Best / worst profession.

Best: FBI Agent or regular police detevtive

Worst: Garbage Man or Farmer. They both stink really bad. I mean literally stink.
beautiful_loser said:
See, that'll keep me away from being a farmer...that and having chilren....seriously, you had to shove the woumb back in there?

Yes... until the vet arrived. It was icky, I must admit andthankfully I hadn't eaten any breakfast. But if it slips out, not much hope for the cow :rolleyes:
The worst profession; Rubbish picker at Glastonbury festival- on Monday morning after the festival there was so much rubbish in front of the pyramid stage that the field looked (a muddy) white or whoever cleans the porta-pottys after Glasto, they are normally disgusting but last year they got flooded as well so they were even more icky.
worst: physician's assistant. It's really hard work, bearing a lot of responsibility. It's the second worst paid job here. Everybody lets his frustration out on them. They were blamed for everything that went wrong in the surgery. And nobody/ or only the minority give them some respect.

best: to have enough money to do whatever you want. (I would love that)
Best: Professional traveller. That may not be the correct name but I know people who get paid to travel the world and report their findings and sightings. Gawd, who wouldn't love to receive money for going to different countries! Hell, I'd go to Greece or anywhere else for free.

Worst: Dentist. Seriously, who enjoys going to their dentist? I hate having them put their latex hands in my mouth and I dislike it when they drill my teeth. Honestly, having a people like you with a career as a dentist is hard. I cancel my appointments just so I don't have to see them. I think choking on a piece of cardboard when I was getting my x-rays done & nearly dying when I was a young child has made me feel that being a dentist is the worst job out here.
jorja_fan86 said:
Worst: Dentist. Seriously, who enjoys going to their dentist? I hate having them put their latex hands in my mouth and I dislike it when they drill my teeth. Honestly, having a people like you with a career as a dentist is hard. I cancel my appointments just so I don't have to see them. I think choking on a piece of cardboard when I was getting my x-rays done & nearly dying when I was a young child has made me feel that being a dentist is the worst job out here.

omg totally on the dentist part. I have this super fear of needles (super as in I close my eyes when someone is getting an injection in a movie) I could never ever stick a needle into somebody's gums. I cringed just typing that.
*raises hand* I like going to the dentist.. well I am dentally challenged so I do think I'm used to all of it.. heh when I was at the dental surgeon (because the dentist couldn't do anything about it anymore hah) I got this really cool anaesthetic and it made me laugh about literally everything :lol: I think my surgeon was like :rolleyes:
travel reporter/reviewer - all those free hols, id do it any day

abatoir worker, secretary, human waste collecter eg hospital stuff, std clinic worker
best: nurse...coz basically I'm taking it ;)....not just because its in demand or the money, but you get to help people, your with them like 24/7, but its not easy to be a nursing student... :cool:

worst: politician...coz you are very near to temptation and your life is at risk
Maybe if Dick Cheney comes after you with a gun. :p

Best: Police officer. (I've always wanted to be one so HA. And you get to help people..And maybe then your life would be at risk. That's not necessarily a good thing but it ain't no politician.)

Worst: Garbage man. That's not even slightly fun nor interesting. Who wants to pick up someone's garbage for them? Well hey someone has to do it...Just not me.
I don't know about the best profession but I have an idea of the worst one. I was watching a documentary the other night (last night?) about people who go in and clean up after a body has been found that might have been there for a week or more. My mum was gagging just watching it. That's gotta be the worst.