beard or no beard for grissom ???

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Adzix said:
okey, i know i may be the only person who loves that guy without the beard, but hell. i adore him with the beard but i voted for without. as i do always :D but the formalities beard was truly OMG!

oh and i think there is a very similar thread already somewhere ;)
OK your not the only one that loves him without a beard...I loooooove beardless Grissom/Billy.(I mean just look at your icon....*drools*).
But I prefer Grissom with a beard. He's hot anyway so if he doesn't have a beard next season..well we get to see his chin!!

BTW-You banners just get better and better(and hotter and hotter....)
he would look totally weird without the beard wouldnt he!!

awwww bless him.... if he does this thing with the theatre then he may have to shave it off and then the question is can he be bothered to grow it again???
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