Beyond Imagination: Back Online

It's true, people. :lol: Erica does delete a lot of caps. I sent a little over 700 for Friends and Lovers and 430 made it onto the site. :lol: But that's okay - high standards are what make the site so awesome. ;)

Thanks again for letting me cap them, Erica!
lol and THANK YOU for taking your time capping for the site, Chloe. :)

I've got hi-res caps from Empty Eyes on the site. Feel free to check the caps or get the zip file right here. :D
4ENSIX awesome caps love the LV shots in Unfriendly skies.

Love the hhuuuuggge Empty Eyes caps Erica thanks! Were you able to capture the janitor in the end scene? lol!
Now Big Shots caps are online. :)

Also, just for the old times, we provide you with Who Are You? caps, too.

Many thanks to 4ENSIX aka Chloe for the latter. You're a doll. :D

Rissa, no I didn't cap the janitor at the end of EE. Didn't know she'd become so important. :lol:

(Edited to correct the spelling of C-h-l-o-e. lol shuddup. :D)
No, no, Erica, you are a doll. :p That was so fast with those Big Shots caps! Thanks so much - I can't wait to make good use of them. :) (You typo'd my name :lol:)

(Edited to thank E-r-i-c-a for correcting the spelling of my name :lol:)
wow that was fast zsa told me you found a utt moment in big shots, lol... and thanks for the huge greg caps yay!
awesome who are you caps too chloe i cant believe i am not able remember that scene where grissom drew a gun.. must watch that epi again
^ Tee hee. You know me. I can always find utt moments from any episode, especially when it's Cath. :D But tell me, which cap were you talking about lol.

Yeah when I saw those caps I was like "wow I don't even remember Grissom had ever drawn his gun". Time flies and things change, huh? :lol:
Haha, if there's one thing I've learned in my extensive :)rolleyes:) career as a capper, it's that you certainly get to know an episode. :lol:
Ohkay...I finally uploaded the Lab Rats caps. I didn't think there would be many caps since the main cast only had mere screen time in this episode, but I caught so many funny faces and UTT moments and those were so hilarious. :lol: