Bigger than the both of us.

Catherine was strangely quiet. She turned away from Nick and for a brief moment he swore that he saw tears in her eyes. He was confused about her reaction to his question. He’d been so sure that she was as crazy about him as he was about her. What really shocked him most was when she got up from the table and ran out of the restaurant. He was silent as he watched her walk out into the night. He reached into his back pocket and took out his wallet. Throwing enough money onto the table for the bill and the tip, he walked out after her. He found her sitting on a bench. It was apparent to him that she was crying. He was confused and upset about her reaction to his marriage proposal. He was quiet for what seemed like an eternity while he sat next to her. He tried to reach over and hold her, but she pushed him away. Finally he couldn’t stand the silence any longer and asked, “What’s wrong Cath?”

Catherine shakes her head and gets up and walks to the car. She can’t talk to Nick right now. Truthfully, she has no idea why she’s having this reaction. She loves Nick more than she has ever loved anyone. She climbs inside and shuts the door before Nick can say anything and she drives off. Leaving Nick standing in the parking lot with a confused and hurt look on his face.

The next day Catherine and Nick see each other in the hallway of the station. They pass each other and say nothing. They are like strangers passing in the night. Each is lost in their thoughts. Catherine walks into the locker room and is surprised to see that Nick is already there. He looks at her but says nothing. She knows that he is hurt and wants and explanation of what happened last night. She sighs and walks over to him and motions for him to walk with her into the break room.

“I owe you an explanation for last night.”

Nicky was quiet and let her continue. Finally she reached out to him and touched his shoulder and continued. “You took me completely by surprise Nick. It was the last thing I expected and…”

“Do you love me Cath?”

Catherine smiled sadly and told him, “With all my heart.”

“Why do I hear a “but” in there?”

She sighed sadly and shook her head. She finally whispered, “I swore that I would never get married again. After Eddie…”

It was then that Nick interrupted her, “I’m nothing like Eddie. If that’s what you think then you don’t know me at all Cath.”

Catherine watched as he walked angrily out of the break room. He slammed the door behind him and walked away from her without saying another word. She walked toward the locker room and heard him slamming the door to his locker. She wished she knew how to make him understand how she felt. Yes, she did love him and yes, she knew that he was nothing like Eddie. She knew that her explanation fell far short of what Nick wanted. No what Nick deserved. She knew that she owed him a better explanation. But how could she explain her feelings when he couldn’t even stand being in the same room with her anymore.

They met the others in the break room to get their assignments. Nick and Catherine were paired up, much to Nick’s disappointment. He would’ve much rather been paired up with anyone else. He grabbed the keys to his Denali and walked out the door. Catherine had to practically run to keep up with him. She finally reached the passenger door and waited for him to unlock it. Once inside she looked at him and asked, “Can we talk about this Nick?”

“What is there to talk about? I think you said everything there was to say.”

Catherine groaned and yelled, “Would you please stop being so damn stubborn and listen to me!!”

Nick rolled his eyes and said sarcastically, “What could you have to say that I would want to listen to?”

“I’m sorry for walking out on you last night. It was wrong. I should’ve talked to you instead of driving off.”

Nick simply looked at her and asked, “Why?”

Catherine shrugged and told him, “I’m scared. I know that it’s crazy, but Eddie hurt me terribly and I swore that I would never let anyone do that to me ever again.”

“How many times do I have to tell you, I’m nothing like Eddie. If you can’t get past that, then I guess we have nothing else to say to each other.”

They arrived at the crime scene and had to cut the conversation short. However, as they were getting out of the vehicle there was no mistaking the look of disgust that Nick threw her way as he was getting out of the Denali. She sighed and opened the door and got out and started processing the scene…

A/N What does the future hold for our favorite couple? Will Nick be able to forgive Catherine? Will they be able to work things out? Stay tuned for the next chapter.
come on chelly, give Lynny the ficcie, you know you wanna!! update again soon ok? You're doing great!
You got to hurry with the story. This is interested. I wondering if Nick will get hurt by the suspect return to the scene or Catherine get hurt by the suspect return to the scene. Hurry up.
(Forgot to mention that this story takes place before, during and after "Grave Danger"> I feel that was a turning point in Cath and Nick's relationship. Sorry it took so long. I've been writing and rewriting. This chapter has proven to be harder to write than I thought it would be. I think it was worth the wait though... As always, I hope you like it.)

Catherine and Nick walked around the crime scene and only spoke to each other when it was absolutely necessary. Finally Catherine had had enough. She pulled Nick aside and told him, "We need to talk about this Nick. I..."

"We have work to do Catherine." With that he turned around and walked back to the Denali. Catherine looks at him and mutters, "Damn stubborn man."

Nick decides to get a ride back to headquarter with one of the policemen. He gives Catherine a short wave and she has to resist the urge to flip him off. She got into the Denali and drove back to headquarters. Silently cursing Nick and the way he was acting lately.

Things continued along this path for nearly two months. Catherine and Nick only talked about work and even then it was just brief snippets of conversation. Nothing more than work was discussed. It seemed like both of them were determined to avoid the real issues.

Things had gotten so bad that Catherine decided to transfer to another station, in another city. Nick found out about it and confronted her.

"What's this I hear about you transferring? Running away Catherine?"

Catherin shook her head and said, "Just need a change of scenery. Plus, I'm tired of trying to talk to you and getting nowhere. It's frustrating."

"Your running away from me Cath. You know you love me, but you won't face the real issue. You know that you love me and that I love you. I'll always be with you Cath. No matter how far away you run, you won't escape the fact the you know you love me too."

With that Nick walked out of the room and left Catherine alone. With nothing but the radio to listen to.

Enrique Iglesis- Escape
You can run, you can hide, but you can't escape my love

Here's how it goes
You and me, up and down
But MAYBE this time we'll get it right
Worth a fight
'Cause love is something you cant SHAKE
When it breaks (When it breaks)
All it takes is some tryin'

If you feel like leaving
I'm not gonna BEG YOU TO stay
'Cause soon you'll be finding
You can run, you can hide
But you can't escape my love
You can run, you can hide
But you can't escape my love

So, if you go
You should know (you should know)
It's hard to just forget the past
So fast
It was good (it was good)
It was bad but it was real
And that's all you have
In the end our love matters (Oh no no no yeah)

If you feel like leaving
I'm not gonna BEG YOU TO (I won't BEG YOU TO stay)
Cuz soon you'll be finding
You can run, you can hide
But you can't escape my love
You can run, you can hide
But you can't escape my love

(You can run, you can run)
(You can hide, you can hide)
But you can't escape my love (my love)

You can run (you can run)
You can hide (you can hide)
But you can't escape my love

Here's how it goes
All it takes is some tryin' (Baby you can run)

If you feel like leavin'
I'm not gonna beg you to stay (I won't beg you to stay)
Cuz soon you'll be finding (you'll be finding)
You can run, you can hide
But you can't escape my love (Can't escape my love)

If you feel like leavin'
I'm not gonna beg you to stay (You can't escape my love)
Cuz soon you'll be finding
You can run, you can hide,
But you can't escape my love

You can run
You can run
You can run (Baby you can run, baby you can hide)
You can run (But you can't escape my love)
You can run (Baby you can run, baby you can hide)
You can run (But you can't escape my love)
You can run (Baby you can run, baby you can hide)
You can run (But you can't escape my love)
You can run
You can run

You can run, you can hide
But you can't escape my love

You can run, you can hide
But you can't escape my love

Catherine might have left if fate hadn't intervened and put Nick's life in danger. She had just finished clearing out her desk, when word came that Nick had been kidnapped. At first she thought it was a joke. Then the box came and she realized that this was no hoax. It was a nightmare that she so desperately wanted to wake up from...
Catherine remembers standing in the room watchine Nick on the screen. She thought and hoped that she was having a bad dream. Then the demand for the ransom came. She knew the second that it came in, the city wouldn't pay it. They never did. So, she did the first thing she could think of. She went to Sam.

She felt like a hyprocite doing it. She'd had a on again off againg relationship with him ever since she found out she was his daughter. If it had been anyone else, she wouldn't have lowered herself to that level. But this was Nicky and she wasn't going to let anything happen to him. Even if he hated her, because of the was she'd treated him and his marriage proposal. She cried the entire way over to Sam's casino.

True to form, Sam hadn't made it easy on her. Nothing him ever was. She knew that it would be torture asking him for one million dollars. God, if there had been any other way. But she knew that she alone held the key to Nicky's getting out safely.

So, she'd asked. No asked isn't quite the right word. Begged and pleaded is more like it. She knew that Sam was curious about her tenacity. Although he didn't say anything, she was sure that he knew something about their relationship. More than any of their co-workers did. Not hard considering how they had been acting towards each other lately.

When she got back to headquarters, she threw the duffle bag containing the money that Sam gave her on Grissom's desk. He looked at her questioningly. He gave her some lip about how it would look since the money was from Sam. Frankly she didn't really care and she told him so. Grissom simply looked at her and smiled. Did he know or suspect the relationship Cath and Nicky shared? She didn't think so. They had been careful to keep it hush hush.

When word came that the only suspect had blown himself to kngdom come, Catherine thought she was going to fall apart. She was convinced that the man had taken the secret of Nick's whereabouts to the grave with him. She thought her knees were going to give out on her.

Then through some good luck and Sara's smarts, they discovered where he was buried. They got to him in time top save him.

They rushed him to the hospital. He was in intensive care for nearly two weeks. She stayed by his side every moment that she could. He was barely conscious and didn't really speak to anyone. His mom and dad came to visit, but it was clear they weren't comfortable with their son being in the hospital. so they left almost as quickly as they had come.

Catherine will never forget the day that they told her he was awake and talking. She rushed to the hospital and waited outside. The doctor smiled at her and told her, "You can go in and see him for two minutes."

She nodded and walked into his room. She smiled as she walked closer to his bed. He looked much better than he had when they first brought him to the hospital. She leaned over so that he could see her face. He blinked a few times and finally said, "Your here."

She nodded and said, "I've been here almost as much as I've been home."


It was a simple question. Why had she spent so much time with him. She claimed that she was afraid to love him, but in the past two weeks something had become very clear to her. She loved him and couldn't live without him. The big question was, could he forgive her for the way she had treated him?

When she answered him, it was from the bottom of her heart and made Nicky smile, "I'm here, because I've realized that I love you. I can't fight it and I can't deny it. I won't say that I'm not scared, but I trust you Nick. Can you ever forgive me for being so childish?"

Nick looked at her and said...

(Cliffhanger time. What is Nick going to say? Hmmmm. Well, I won't keep you guys waiting too long, if I get a few reviews... LOL!)
(I had a sudden creative streak today. Hope you enjoy the latest chapter.)

Nick replied weakly, "If you can forgive me for being so stubborn."

She looked down at him with tears in her eyes. She leaned down and kissed him. It was a sweet kiss. Something told her that Nick truly was the one for her. She felt it in her heart. Sure, things wouldn't be perfect, but she would work at it. She knew one thing was certain, Nick would never knowingly hurt her. She had to trust him with her heart.

She pulled away from him and said softly, "Nick. Ask me again."

Nick laughed softly and told her, "I don't have the ring and..."

"Nick? Just ask me before I change my mind." She laughed at the expression on his face. She leaned in so that her face was inches from his. She wanted to kiss him again, but he cleared his throat and said, "Catherine Willows, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. Trust me to take care of your hear and happiness. Will you marry me?"

Catherine nodded her head and we see the tears threatening to spill over. Her voice is thick with emotion as she tells him, "Yes Nicky. I will give you my heart and I will marry you!"

Catherine leans over and kisses him. She laughs and tells him, "You still owe me that ring Mr."

Nick laughs and they kiss as the scene ends.

( I know it's pretty short, but I had to end it here because the next chapter is going to be good. More soon I promise!)