Big Brother 8 USA "NO SPOILERS"

Dannielle is gonna win the POV I don't think that Dannielle willl vote to get her dad out of the house, so Jameka is gone,
You know for as harsh and brazen that Dick was he made it to the final four. He should have been evicted long ago but like many times before the wild player almost always makes it to the end. I think he has played the game. Danielle rode on his coattails but also played both sides. Between those two they were hard to beat during the game. Jamecka played for everyone else and really never made any plays that got her here. She raised spirtuality up in the house but unless she wins the final HOH she will not make it to the end. Zach did not start playing until a few weeks ago, gosh I almost forgot he was in there. I personally would like to see Dick win. In my opinion if anyone can get away with being the most obvious threat and not getting evicted should win.
Well Danielle won the POV and Jameka was evicted. They are currently playing for the HOH. IT is in three parts.
Well Zach won the first round, which put Dick and Daniele up against eachother in the second round. Dick did a fantastic job on that competition, compared to Daniele, and went on to challenge Zach for HoH.
When it came to the mental competition.. Dick kicked butt :lol: And, of course, Zach was evicted. Leaving Dick and Daniele as the Final Two.

I'm really excited to see the reactions of all the houseguests, when Julie reveals the "America's Player" twist!! As for who is going to win.. it really could be either or.. but I think it will be Daniele.
Well you know Amber and Jameka will not pick Dick.

After watching the recap show last night though you have to wonder how he got to the end with all that crap he said and pulled. He played the game!
Well.. it's official! Congratulations to Dick Donato on winning Big Brother 8!!
With the help of America, Dick was able to win by a vote of 5-2:
Jameka and Jen voting for Daniele;
Eric, Jessica, Zach, Dustin and Amber voting for Dick.
I'm serious surprised, but I'm not. Congrats to Dick for winning, best part of the season is when Eric had to mimic Dick, the part when they were eating cereal was the greatest, I laughed so hard at the part. it was great.
I was completely sure that Daniele would win but I was just thinking in terms of who the jury liked more. They instead chose to vote for who they thought played the game better and I guess in a twisted way it was Dick. I don't agree with a lot of the choices he made, but like they said they both won. I loved when everyone found out about America's Player. That was awesome