Best Ship - Slash!

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Nick/Greg all the way. :)

And they're my favorite pairing in general, not just slash... too bad it wasn't on the other poll.
Raven, we're all alone is this horrible pool of the Love...OMG! Though, seeing as they are both hot, it might not be so bad.
It's all about The Love ;)

I'm going to have to say, I voted for the love.

They're just too cute not too.
Yeah baby, I'm feeling it too, Feeling That Love


Really, is there anyone two cuter together or what

I voted for THE LOVE of course (how could the other thread poll forget about slash ships. ) oooh, and what about crossover ships. Second to THE LOVE in my books is Greg and Ryan (So freaking hot).
I picked Sara/Sofia, even though I don't really like non-hetero ships, because they have a very little possibility to come true.
But Sara/Sofia would be cool! :D
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