Roos, you're cool without naming your instruments.. no Jorja fan is uncool!!
So many clarinet players, hey? I always wanted to play flute in hs band and when they gave me clarinet instead I felt kinda slighted.. it's nice to know that there are other talented clarinet players out there!
As for naming your instrument,
Mia, go with something you love/are obsessed with/ care about.. here's a rundown of mine:
Robin (guitar) and Angelica (guitar) were named after the two lead females in the movie "Six Days, Seven Nights" with Harrison Ford. I was majorly in love with Harrison at the time and particularly liked the character Angelica.. Robin came later.
Sid (guitar) was named for Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols.. I was in a Pistols phase at the time and in a punk band, so it seemed natural. My best friend and I ended up going as Sid and Nancy to our senior prom, so it was a good choice.
Holly (guitar) was named in part for Holly Golightly, the Breakfast at Tiffany's character, one of my favourite characters ever; in part for my good friend Holly, who was a wonderful muse and inspiration.
John and Gabriel (pianos) were named for John Williams and Gabriel Yared- two of my favourite movie score composers.
Rozalinda (flute) was named for Roz on Frasier, cause I adored that show at the time when I got her.
George (clarinet) was named for George Clooney, cause my 12 year old self thought the idea of having my mouth on an instrument named George was totally scandalous
Bob (drum) was named for Bob Marley, cause he just seemed so in synch with the idea of the bongo drum sound.