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Congrats to the Boston Red Sox, 2007 World Series Champions! :D

And congrats to Mike Lowell, World Series MVP!
I shall share in congratulating the Red Sox in their win. Obviously they were the stronger team of the two and was more determined to go "ALL THE WAY!" And congrats to all that received awards in the various categories. *applauds*
Congratulations to the Boston Red Sox on winning the 2007 World Series. As painful as it is for me to say it, being a Yankee fan, the Red Sox were by far the best team this year, and deserved to win, and the way their team is set up, expect them to keep winning for the next few years, as most teams aren't anywhere near as good of a team as they are right now, and hopefully the Yankees can catch up in about 3 years.

And, yes, I am so happy that A-Fraud is finally gone. Although what he and Scott Bora$ did was very classless. It showed that A-Fraud thinks he is bigger than the game itself, and stole the spotlight from the World Series and the Red Sox, who deserve the spotlight. I feel that with this dark cloud finally past us, we can actually start winning in the playoffs again (pending a better bullpen). A-Fraud, good bye and good riddance.
Exit 8A said:

And, yes, I am so happy that A-Fraud is finally gone. Although what he and Scott Bora$ did was very classless. It showed that A-Fraud thinks he is bigger than the game itself, and stole the spotlight from the World Series and the Red Sox, who deserve the spotlight.

I agree with you on this one. I've never heard A-Rod referred to as A-Fraud but I like it. I've never liked A-Fraud's attitude to baseball, I'm the best so I should be paid the most. He may have been good but I've never thought of him as the best. I will truly loose respect for the team that does sign him particularly if they don't force him to take a pay cut. I don't think anyone is worth $25millon a year.
Jacquie said: All I can say is good luck with the Steinbrenners
Well ya gotta admit, aleast the only part of the name they have to change is well the last, since both Joe T. & Joe G. share the first name. Also the other players no longer have the opps factor of calling him by another name. Hmm :D
I jsut heard on the sports that Grady Little has resigned as the manager of the Dodgers. The new manager is some guy named Joe Torre. I'm glad to see that Torre is not going to be out of baseball.

Little out, Torre in
Thanks for the link Jacquie...I agree that at least Torre isn't going to be out of baseball. I just watched him last Monday night on David Letterman...being coy with his future least now, we've got somewhat of an inkling of where he is going. Again, thanks Jacquie. :)
Exit 8A said:
Congratulations to the Boston Red Sox on winning the 2007 World Series. As painful as it is for me to say it, being a Yankee fan, the Red Sox were by far the best team this year, and deserved to win, and the way their team is set up, expect them to keep winning for the next few years, as most teams aren't anywhere near as good of a team as they are right now, and hopefully the Yankees can catch up in about 3 years.

As a Sox fan I thank you for that nice comment.

Makesme feel bad about someof the things I've said about the Yankess to you I say Peace man *offers hand*

I agree with what you all are saying about A-Rod's agent when I finally learned what he did I thought it was despicable, really did ruin the game.
Wow! It's nice to see Yankees and Red Sox fans co-existing peacefully in the same forum.. :) As another Red Sox fan, thanks exit 8A, for the kind words-it's much appreciated.

I too agree that Scott Boras is a scumbag for announcing A-Frauds free agency during game 7. I guess that proves what no class guy he is. The Yankees are better off without him.
For real??? A 2 year deal? wow, I thought they were saying he may have one season left physically because he's getting that is great news. He's a solid all 'round good guy. Someone to count on in the dugout. I'm sure if he had his way, he'd try to play!
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