Best Episode List

My top 3 are all from S3

1.lost Son
2.crime Wave

other ep's as followers Dispo Day Grave Young Men Blood Brothers Hurricane Anthony Whacked From The Grave Felony Fligth/MM Nailed NY/MiaNon-stop and the last from S4
Big Brother
Hurricane Anthony
Blood Brothers

Also, Witness To Murder, Simple Man, Nothing To Lose, Pro Per and Body Count are right up there. :)
1. Nailed
2. Curse of the Coffin
3. Driven
4. Shootout
5. Identity
6. Urban Hellraisers
7. Silencer

Oh no. Not the dreaded 'top three'! I can get the first two all right, but when it comes to picking that coveted third spot, it inevitably turns into a gladiator arena.

1. Lost Son
2. Big Brother
Then in no particular order: 10-7, Rampage, Innocent, Pro Per, Blood Brothers, Under Suspicion, Body Count & Dispo Day.
we an only pick 3? wow thats hard umm i would have to say:
1)Body Count
2)Nothing to Lose

ok thats not final i cant make up my mind lol
My top 3 episodes would probably be:

1. Death Eminent
2. Cop Killer
3. Nailed

I also like Under the Influence, Legal, Deviant, One Night Stand, Wannabe, and From the Grave.
My favey's!!!

~Curse Of the Coffin
~Death Eminent

Oh, and "Silencer"!

Prob alot more, but cannot think of them at the moment. :lol:

*sigh* Over 100 episodes and we can only choose three? OK...

1. Nailed
2. Curse of the Coffin
3. Three Way

I love it when I can laugh, and while most episodes I laugh at, (mainly because of H's one liners) those 2 (nailed not included) made me fall off my couch laugh. ESPECIALLY Curse of the Coffin.

Nailed I love, because it was Ryan centric, but also it was our FIRST (mostly) Ryan centric episode, and the sarcasm in it.
"If you mention Delko time ever again, you're going to need to rent a room in this place."
"Fair enough."
Love it. :D