Best Episode List

I like "Nailed" for basically the same reason's you do, Heather, but also because of the "new friendship between two so-called enemies".

I think that epi has one of my favey endings because it just really is a touching scene! :D

as soon as i commit to 3 i'm going to change my mind...but here we go:

1. Freaks and Tweaks--because i like it when things go 'boom' and a pissed off H is always a plus
2. Money for Nothing--for the opening scene alone...
3. Under Suspicion--see part two of number one :D
CaaleighSpeedle, i agree with you!!! all the epps with Speed.......duh....i think it's a bit obvious due to my name icon and siggy :D all except for Lost Son!!!

you know what???? i don't have a fav ep!!!! i love them all!!!!! well not all. only a few i didn't like they are Lost Son, Nailed, and Man Down....well i kinda like Nailed up intil Ryan gets shot and i liked after he gets out of the hospital...i just don't like it during the parts where he's in the hospital with that huge nail in his eye :( Man Down because it made me sad to see Eric nearly die!!! and Lost Son i dislkied the most for obvious reasons!!!! i so didn't like the way Rory was written off!!!! *pouts and blames the damn writers*
1. Body Count
2. Cross Jurisdictions
3. Dispo Day
4. Nailed
5. Under Suspicion
6. Rush
7. Lost Son- except for where Speed gets written out, I mean, I loved the plot and the case and how it was a kidnapping

I like most episodes, but these were just bombers.