she knew that wouldn't work. He would keep calling until she answered and she would never get any peace.

So against her better judgment, she answered the phone. "Hi Gil. What's up?"

"I need you to help with a 419 at the Tangiers."

Catherine groaned inwardly and said to Grissom, "Can't Sara or Warrick take this one? I'm not feeling very well today."

"They are both busy with other cases. I need you Catherine."

She groaned out loud this time and said, "I csn't come in Gil. I meant it when I said that I'm not feeling well."

With that she hung up the phone and muttered, "I'll be damned if he is going to interrupt this wedding."

With that Catherine got ready for her and Nick's big day. Soon the guests started arriving. Finally it was time for them to walk down the aisle. Catherine looked stunning in her wedding gown. Nick was equally handsome. What neither of them realized was that Grissom was standing off in the shadows watching everything.

After the vows were exchanged, Catherine and Nick went to cut the cake. It was then that they noticed their unexpected wedding guest. Catherine's mouth went dry and she felt like she was going to be violently ill. Grissom looked at them and asked, "So, you are sick Catherine?"

Catherine was going to answer that questions, but was suddenly overcome with a major wave of sicknness. She ran and left Nick to explain.

"Uh hi Grissom."

"Nick. Care to explain what's going on here?"

"Well, Catherine and I have been a couple for nearly two years now Gris."

It was then that Grissom smiled as he wathed Catherine come back to rejoin her new husband. Grissom looked at her and said, "I expect you to be up front with Ecklie."

They both agreed and smiled as they watched him leave. They were truly blessed. They were rich in love and together they could do anything...
I think I figured it out. Your going to write a sequel with Cath being pregnant, aren't you?? *crosses fingers* I hope I'm right anyways. Bring it on, Chelle! :D *hugs*
Man your good!! Anyway, I am working on it and the other one that I sent you the link to today.

Stay tuned.