Best Ship - Slash!

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Too many excellent choices here... I'm torn! :D
I heart all slash ships, but since I'm forced (hmph!) to choose only one...

The LOVE!!! :devil:
Catherine/Sara. These girls are so great together!
Sara is my fav character en Catherine my least fav, so for me, I always like Catherine more when Sara is with her.
So much to chose from, but my OTP have to be Cath/Sara. Just love those two characters and there's more than enough subtext for me to be able to ship them.

Is it just me or does slash work exceptionally well on CSI?
greg/nick and catherine/sara are both really hot, had to go with greg nick though, only cause ive read more fics for that ship.
*hears singing* Can you feel the LOVE tonight ?
Why yes, Elton, I can. Not only tonight, but also tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow, and the day after the day after tomorrow and the day after ...
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