Are you/will you be watching S5 reruns?

Are you/will you be watching the S5 reruns?

  • Yes. I wouldn't miss an episode!

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • When I have time I'll be watching.

    Votes: 10 28.6%
  • If I don't have anything better to do I may catch an episode here and there.

    Votes: 17 48.6%
  • No way. I've got better things to do/watch.

    Votes: 2 5.7%

  • Total voters
yeah I'll deffo be watching Sex, Lies and Silicone again, the Danny/Flack scenes are priceless! And Yahrzeit was so moving, I've watched it about 10 times already. Although I'm annoyed about the finale. Why, why, why????
Overall, if you just removed the whole Danny/Lindsay storyline, IMO, it was brilliant. I liked it. :lol::)
Sex Lies & Silicone was on the other night and even though I knew the Danny/Flack was coming up I still laughed. That was such a great episode, all round. Gave us a little insight into just how committed and dedictaed Hawkes is to the job. Brill stuff.

The only thing that confused me was when they found Ann Steele's body it was night and then when the show started it was broad daylight, people were milling around and the body was still lying there. Wtf?
I'm in Europe right now so they are showing CSI: NY at 11:00 P.M on

weekends... Of course the jokes aren't the same with the translation.

But I get my Flack fix, I'm goood.
Sex Lies & Silicone was on the other night and even though I knew the Danny/Flack was coming up I still laughed. That was such a great episode, all round. Gave us a little insight into just how committed and dedictaed Hawkes is to the job. Brill stuff.

i was the same with the scene where flack and lindsey walk the dummy down the street and she pretends to be the woman dumped for a doll. i love that scene. one of lindsey's better moments!

The only thing that confused me was when they found Ann Steele's body it was night and then when the show started it was broad daylight, people were milling around and the body was still lying there. Wtf?

yeah, cos she died just around midnight they said, i didn't actually notice that at the time but i only watched it a day or two ago and now you mention it, you're right, it makes no sense at all!
I'll definately be watching Yarhzeit - I just loved all the emotion in that one; it made me cry so much - and Pay Up - loved how Eddie expressed all of Flack's emotions really well and believably. It was hard to see him that depressed though. The drive-by was...but I guess it was okay?

I think that's about it. Sad really.:(
AXN Asia has CSI Supreme Sundays where they show all three CSIs back to back to back. that's when i catch NY season 5. they're already on the 15th episode. it's like a first time showing of AXN, but for me it's sorta like a re-run since i follow the US airing time.
I'm going to try to watch some of the episodes. I missed probably half of the season the first time around and I need to catch up. But I almost always work Wednesday nights until 10, so it makes it a little hard.
I did when I found them all online, I think I still have the site bookmarks.

I went back and did the same thing for CSI Miami on the Japanese site, but not all the episodes.