Big Brother 8 USA "NO SPOILERS"


Ok mods I tried searching but only found the UK thread. So hopefully I didn't miss this thread somewhere and if there isn't one well then here we go.

Ok this show started about a two weeks ago and finally getting to know everyone. There has been a eviction already and that was Carol. And this weeks HOH is Jen. More info here

Now I am not happy with Jen still being in the house as she is just way to obsessed with herself.

My likeable players right now are Amber, Mike and for some reason Evil Dick.

Ones that should go Joe, Jen and Jessica.

So for those of you not watching yet the twist this year was to have a few housemates that don't get along and they are

Danielle and Dick (daughter and dad)
Joe and Dustin (ex-boyfriends)
Jessica and Carol (high school best friends, Carol was evicted last week)

The other twist is that there is a American Player who is Eric. And we get to vote to tell him what to do. And he gets money if he completes the task. Right now he is supposed to convince Jen to put up Jessica. She put up Danielle and Dick but there is still the veto competion.

Anyone else?
I love Dick and Eric. I was so excited when I found out Eric was going to be America's Player. I love him so much. I don't even know why, but every season I find someone to crush on. I don't like Jessica at all. Or Joe. He starts so much drama in the house. I feel bad for poor Dustin. I like him too.
I love this season!

My favorites right now are Dick, Danielle, Nick and Amber. I really hope they do well.

And I've been watching 'Big Brother After Dark' on Showtime. Much different than the regular show. :lol:
I have to say, that there have been better seasons.. but I like the twist on this one.
my fav players: Eric, Daniele, Jameka, Dustin, Dick
players that gotta go: JEN, Jessica
I was so frustrated when Jen won HoH - cause she was really the only person who everyone wanted gone.. but she couldn't go home! But, I'm glad that Joe left the house instead of Dick.. because I think there is so much more that Dick can do in that house. Thankfully, Dick is HoH this week. I LOVE DICK! He says what he feels, and he means it :lol:
So now that Mike is gone, and Dustin has HoH, who do you think he'll nominate?! I can probably say for sure that it won't be Amber :lol:
I'm really glad that Dustin won HoH.. becuase he can target the stronger side of the house. That way, he an possibly take out say Zach or Nick. or.. Kail :lol:
Also, I was kind of surprised at that little bit of Jen's life that was shared! You would never guess that she is highly educated :lol: She definitely puts up a good "dumb" front!
And Eric. Oh Eric :lol: I love Eric! He is THE BEST America's Player!! He has the best facial expressions, and is SO good at lying!!
So Dustin nominated Kail and Jen.

Personally I would like to see Jen go because if she doesn't soon she might just slide her way to the win.

I think it is funny that everyone thinks Jen or Nick voted for Kail to go even though it was Eric and Zach that voted for her to go.

And Amber does that woman never quit crying. She seems a little too emotional.
Well, Nick was sent packing last night. So sad. :( I thought for sure Kail was gonna go after Eric tried to pursue everyone into voting her out. :rolleyes:
I want to see Jen go, I can't stand her, and Nick is gone, :(, oh well. Evil Dick can win, I love him, and his daughter, i didn't like her at first, but she grew on me.
I am happy Danielle won HOH. Nominees are Jen and Kail (supposed to be the pawn again) I think Danielle wants Eric out but she says it will be a shocker at the veto competion so I have no idea if she wants someone else out.
Danielle won HOH! Awesome!

And I Laughed, SO hard when that banner flew across the BB house. Eric is in some deep doo-doo. :p
Yeah I thought that BB was prohibiting banners because in the first or second season that became a major problem. And as for Eric he is in a hard situation because he has to do what America tells him so it puts him out in the open now. He tried really hard to convince Dick that he was loyal but Dick just didn't buy it. Personally I think Dick is pretty smart--he can really read a person and tells it like it is. I hope he makes it to the end and either him or Danielle wins this game.

And does anyone else agree that Amber has to be the most emotional player--does that girl ever quit crying?
Wow! I was so impressed with Eric when Dick was yelling at him! He held his own! - personally, if Dick were yelling at me that way.. I'd be huddling in a corner :lol: Go Eric!

I'm really glad that Daniele won HoH - she SO deserves it. As for her nominees.. no surprise there :lol: Although, I think she's got a plan to backdoor Eric :( Maybe everyone should be smart and stop letting Kail get further and further into the game. ?! She's been slipping by every time, but she NEEDS to go!
I think everything depends on who wins PoV on Tuesday. And ya.. Amber never stops crying!!!